Thursday, April 30, 2020
Whooping Friday
Another LONG month has passed and I hope that May brings us lots more to look forward to. Hopefully drier,warmer weather will bless us. I look forward to flowers and even the bees.
I plan to keep working thru that plastic tote. Small projects with quick finishes. I'm using up the orphan blocks and block units first. These few double 4-patch blocks made a nice table topper.
Not sure if this was the original plan for these units, but another quick table topper made.
These units were pinned together with bits and pieces of left overs - not enough to stretch it so I added just a little bit of my own to finish up a small table runner.
Two sheets of Civil War samples and I have a plan for them. AND steady my heart! 1" strips sewn together for a 'little' bit of play.
Moe came to help with (rearranging) layout while I was chaining away. That's OK as I am giving him lots of extra attention as he is feeling pain. My poor Bella has been having more severe seizures and in poor health. We are keeping an eye on her, but Moe senses the possible loss of a dear friend - even if she did show him often that she was the BOSS.
Stay Safe and Healthy,
Sewingly Yours,
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
OMG - April 2020

I am using the OMG hosted by PATTY as encouragement to get a project to the next phase. It has been real helpful in getting to those older projects, but this time I advanced a new one. Please be sure to visit the link up to see what others have accomplished.
My goal was to assemble the Shoephopia by Kelli Fannin Quilt Designs to complete a flimsy. BUT, I went ahead and quilted and bound this cute little quilt. It finished 45" square for a colorful baby quilt.
I was on quite the 'colorful' quilt mode in April and even finished up the little Giraffes - pattern by Sew Fresh Quilts.
I was disappointed that I didn't get the big bear quilt or the Kaffe strip quilt quilted, but then realized that I finished three quilts earlier in the month - post HERE. And there were two more quilt flimsies made and added to the 'to be quilted' pile as well. So April was a good month.
Sewingly Yours,
Scrappy Wednesday
Today will be a play day. I have been slowly working thru this gifted tote and I need to play in it some more. Also, the sun is finally shining and I will be sure to get a walk or two in when I need a break.
First up, these block units were on top and I will dig thru to find a little more to make a table runner. Small projects are the task for the next few days. They will use up some of that cut off batting and left over backings.
With the cold, wind, and rain (snow) days we have had this April, my furkids have taken to napping in the guest bedroom. BUT, Moe discovered the just bound quilts and maybe it's more fun to annoy Mamma that he has found a new place to shed
Keep Smiling, be Safe, keep Healthy,
Sewingly Yours,
Monday, April 27, 2020
Monday Making
I forgot to link up with slow Stitching Sunday, but I did work more on my 'Corona Village' piece. The cornerstone hourglass blocks are left overs from a prior project I worked on during this 'pause'. I chose a quarter, nickle and dime for my size circles representing when my son and I took both our change jars to a coin machine - my there was a lot of money! The circles are hand applique'd - I want to use different techniques in this piece. And I used scraps of the Kaffe Jelly Roll that was used in the three baby quilts that were born during this shut down.
We are still on lock down until May 15th - three more weeks to add to this - hopefully that is all, but I doubt it.
And I pulled another machine out to play with. Hey, it's a good time to make sure they are all in working order. This Singer 347 is a work horse - and heavy. I stole her back from the class room to do some binding work and I may even try quilting on this. The feed dogs drop and it goes fast - should do the job on some of those smaller quilts.
I always just sit at a machine for 15 minutes and then take a break. My breaks will be gleening my FQ totes. Any thing small or strip will be cut down into the barrel system. There is a small pile on the ironing board to start with.
And we are still having snow here in the NorEast - good day to sew.
Stay Safe and Health,
Sewingly Yours,
Friday, April 24, 2020
Whooping Friday
All of the Sawtooth Stars are now done. A mix of black, blue, brown, purple, and pink.
I used the red and green in the ladder blocks. Now there is no stress in laying out these blocks and not getting 'like' blocks next to each other.
The messy shelf got cleaned up as well. As I was looking at all this I just wasn't feeling the bow tie block. I may make some bags and wristlets or some table runners. A few small projects work into the schedule at this time and give some much needed gratification as well.
