
Sunday, June 1, 2014

June Goals

I'm hoping June will be a much better weather month as I would like to spend more time outside; whether is is for longer walks, some play in the flower beds, or a few day trips.  So I am keeping my June goals list on the short side.

I will be using the Monthly Doll Quilt Swap as my NewFO Challenge.  I've already been in touch with my partner and have a plan in place.

I pulled 6 different books to browse with my SIL and it was funny that we both chose the same book - different patterns, but the same book.  So the others were put back on the shelf for future play.

She has the orange sticky note to mark her page and I have an up-coming Quilt Show card marking mine (one of those day trips I want to take).

This is the one I chose - Island Chain.  It looks pretty simple - yes, I read the pattern thru several times.  I will just have to pin little notes to the sections to be sure I keep my colors correct.

I'm combining my Let's Book It with my Something New..........

because I am using Batiks.  I have used a few odds/ends in scrap quilts -  something someone passed on to me in a scrap bag, but never a full quilt.  A first and a challenge.  I am sure to call on a few individuals for help if I need it.

I participated in Beth Shibley's house block lotto 2013 and won a set of blocks.  I don't want them to sit too long, so getting these into a lap quilt will be my Something Old.

I just have to quilt my Relaxing Round Robin, but that will be my Slow Stitching Sunday project as I want to hand quilt it - that may take me a couple of months to complete.

The color this month for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge is yellow.  I dug out that little baggy and there isn't a lot so I will have to pull my FQ tote and maybe some yardage off the shelf.  I'll be honest, I usually do ALL of my blocks in one day as I want to get thru those scraps, trim up left overs into my pre-cut system and get the mess done with.  So this will be a good rainy day project.

I am enjoying the Make it Homemade Christmas Challenge and it will be the project that I am using for the Simply Small Challenge - we can chose any project using candy charms from the Moda Bake Shop site and I have my pattern selected.

I'm hoping to finish the quilting on this piece - one of my Let's Book It projects.  I just have the flag section and the borders to do - another rainy day project.  The binding is made and waiting.  I know there are two more smaller wall hanging that need quilting, but no pressure to add them to the list.

And then you never know what my eye sees or my hand touches - I tend to get side tracked and spend a day or two playing with something else.  I've tried to tuck those distractions away.

I hope you have a Joyful June,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Ooooooh I'm especially looking forward to seeing those houses sewn into a finish! They are fun and adorable!! (I need to go look at my yellows.)

  2. Heaps of projects there Sharon. I love the chain quilt you chose. It is nice and scrappy and colourful. Looking forward to seeing it progress.

  3. Each of your projects piques my interest! I think you will have a wonderful month making these. I especially love the first quilt pattern!

  4. I like the quilt you have picked for let's book it, I will be watching to see yours finished.

  5. What a great month you have planned ahead. I love the book, that pattern is one I've had on my to do list since I've gotten it!! Can't wait to see yours

  6. It looks pretty busy to me, I like the goal of getting outside and enjoying any fine weather that comes your way.

  7. Oooo! I love that scrappy quilt on the cover of Scrap Basket Sensations.I am really wanting to sit and do chain-piecing right now...I should work out a deal with myself to get stuff done for a while, then just mindlessly sit in front of the machine with a full bobbin and a basket of pieces to feed through.

    That sounds like Heaven right now...

  8. Island Chain looks like a good pattern. Looking forward to seeing those houses come together into a quilt. Pretty yellows. Sounds like it's finally spring in NY : )

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Looks like you've chosen some wonderful projects! Happy Quilting!

  11. I will be looking forward to seeing the progress throughout June. Good luck.

  12. Good to see you are still staying super busy!! Love your projects. I am getting into quilting mode again and actually making headway!!!

  13. I think one of the major joys of sewing for me is allowing the distractions to take me somewhere I never dreamed I would go :*) You have some fun projects to keep you busy this month!

  14. Can't wait to see your Island Chain project come together. That's one of the projects on my bucket list.
