Wednesday, April 30, 2014

May For Me

This is the 4th year for May For Me and I have several surprises thru the month as May is my Birthday Month!  Please be sure to visit Marcia for all the goodies she will be sharing, too.  And please, join us in this wonderful event and share some of your ME with us and use Marcia's linky parties, too.

 Part of my ME time is working on a project for me.  I haven't used my Asian fabrics since a project back when I first started quilting and before blogging - so no photo of that piece.  Now the mystery is, I went in search of my Asian stash to help out another blogger - it is missing!  But in my recent re-organizing I did find this piece of Kona Bay mixed in with my juvenile panels.  This is also my Let's Book It project because I had my memory jogged by another blogger who participated last month with one of her 'print and keep in a folder' projects.  I have 3 large binders of such things and I remembered something I had wanted to make LONG AGO.

To share a site some of you may not be familiar with - McCalls - and if you look under the BONUS section - McCalls Bonuses - you will find many bonus free patterns.  This one is called 'Doorway to China' from their Sept/Oct 2009 publication - page 4 of their listings.  The pdf is still available.
Set aside some ME time with a cuppa and treat and browse this site.

Part of my re-habbing from the broken hip was some dietary assessment to help mend and make new bone - a high protein diet.  Now I don't eat a lot of meat (which they kept trying to convince me was the best protein) and a lot of things they suggested just are not things I like to eat.  But I thought I could squeeze an egg a day into my meal plan - still not a favorite food.

Recipe:  Biscuit Egg Cup

1lb. bacon
1/2 cup finely chopped onion
1 can (16.3 oz) Pillsbury Grands refrigerated buttermilk biscuits
8 eggs
1/2 cup shredded cheese (mix, smokey,cheddar-your choice)

Step 1 
Heat oven to 350F to warm.  In skillet, cook bacon until crispy; remove from pan to paper towels and crumble.  Remove all but 1 0r 2 TSP of bacon drippings from skillet and add chopped onions; cook until tender.  In small bowl, mix onion and bacon.  Set aside.

Step 2
Using muffin cup pan; grease 8 cups.  Seperate dough into 8 biscuits; place 1 in each muffin cup and press into bottom and 3/4 up sides of cups.  Divide bacon/onion mixture evenly among the biscuit cups; crack one egg into each cup.  Top with cheese.

Step 3
Bake 30 minutes or until eggs are firm.  Run small knife around cups to loosen.  Serves 8 (or 4 hungry or 1 very hungry grown son)

**these can be made ahead of time - keep covered and in refrigerator.  When ready to serve, reheat in 350F oven for about 5 minutes.** 

Don't want the bacon - try some frozen chopped spinach (thawed and drained) or mushrooms. Try the flaky or cornmeal biscuits for a different flavor.


Bloomin' Fresh by Deb Strain for Moda

I will be having a give away each week - listed on Thursday and comments closing the following Wednesday night (12pmEST) with the winner announced with the new Thursday's giveaway post.  This week's 'present' (remember it's my Birthday Month) is a Jelly Roll of 'Bloomin Fresh' by Deb Strain for Moda.  Simply leave me a comment on what your favorite breakfast item is.  Be sure I have a way of reaching you.  I know there is a lot of problems with the internet right now with e-mails, comments, etc... (Heartbleed Virus and rss hackers) - I will try to respond to each comment.  If you don't hear from me, you may be a no-reply commentor (there are buttons on my side bar that explain how to fix that) - OR check you spam folders, your comments may be bouncing out due to the problems (if so, send me a private e-mail-shavroo53(at)yahoo(dot)com).
*I will ship international - so let's all play*

Closing Thought

"To be overcome by the fragrance of flowers is a delectable form of defeat." ~Beverly Nichols

Wear a flower in your hair this week

Sewingly Yours,


This linky list is now closed.

April NewFO Challenge

This wonderful monthly challenge is the brain-child of Barbara @ Cat Patches.  I love to start something new and really don't need someone's nudge to do so, but it is a good reminder to us quilters - keep it fresh and keep it fun.

