Friday, January 31, 2020
Whooping Friday
The piece for the quilt show challenge is finished - theme: Diamonds & Daffodils. It is the Empire Quiltfest 10th anniversary. I haven't decided whether to add a few buttons, or crystals, or leave it as is. It's densely quilted with straight lines.
Everything is actually finished, I just wanted to show that I finally used the 'alpha' on my machine to make a label. The label adds a new technique' and so would the crystals, but I'm not a sparkley kind of gal. Buttons are more me, but I am almost leaning toward leaving it as is.
This weekend will see me getting photos done and filling out paper work.
AND Ground Hogs day is fast upon us - I wonder??????
Sewingly Yours,
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Scrappy Wednesday
I'm happy to say that the Harry Potter quilt is finished and I thank guild member, Steff, for sending me a photo of it from our guild meeting's Show&Tell. This was (and still is) a free pattern that Lorna @ Sew Fresh Quilts offered as a quilt along in 2019. The background was new fabric, but everything else came from the scrap totes. I have to thank Dawn who sent me all my 'face' fabrics as my pink(ies) were rather weak.
This is for my youngest grandson, but he has to wait for it after the Empire Quiltfest Show in April. The show is just up the road from where they live, so maybe he will come see it hanging.
Since I have finished off four projects this month and progressed another four, I am treating myself to something new. This was another one of my orders that was in that 'missing' mess. There should have been 4 yrds of the off white, but only 3yrs. The light floral was suppose to be 2 yrds, but only 1 yrd. AND there was suppose to be four charm packs, but only 3. I can make do with this for the Mystery QAL THE TWIST with Carole. There is extra fabric here, but I had plans for another project with the amount ordered - that makes for a change.
I'm frantically quilting my last piece for the quilt show and hope to finish up today as well as get the binding on for some hand sewing. Then I need to get all my pieces photo'ed and paper work completed to send in my registrations by Feb 1st - they aren't due until the 15th, but I want them on their way early - DONE!
Sewingly Yours,
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Monday Making
Today I will play with the 16-patches made from the light and limey greens pulled from the 1.5" barrel. I didn't have enough of the red chicken wire fabric, but found a close red in my homespuns. So half the blocks will be set wire and half in plaid.
I like to make geese blocks with the flip-and-clip method so I have the bonus triangles. Since these are small, I'm setting them as hour-glass blocks and they might just go into the border for this OR maybe a pillow top to go with the quilt.
I'll use the Shoe Fly blocks as leader/enders while working on those stars. I have 70 blocks so far and not sure how many I will set the limit to yet. They are cute!! AND they are using up some of the smallest scraps. Because someone will ask, I'm using a 2.5" center and 1.5" HST with 1.5" x 2.5" braces - making them 4.5" unfinished.
Linking up with Beth
Sewingly Yours,
Saturday, January 25, 2020
One Monthly Goal - January

I'm using OMG to progress a project on to it's next step rather than have it sitting on the shelf in a container and becoming an UFO.
My goal was to assemble my blocks made during the 2019 Rainbow Scrap Challenge. It will need borders at some point, but I want to move another project along in February.
Please be sure to visit those who have joined the LINKY PARTY.
Sewingly Yours,
Friday, January 24, 2020
Bye Bye Blues

Today is the last day of this wonderful Hop
Thursday, January 23rd
Storied Quilts
Patchwork Breeze
Seams To Be Sew
Becky’s quilts and adventures
DesertSky Quilting
Patchwork Breeze
Seams To Be Sew
Becky’s quilts and adventures
DesertSky Quilting
Friday, January 24th
Selina Quilts
LimeLeaves Design
Karrin's Crazy World
Sew Many Yarns
Domestic Felicity
DayBrook Designs
Creatin' in the Sticks - our winter-wonderland host
Sewingly Yours,
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Still Singing the Blues

Please be sure to visit:
Tuesday, January 21st
Homespun Hannah's Blog
Elizabeth Coughlin Designs
Quilting & Learning: What a Combo
Life in the Scrapatch
Home Sewn By Us
Elizabeth Coughlin Designs
Quilting & Learning: What a Combo
Life in the Scrapatch
Home Sewn By Us
Wednesday, January 22nd
And our host CARLA @ Creatie In The Sticks
And I am staying indoors not only for the Blues, but because of this!
Sewingly Yours,
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Winter Blues Blog Hop

