
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Apple Picking Time

It's apple season here in the Northeast. Most of the area orchards are on the hillside and going strong. Our own little trees were plentiful and the deer and various wildlife have been enjoying the drops.


I finished off three more flimsies donated to our LQS for the flood victims drive.


Lyndell asked for blue/yellow or scrappy blocks - I combined them. They will be mailed out this morning - to Australia.

My next partner wanted Batiks and what I have fit in a shoe box - of course someone else had to 'fit' in the shoe box.

Here are the Batik log cabin blocks for Jen and headed to Pa. with morning mail.


Seems I am noticing bloggers pulling books for inspiration into the new season - so am I. Love the fall and the colors and possible projects. I found one in each of these books.


100 Quilts for Kids - see side button

Traveling Stash - box #1 is ready to move on so visit Barb for a look see with what she took and what she is adding into the box - oh, some real lovelies. She will draw on Saturday, Sept 24th.

Still 6 weeks left in Sew We Quilt - Wantobe campaign


I know - I don't bake! But it is apple time and you can only do so much applesauce!! So I am sharing a very easy Apple Cake recipe.


4 eggs
2 cups sugar
2 cups flour
4 tsp baking powder
1 cup chopped walnuts or pecans
1 cup golden raisins (I like to use cran-raisins)
3 tsp vanilla
1 cup oil
2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground ginger
2 cups fresh apples - peel, core, and chop apples, then dredge in sugar before using. (optional - can use one canned apple pie filling)

Preheat oven to 350°F degrees.
Combine eggs, sugar, vanilla and oil. Add flour, baking powder, cinnamon and ginger.
Fold in apples, raisins and nuts.
Turn into a greased and floured 9X13X2-inch pan for 1 hour or until done.
Servings: 12


A little red apple hung high in a tree.
I looked up at it and it looked down at me.
"Come down, please," I called.
And what do you suppose?
That little red apple dropped right on my nose!

(all my kids learned this in Kindergarten when going on apple picking field trip so I don't know the source)

***If someone could tell me what to do to fix blogger so I can preview post, thank you***

Sewingly Yours,


  1. once again Sharon a lovely post

  2. We picked 2 bushels last week and made our first batch of apple butter yesterday. It was so good. I just love cooking with apples.

    I do love fall colors for quilts too. Don't you?

  3. My daughter (in the northwest) made up her apple butter and then some pear butter too. Wish I lived closer to her so I could nab some for my breakfast toast! Down here in southern AZ we have to pick prickly pears if we want to can something.

    Love reading your posts...

  4. AS usual you are very busy !- but thinking of others as you do. Love the apple cake - I'm not much of a baker but will try this.

  5. That recipe looks like one I must try. What's apple butter though?

  6. Apple season reminds me of home! I will try this apple cake recipe of yours. It looks yummy! Thank you.

  7. I have decided you don't have time to sleep - with the projects you have going. Lovely post - and if I had answers about Blogger, I would be sooooo happy. What frustration they leave us with. Judy C

  8. Three beautiful quilts, Sharon! And I will have to try to adapt that yummy apple recipe to my low-carb ingredients! I wish I had answers for you on blogger....very exasperating sometimes!

  9. Great post Sharon, I love the quilts for donation.
    Thank you for the recipe, I am an apple lover. My DH drives a big rig for Hatfield meats up and down the east coast, he stopped in NY at a farm last week and bought me home a peck of Gala apples. Boy am I happy.

  10. Another great post, Sharon. Thanks for the link to the Traveling Stash. I hope to one day win one of the two that are out there.
    The flimsies and blocks your created are all beautiful. Aren't you lucky to have such a great helper.

  11. Such sweet donation quilts. Pretty blocks.
    Your little Bella is funny :D I enjoy pictures you post of her.
    Must try your apple cake. I LOVE apples.
    Have a good week :)

  12. Those donation quilts look great. The cake looks so yummy!!

  13. I usually don't bake either...why? well, not because I don't like to bake. It's because I would probably have to wear a T-shirt ALL the time that said "GOODYEAR" on the tummy!

    But, I have to admit your recipe for the applecake looks really good. No artificial stuff...just "real" ingredients.

    Cats in the Box...that would make a GREAT picture book. Cats do seem to like boxes.

    I LUV batiks!!


  14. OOOOOOOOH I love green apples. You have really been busy again. I thought you were going to slow down??? Cute Kitty.

  15. That apple cake looks good enough to eat! And I love your little cat-in-a-box!!

  16. I always love to see what you are up to! You keep plenty busy! I'm taking a bit of a break from bottling peaches. No apples on our trees this year. Maybe one more box of bottles will finish the peaches with a few to eat. Always glad to see the end of them! Apples here should be coming on soon! Love fresh from the tree apples and there are a few that sell them around here.

  17. I love your charity quilts - so unique! A fun post, and I can't wait to try that apple cake recipe....

  18. My goodness you've been busy! So many projects you've completed and I'm just mid-stream in 3 or 4. Oh well, soon I'll get them done. Thanks for the recipe! :) blessings, marlene

  19. Great post! The kitty pictures always get me too!

  20. When we lived in Maine we really enjoyed picking apples! Such wonderful memories :-) Thanks for reminding me! Someone is going to be so happy with those lovely quilts!

  21. I make the Wed nite meal once a month at church. This recipe will be nice to use next week as one of the desserts. Thanks.

  22. i took your recipe thanks! lovely blog. :)
