
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Hands2Help - Final Linky

Today is the BIG day - the final link up of our Hands2Help charity quilts over at Confessions of a Fabric Addict.  I am happy to say I completed my goal of donating one quilt to each of the three charities for this year. 

This variation of the Jelly Roll Race quilt in StoneHendge strips will make a great man's quilt and went to Quilts With Compassion.

I loved working on this child's quilt.  Scraps from a blogging friend married with some of my scraps and some cute fussy cut paper dolls.  This quilt has special meaning being I am a survivor of Hurrican Irene - went to Hurrican Sandy Survivors.


This was my Goodnight Irene QAL project and it was perfect timing for charity needs.  This quilt went to Happy Chemo.

All three have been received at their respective addresses and I have enjoyed another year with Hands2Help.. Thank you Sarah for all the work you put into this event.  Be sure to visit and see all the lovely quilts donated this year and if you missed out, please, join us next year.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. awesome quilts Sharon.xx

  2. You are amazing and very generous. I'm sure the recipients will be extremely happy with your quilts.

  3. Great quilts! I do love the scrappy border you put on Irene! :0)

  4. Kudos to you, working on charity quilts I think is the best thing ever. Some one will appreciate them greatly.

  5. Very pretty quilts. I am sure all three quilts will be loved.

  6. Awesome finishes! I love all three so very much and know they'll bring comfort where ever they end up. You have the most generous and caring heart Sharon.

  7. You are so generous with your lovely quilts!

  8. All three quilts are so beautiful, Sharon! Your generosity will touch the lives of many. Thank you so much for participating in and supporting the Hands2Help Charity Quilt Challenge!

  9. You did a lot of good with these quilts, they're all wonderful and should bring comfort to their new owners.

  10. wonderful work. Great job all the way around.

  11. Your quilts are lovely, and it's obvious you put a lot of thought and work into them. :)

  12. Wonderful quilts Sharon. I especially like the jelly roll race variation.

  13. Beautiful quilts you made for these charities Sharon...someone will be blessed to receive any one of these.

  14. What wonderful quilts. Someone will be very lucky and pleased

  15. what beautiful quilts Sharon. I love them all, especially the first one. I recently made two jelly roll quilts with the extra little squares for contrast. I think it gives just interest and movement to the quilt. The colors in the second one are so bright and cheery. And the third is simple beautiful. I've been collection 2 inch sqaures so I can make one of these. You are definitely going to make someone feel loved and comforted.

  16. All three are so beautiful. I love the stonehenge fabric!

  17. Beautiful quilts, all going to great causes!