I had a lot of NEW projects thru the month, but my designated NewFO was my project for the Monthly Doll Quilt Swap Group.  This month's theme was 'Diamonds are Forever'.  I challenge myself with working with different textured fabrics - silk and linen - with cotton.

And of course I send my signature little dolly to match - I have a tutorial for her HERE if you would like to make your own.  And since I love to cross stitch, too - my labels are stitched on Aida cloth and fused to the back - always tiny buttons are involved with these two.

Thank you Barbara for the inspiration and be sure to check out everyone's NewFO for April HERE.

Sewingly Yours,

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Let's Book It - April Link Up

 I hope you have been encouraged to dust off those 'had to have' quilt books, collections of quilting magazines, binders of printed free patterns from the Net, or patterns bought at shows or shop hops.  You get the idea - dust them off and use them.  Or like some have done, a little housecleaning and purging - giving someone else the opportunity to love them.

I not only chose a dusty book, but one that challenges me.  If you know me - I like to work tiny, so this  challenge was doing a LARGE block quilt from this book. The cover quilt is what drew me into buying this.  This would make a lovely gift to a beginner quilter as there are several nice tips thru the construction of each project. 

Now these blocks are very quick and easy (and only 12.5" unfinished), but you have to wait to press your blocks until you have your layout selected - so your seams nest nicely.  I used up a left-over FQ bundle and the last of my Kona White.

This is called 'Hidden Baskets' - the white sections pull it together once all the blocks are together, yet I see it as upside down hearts. There will be no border on this, so it will wait it's turn for sandwiching/quilting.

This Month's Charm for the Quilt Barn pin is the Dresden Plate - link will be open from this post to the following Sunday with winner announced May5th.

Now it's your turn to share:

Let's Book It - April Linkup

1. Cat Patches  6. Joanna  11. Cindy D  
2. Gone Stitchin  7. Patching Pixies  12. Sue  
3. Maria  8. Kate  13. Vivian  
4. SewCookAndTravel  9. Dana@Stormy Days  14. Vickie  
5. Stitchin' Therapy  10. Teresa in Music City  15. Lynn  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
Sewingly Yours,

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Triangle Quilt Along Finale


It's time to link up those finished triangle quilts HERE at The Sassy Quilter.  I really enjoyed this quilt along - got to play with some new fabric, finally use a ruler that has been sitting, and just the right push to make a triangle quilt.

Since I finished quilting this, we have had a monsoon season - no outside photos and I want to be sure to get this linked up in time.   I used a FQ bundle of a  Free Spirit line - 'London' - for the triangles.  

I went 2 rows less than the chart offered and used a plain final border of Kona White to finish it off.  The Binding is an RJR Thimbleberries 'Old World Comforts'.  Batt is Hobbs 100% cotton

Backing is an extra wide  from Connecting Threads - "Fiesta" - and thread used is a CT in white (front and back).  Simple stitch in the ditch followed by echoing the diamonds.   Finished size is 56" x 68"

Please be sure to visit all the other link ups  HERE at The Sassy Quilter.

Sewingly Yours,

Monday, April 21, 2014

Life Sneezed

I started working on the blocks for my Let's Book It and realized that I didn't want to press them until I knew the layout - so those seams could be pressed in opposite directions so they messed for smoother seemlines.  all the blocks are made, layout done, pressing done, and then a sneeze.....

I picked up two commission pieces (and this is all you will see of them) which meant dumping almost everything - and I mean everything.  Couch was covered, floor covered, every table covered for 3 1/2 days as I stitched almost day and night.  Moe loved all those special beds I made for him.

And then life sneezed again..... my youngest brother was to have an out-patient knee surgery until his EKG went off the charts and it ended up an immediate heart surgery.  So my frenzy sewing became a frenzy clean-up incase family would be arriving.

After the calm, I had three machines calling, begging - play with me.  So I started putting my Something Old project together - Bea's 'Scrappy Chain QAL which I know as the jewel box layout.