I admire all you people out there sharing you bread baking. I LOVE fresh bread, but I will leave it to the folks that are good at making it. Supporting our local shops is very important at this time. BUT for FUN......
Stay Safe and Healthy,
Sewingly Yours,
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Scrappy Wednesday
I'm happy to say that the HST quilt is now a flimsy. The final border was trims from a quilt backing and there was enough for binding - all used up (well, one string in the tote and a few squares in the barrels). A happy blend of scraps. If I had backing for it, it would go under the needle for quilting - so it goes on the pile to wait.
And my daughter sent me another photo of a quilt top collaborated with her daughter - that curly headed muffin. She picked the pattern and fabric, helped lay it out, and manned the foot pedal while Mom manned the needle. I think I need to pass on my little Brother (with added finger guard.)
Today I will work on these Sawtooth Star blocks that go with the ladder blocks - progress that project a little more.
And I like to take breaks from sitting at the machine. That time will be used to clean up this shelf. I have pulled from it and thrown project left overs back on it. Some I am sure can be broken down into my barrels, but I am thinking a Bow Tie quilt needs to be made. An easy math block and eats up lots of scraps.
We are cold, windy, and snowy for Earth Day - I think Mother Nature is pissed!
Stay Safe and Healthy,
Sewingly Yours,
Monday, April 20, 2020
Monday Making
Half of the quilt is together and I am loving how this looks. If these were larger blocks and all Civil War prints I would sew them block to block or even on point. BUT, with this brighter mix I am going with a full sashing setting. It's a little more time consuming, but I think it sets these found HSTs off so nicely.
Today I will finish up the row sashes and get the other half together and hopefully then, join the two halves. A skinny light border around and then I have pulled some fabrics to audition for a final larger border. I will push myself thru those borders as I want to have this completed before I start on anything else.
And yes, on Wed, Thurs, and Fri. we had snow. The valley didn't get as much as the mountain communities - BUT IT"S APRIL! We've warmed up and the sunshine has taken most of this away.
However, the cold did a number on the daffodils. I was so happy to see large clusters of these (I had all white ones), but for such a short time.
The tulips just starting to come out and I hope they are hardier. These are rescue or free planted (squirrels and chippers) bulbs. I have to thank my neighbors for these.
AND the next generation quilter! With the extended 'pause' for NYS, my daughter is teaching her daughter to quilt. A new scrap quilter - love it. This is the little bug I made the Unicorn Quilt for.
Keep Safe and Healthy,
Sewingly Yours,
Friday, April 17, 2020
Whooping Friday
Well, I think I have maxed my desire to play with HSTs. 100 blocks are now ready to put into a quilt top - that's 400 HSTs. AND that is all that is left of the w/w that I used for the skinny sashing.
ANd because someone will ask - the HSTs were trimmed to 2.5" unfinished and the sashing is 1" x 2.5" with 1" sq corner stones for a 5" unfinished block.
There is probably 100 more HSTs left, but they will wait for another day. I'll use another type of block to use these up probably for runners.
We have gotten cold and have had snow the last couple of days with more expected. We just got word that our state has extended the isolation until May 15th and required to wear a mask if out for essentials.
Stay Safe and Healthy,
Sewingly Yours,
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Scrappy Wednesday
I had used this as a cue that it was indeed time to take a rest, thus my step away from all social media. I was curbing TV, but every media source was just resounding that I had to do a total step away. The last two lines were my mantra.
I had several quilts pulled for quilting - I did two and was not upset with that. I spent time outside, time with my Mom, time with my furkids, a little purging and cleaning. BUT it was all slow - not over filling and kept to simple.
I have even switched out my machine. My Juki 500 series has been in need of repair since before Christmas and now my Juki 600 series (work horse) is really in need of some tender love. So I am going to step back and slow down. This little machine cannot be rushed, but has a lovely stitch and perfect 1/4" foot. It will take me back to what I really enjoy - just fun scrap block making for a while. (I actually have four other machines and a long arm - but I need to slow down right now)
I had been searching thru stash for backing for the Kaffe strip quilt and came across a bag of HSTs. I don't remember this bag being there before and even looking thru these I don't remember making them. BUT they are all my fabrics and the thread is what I use for piecing and the stitch is definitely my Juki 500. Magic or gremlins???
