
Saturday, December 26, 2020

Best of 2020


For several years Cheryl has hosted the Best of 2020 with just a few rules and suggestions for selecting 5 posts from the year.  I decided to chose 5 that represent me as a quilter.

I had a lot of people confused with my 'goal' theme on the side bar.  I had collected a number of family fabric, patterns, and designs of various animals I felt it a good year to get to them.  AND it turned out to be a good way to deal with the stressful 2020 year.

There were large quilts of bears, moose, horses (and a Unicorn), cat theme fabric collection used up and these fun CHICKENS using up a lot of my homespuns.  There were smaller quilts of kitties, dogs, ostriches, triceratops and owls.  I still have a few animal quilts to make, but will save those for some'fun' days of quilting to ease any stress in 2021.

I love to participate in a lot of Blog Hops thru the year and 2020 saw almost one a month.  This was a really fun one and showed that even the simplest 'SQUARE" could make some great quilts.  The boxed square is a pattern I frequently use to eat up scraps and for making donation quilts.

This was the first year that I participated in OMG - one monthly goal - and it made for a lot of projects moved into the next phase and even pushed the envelope on getting a LOT of  quilts "quilted".  This one is special as it was a finish of one of my Mom's 'project in a bag' from 50 years ago.  

MY GUILD is a big part of my quilting and these people do so much for their communities from heart to hand.  We were so missing our gatherings due to lock down, that I called an outdoor social gathering once restrictions lifted.  Yes, we have some 'roosters' in our coop.  They enjoyed this so much that we decided to meet once a month thru the summer (we usually take the summer off) as outdoor social time and they were well attended.


Another blessing came from the Covid Lock Down - my daughter working from home finally had time to enjoy her quilting as well as teaching the next generation quilter.  This is my 5 yr. old grand daughter who loves scrappy and bright.   She even likes to design her own - maybe there's a book in the future?

Please be sure to visit the BEST OF 2020 link ups and even consider adding your own post.

Thank you for visiting,

Sewingly Yours,



  1. Great achievements made. Well done - at least COVID gave us more time to sew.

  2. You had a very successful 2020 quilting year. I love the chicken quilt.

  3. Thank you for sharing some of the bright spots of 2020. I enjoyed seeing your animal quilts unfold, but I think my favorite was the little house block quilt you made. It was happy and bright and a reminder that it's not so bad staying at home when things are out of our control in the real world.

  4. Bravo to a very productive 2020. If you have to be stuck at home, whether by pandemic or snowstorm, it's satisfying to have so many good things come out of it.

  5. Oh Sharon, you know you always inspire me. You are the energizer bunny of the quilting world. I always love seeing what your up to.

  6. Great quilts!
    And social distancing guild meetings have got to be the best! So fun to see people in person!

  7. Great quilts. Great idea for outside meeting and great teaching another generation the love of quilting

  8. Lovely post Sharon, happy memories.

  9. Your Chicken Gumbo quilt is a delight. Love the idea of starting the next generation of quilters off at a young age!

  10. I absolutely LOVE the fact that your 5 year old granddaughter is already making quilts!!!

  11. Love seeing your top 5! And how sweet is that to have a 5 yo following along in your footsteps.

  12. Fantastic finishes of 2020! Looking forward to see what 2021 has in store for you. Happy New Year!

  13. Well done with lots of lovely finishes. Take care.