And then life sneezed again......  we received word just before Easter that my uncle (mother's only brother) had passed.  So this project was cleaned up for family again.

I wanted to show you the patches and pinwheel quilt - now you  can see why half those pinwheels turned left and half turned right - to create that secondary pattern.  The flimsy is done, but the finish will be done by someone else as I decided to send this on to Sarah's ministry group (with a baby flimsy) while packing up the Hands2Help quilt to her.  This quilt reminds me of my uncle: the bright colors for his playing in a jazz band (right up to the end),  pinwheels for his love of golf (checking those winds before a shot), and the squares for square dancing that he and his wife did for many years.  So I am very happy this quilt is going to be used for wrapping someone in much love and hugs.

I hope life doesn't sneeze too many more times.  I have the triangle quilt to finish binding for the parade of quilts and once my fabric order for sashing and borders for the commission quilt arrives (did I say that quilt is 90"x100") I will be finishing that right up to head for quilting.  Luckily the other piece is only a 20" square wallhanging and sits in a tote with everything waiting to be played with.

So if I am quiet for a time again, family and committments are priority.  Let's Book It will be ready for link up on the 28th.

Sewingly Yours,

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Handmade Christmas Challenge - April

2014 Christmas Handmade Pledge

I know so many of you are enjoying Spring - some of us are still waiting for it, but I like to work on my Christmas projects thru the year and have found this challenge perfect to keep me on track.

This month I worked on a pillow to add to the present box.  This pattern is from Quilter's Cache and called The ArrowHead Block.  Marcia has a lot of wonderful 12" blocks that can be easily made up for pillow tops.  I like this size block and then add a 2.5" border around so you don't lose any of the block into the sides.  And I use the envelop method so the cover can be removed and washed - easily replaced on the pillow form.  I didn't have any more 16" pillow forms (on the shopping list), so put it over one of my over-stuffed chair pillows - hence the odd shape.  I can see making more pillows as gifts.

I know it's hard to think Christmas now with Easter so close, but have you seen the new Halloween AND Christmas being advertised by all the fabric companies???!!!!  AND we had this just the other day:

You can join in any month and please go visit SewCalGal to get some Christmas inspiration.

Sewingly Yours,

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tuesday Archives

Val's Quilting Studio

This week's Archives share is either Baskets or Bunnies.  I don't have any bunnies, but I do have a Basket Quilt to share.


This quilt was made into the flimsy state back in 2009 when I first started quilting (before blogging).  I finally pulled it out and had it professionally quilted in 2013.  You can read about it in THIS POST.

Please be sure to visit the other Basket and Bunny link ups over at Val's Quilting Studio

Sewingly Yours,

Monday, April 14, 2014

Need to Find Your ME Time?

Yes, that time is coming closer - May For Me. Those who have been here a while know about this.  If this is new to you, please visit Marcia HERE where she explains the history of May For Me.

You can certainly join in the fun any time thru the month: post a tutorial, share a recipe, share some de-stressing tips, even a give away if you like.

May is my birthday month, so I will be hosting weekly give aways along with some tips, a tutorial, recipes, fun with kids, etc...

Example - this quick kid friendly recipe I shared in 2011 that saves us some ME time

Some fun with a quick meal - individual pizzas. 
Rhodes or any brand frozen bread roll dough
Thaw and let rise
On floured surface, shape into 6-8” round
Place on greased cookie sheet
Let kids top and decorate as desired
Bake 350 degrees for 10-15 mns

Options: try whole wheat dough, more vegies, tofu instead of cheese, sliced tomato instead of sauce, or make a calzone by filling just half - fold over dough and press edges with a fork to seal. Have some fun!

Happy May,

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Hands 2 Help - Quilt #2

Well, my little red head helped again.  Notice she loves those orange blocks!  

I know these are called 'Paper Dolls', but they remind me of the Campbell Kids.

This is my favorite block - gotta love polka dots and stripes!  A lot of thread changing as I did each center, then the stars, the frames, and then the sashings.

Just a fun quilt made with gifted HSTs and scraps and left over jelly roll strips.