Barb @ 3CatRanch has been playing with found HSTs and I am in love. This was a good smack up the head - time to play with these and let the other things go for a while.
When I work scraps I like to use a block that is easy to quilt math, works up quickly (or with little thought), and will use them up to their fullest. Some of the HSTs are two colors, but at least 90% have these two light grays so I will use these primarily and make something else with the two colors later. I have four 1 yard cuts of w/w that I'll use for the skinny sashing and the tiny corner stone is the 'never go away' solid gray scraps.
I will slowly read and catch up on all the blogs I follow while I take my time to work thru these pretty little blocks.
Sewingly Yours,
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Time For A Pause
Many are saying that they are frequenting the kitchen way to much - a love affair with their fridge. I have to remind myself to eat. The crockpot has been in heavy use, but that is so I can have one meal to eat and then put up 4-5 meals in the freezer for a quick meal.
I got half of the Sawtooth Stars done and then I picked up all the blocks and prepped pieces and filled a recently emptied tote. This project will be visited later in the month.
The Corona Houses are now framed up and the next step will be adding something into the next border. Our isolation has been extended for another 3 weeks so this little piece is unfortunately going to grow.
Batting has been cut for the four smaller quilts and this is my plan for the next few days - quilting and binding. Finishing up while taking some time to reflect and pause and pray. So I am taking a little break away from all media- will return for Scrappy Wednesday.
Stay Safe and Healthy,
Sewingly Yours,
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Scrappy Wednesday
This is my scrappy inspiration - I think I tore this out of a Quilter's World magazine???? Well some magazine, with the hopes to use it to manage some of my Civil War fabrics. These are obviously 4" blocks, but believe it or not - I am going with 8". I love tiny, but the goal is to eat up those fabrics and a larger block will do that.
I have just a few more ladder blocks to make and all the pieces have been cut. I'm keeping these all red/green so I don't have to play around with setting and trying to keep same color blocks touching.
All of the 'color' parts are cut for the star blocks and now I have to cut the shirtings. I made a 'dent' in my Civil War prints and I should clear out a lot of the smaller pieces of shirting before I cut into some of the yardage.
Its to be a rainy day and my only interruption is taking Bella a mile up the road to the Vet for her annual check up and shots. Even the veteranary is isolating. I have to call from the parking lot and they will come out and get her, and then deliver her back to me in the lot. Bella is a very nervous cat, so it will be interesting to see how she handles this.
Stay Safe and Healthy,
Sewingly Yours,
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Monday Making
I scrambled to make the Baby Giraffes to be was sure I had enough of those brights. Actually this went together really fast and I changed up the setting with the strip top and bottom and made the outer border 3.5" wide rather than the 2.5" just to upsize it a bit. Now it's ready to be quilted.
Then I used those brights left to make the final border on the Sneakers. I had just three pieces that were close to a FQ size and the rest of the scraps I cut down into my barrel system. I have enough of the aqua left for the binding. I think I have these fabrics out of my stitching system now. And this is my April OMG project - done ahead of time!
Still progressing on the Corona Quilt with four rows of houses and the fifth row needs just two more houses. I'll have to start thinking on what to do next as there are just 2 mini charms left as I used some of the light ones for the roof background settings.
Today I want to dedicate to finishing the last clean-up project. I did these Kaffe strips up after using some in the two Kitty quilts.
I helped a sewing student with this pattern long ago and it was a U-tube which I can't find now. It's called the Jelly Roll Tube quilt, but there are a LOT of those out there. You simply add a 22" strip of white ends to the ends of each JR strip, so you have a tube. Then cut the white where ever you like and vary your cuts with each tube.
Then it is just chaining thru the machine one after another - twosies, foursies, etc.... until I have a complete top. I'm not stressing what is going where as these Kaffe strips are so different and it will all work out. Simple sewing today as it suppose to be lovely weather and I would like to take a long walk.
Stay Safe and Healthy,
Sewingly Yours,
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