In trying to clear things out and reorganize as I work thru things, I found a bag with these different components. I thought I had finished all these up! These are step outs that I used for teaching a quilter's project bag a couple of years ago. There are two bags here in different steps and pieces. So I hope to get these quickly finished up and moved on out.
Then I'll move on to completing step three of the Temecula Quilt Co mystery. There were questions on the accurate size/cuttings, but that has been cleared up - so on to work.

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Look at you -- cleaning up UFOs left and right! All those pink scraps -- are those for the Temecula quilt? Very pretty! :)
She did some funny things with her last QAL, if I’m remembering right. There was one block where you were supposed to move the needle a notch to the left or right, which is nice if you have that option. I could have, but I didn’t, and I just cut the blocks to fit when it was time to sew them into the quilt. It worked out fine.
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