And I used up some left over extra wide (Connecting Threads) cut off from another quilt.  Hobbs 80-20 batt and CT threads.  As soon as this is washed and dried - it will be boxed up and heading to Sarah for Hurrican Sandy Survivors.

Sewingly  Yours,

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Purple Haze

I finally played with my purple blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challeng.  It's not a color I 'reach' for when quilting, but I do have scraps, FQs, and yardage - you just never know when the mood strikes. Also, my SIL loves purple and I think that is why it has become part of my stash. 

Deep purple, medium purple, light purple, raspberry purple - hey, I even found some purple batiks.

 I can't wait to see these 'Garlick Knot' blocks in a quilt.  I found all these purples in my 2.5" barrel waiting to be played with.

And a nice variety of skinnies for a string block.

Even my doll quilt this month was purple.  A mix of linen, silk and cottons.  Why not?  The theme was 'Diamonds are Forever' and my diamond block was accented with my grandmother's linen and silk - linen was probably a curtain or table clothe and the silk is from a blouse.  She wore a lot of soft purples and I remember the lilac water perfume.

And my partner, Lee, sent me this lovely .  Mochas and sweet pinks in a trip around the world setting (I immediately thought of my grand's tile kitchen floor) but it also looks like a box of chocolates.  Who doesn't love a box of chocolates!

**linking up with So Scrappy for RSC14**

Sewingly Yours,

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Triangle QAL


I have been participating in The Sassy Quilter 's Triangle Quilt Along.  First picking out fabric, cutting all those triangles, stitching rows, and now putting it all together.

I admit that I went right from cutting to putting it all together.  I used the line 'London' @ Free Spirit.  And I didn't lay it out - I know, brave.  I just stacked my blues and my pinks seperate and with each row, flipped 2 blues under and 4 pinks under their respective piles and just kept going.  I love the results.  Since this photo I have trimmed the edges.  Nah, not going to fight those sides with binding on this one.  We have two weeks to quilt/finish, but this one is hitting the machine as soon as the 'Paper Dolls' quilt is done.

If you have never tried a triangle quilt - don't be afraid of them - they really do work up quite easy and fast.

Sewingly Yours,

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Simple Quilting

This fun little, simple project was part of the Simply Small monthly projects offered by Sherri at A Quilting Life.  These projects are right up my alley as they work with small pieces and a way to give you some ideas on how to use those candy packs or even your own 2.5" squares.

I used some candy charms (2.5" squares) from the line 'Posy' by Aneela Hoey for Moda, some left over Kona jelly roll strips, backing is an old fabric off the shelf (no name on selvedge), and the stripe binding was from scraps in a bag gifted to me.  I machine quilted in the ditch around each Churn Dash and then used a coordinating DMC floss to large stitch around each for accent.  This will be an Easter gift with some potted tulips for my daughter when I go for dinner.  

Another simple bit of stitching - the next step for the Relaxing Round Robin.  Adding a border using the fabric used in the first border round.  Yeah, I kept it simple - just another skinny border of the red.  Next month I will add the last round which requires some patchwork, but I think I need to add a little more applique too for balance.

And a big thank you to Sheila at Sheila's Quilt World.  I won one of her beautiful post cards in the Ruffles Blog Hop give away.  Simple quilting with a big statement!  A lovely touch of Spring while some of us wait for it to arrive.

Sewingly Yours,

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Hands2Help - Quilt #1

I managed to get my 'Goodnight Irene' basted out with lots of help.

I had to put this one in for Lesley - I have quilts waving in the breeze, too!

It took a long time to get at least this flat a photo ( shadows of the cable lines across it and all).    This will be heading to Happy Chemo - picking up my mailer boxes in the morning.

Sewingly Yours,

**also, I think the issue of the scrapping blog has been taken care of, but I have noticed that a few of my regular blogs I comment on - my comments are being bounced as undeliverable - the same  goes for some who are commenting on my posts (and they go into your spam folder so you may want to check if it is happening to you) - if you know of a fix, please let me know and I will certainly pass the info on**