I would like to thank CARLA @ Creatie In The Sticks for hosting this Hop. Here in the Nor' East we are use to lot of snow and bitter cold. No matter were you are or your weather, there is a time that you just need to recoup and breath. A crisp bit of refresh that many need. I hope this Hop gives you that bit of crisp.
Long ago I took a class on Ricky Tims' technique called "convergence" and wanted to revisit making another piece. I found this Hop was the perfect time to play with this again.
There are a lot of U-Tubes and tutorials on-line, but for respect to the book and designer I am going skip any tutorial. I will just highlight a few steps. This is the most basic of his designs to start with and you just need four 14" squares to start with. Since this is a 'blue' hop, I am using just two colors - blue and white.
Sew your initial squares together, sub-cut, mix them up, and sew them back together. Just straight line stitching that goes rather quick. Again, for more detail instructions - look on-line or better yet, get the book.
Then you turn that piece and sub-cut again, mix them up, and stitch again. With each section work you have the 'end' cut-offs that you use later.
My center piece with the end cut-offs laid out. You can easily use them to finish off your piece or work with something different.
As you can see, I opted to change my setting with a dark blue stop border and cornered wide border with my main colors. I quilted with just lots of staight lines in white thread. A fun little project to beat the blues.
Please be sure to visit today's guest blogger:
Sewingly Yours,
Friday, January 17, 2020
Whooping Friday
The Harry Potter Quilt has been finished - will post photos once I get them. Hey, I was holding the quilt while someone else took them. But I have started a new project with a mix of new and scrap fabrics. I had ordered a full line of specific fabric for this, but they messed up the order (and taking over 3 weeks to arrive) and I have to get this done. This is the third bad order in a row from this shop. I've done business with them for a very long time, but they have gotten really bad in the last year - they have lost a customer.
This is the pattern I am using - as a guide. You will be changing a few things to fit a challenge. The quilt show in April is celebrating it's 10th Anniversary and the Theme Challenge is "Diamonds & Daffodils". I hope to finish piecing this into a flimsy today and get it quilted over the weekend. It's to be another snow stormy weekend - good time to tackle this.
And I caught Bella on camera - she runs when she hears that turned on. She is purrfectly fond with Buddy the Pony, so she is trying to become Bella the Buffalo. OYI - when she gets to the vet for her annual - the shame!!!
Sewingly Yours,
Monday, January 13, 2020
Fighting the WInter Blues
Are you tired of looking at this? Is the cold, dark, and dreary just making you tired? Tired of being trapped indoors? Well, something fun is coming to help.

Monday, January 20th
Tuesday, January 21st
Hannah's Blog
Elizabeth Coughlin Designs
Quilting & Learning: What a Combo
Life in the Scrapatch
Home Sewn By Us
Elizabeth Coughlin Designs
Quilting & Learning: What a Combo
Life in the Scrapatch
Home Sewn By Us
Wednesday, January 22nd
Thursday, January 23rd
Storied Quilts
Patchwork Breeze
Seams To Be Sew
Becky’s quilts and adventures
DesertSky Quilting
Patchwork Breeze
Seams To Be Sew
Becky’s quilts and adventures
DesertSky Quilting
Friday, January 24th
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Monday Making

I have some new followers who may not be familiar with Beth's great way to get us started after the weekend. Whether it is a new project or progress on an old project, come share with the Link Up.
I managed to get 20 light green patchwork blocks from the barrel - surprised I had that many to be honest. Since I am waiting on a fabric order to arrive to make a challenge piece, I have another day to play with these. I have quite a few white/white scraps I want to clear out and after auditioning a number of fabrics off the shelf, I like this one the best. I know there isn't enough here (but it will clear that out), but I probably have something that will work with it in my wovens bin.
We went from a 50's-60's weekend down to low 40's for Monday. I know the furkids will tuck themselves in on the quest bed and I can sew away with no tails to dodge.
Enjoy your Mondy Making,
Sewingly Yours,
Friday, January 10, 2020
OK, I have been nose to the grindstone with quilting, binding prep and hand stitching that binding, and making hanging sleeves. I need some time to play.
I wasn't going to play with this month's color of LIME GREEN as I really don't have much and not a small project in mine. BUT, that scrappy need to play hit hard so I dumped out my barrel of 1.5" squares to dig out greens.
Some of these greens look blue and some grey, but they all are within the light green spectrum. I'm pulling dark greens as well. Just some 16 patches that don't have a finally plan - just some play time for now.
Yes, he's still at it. Want to catch a cat - put out a box. Our weather here has been hard to deal with for me and the furkids. We get to single digits with ice/snow and then jump up into the 40-50's with rain making it very muddy. We are going to possibly see 60's over the weekend! But to follow with that cold and snow again.
I'll take a day to scrap play and then back to the last few stitches of binding. Then add those hanging sleeves and attach labels - my entries for the April show will be ready. Paperwork needs to be in by Feb. 15th (to be done next week) - so I will be ahead of schedule.
Sewingly Yours,
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Scrappy Wednesday
As much as I would like to play in the scrap pile, I am being diligent in finishing up the quilting on the Harry Potter project. I would have been done yesterday, but I had one of those cursed traumas of discovering that the bobbin thread had run out after a long session of supposed quilting.
I have another quilt waiting it's turn under the needle, so I may be a bit MIA. THEN I can play in the scraps for a day or two before I crack the whip again.
I do not want to be political on this blog, but I pray heavily for all the service men and women, staffers, and civilians that have been put in harms way. AND so many prayers for those affected by, the animals and life, and responders in the Aussie bush fires. My heart is heavy, an empty bobbin cannot compare.
Sewingly Yours,
Friday, January 3, 2020
Whooping Friday
I don't make resolutions, but I think we can all relate to this. This is why I need to but my 'right foot' forward thru the year and concentrate on finishing more projects.
This isn't that old a project, but I had planned on finishing for a certain granson's birthday. This is the HP QAL with Lorna @ Sew Fresh Quilts and still a free pattern. When I pulled this out...............
The missing section had the moon over it, so I just made my moon to the left of the castle on it's own. Problem solved. I even bit the bullet and got the three borders on. Now to find the backing I bought for this and cut a length of batting so I can get this sandwiched up and start quilting. My grandson has waited this long for it, I don't think he will mind if I hang on to it for the April quilt show (just a few blocks from their house).
That will have to wait for Sunday as Saturday I am giving a share and trunk show at a neighboring county quilt guild. I say share instead of lecture - that is such a harsh word. I'm sharing my ideas on scrap quilting and packed a lot of quilt flimsies (take up less room) because I have LOTS of those - like everyone else.
Sewingly Yours
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