How did you all do finding a book, magazine, pattern on your shelves?
Remember this was my book pulled for February - lots of great projects in here that I could just go from front to back and do them all.
And this was the project I chose to play with. I do like scrappy and I do like samplers.
Although I made all the little geese units, I did not like how they looked once I laid them out around the center. So I browsed my stash and found this fabric and used it for my final border.
I have my backing, batt, and the top together and in a tote - this will be on the list of 'to-be-finished' for sometime down the road.

The barn pin is a charm holder and the charm I have this month is the Log Cabin Block. I will ship international. The linky will be open until 10pm (EST) March 7th.
Now it is your turn to link up and share your Book It project:
Very cute! Congrats on making use of your library, it definitely paid off.
I think you have a magic wand. You open the book, wave it, and there you are....all done.....giggle.
My "Book It" this month is 2 small blocks from Santa's North Pole Village as I was away for most of Feb. Next month will see a LARGER contribution for sure!
Thanks Sharon ...it's always NICE to visit you! :)
I love your scrappy sampler, that was a great project to find.
Missed this somehow. If you do it in March too, I already have a book and a project to make! So fun, and a great idea!
Somehow, I missed your post that you were doing this. I love the project you selected. I love the elongated churn dash. That block is adorable. Isn't it fun to find what is a new spin (at least to you) on a block? Great job! I love my books and spend hours looking and looking. One of the guys at GriefShare asked me if I would like some of his wife's quilting magazines. Ladies from our guild had cleaned out her quilting room after she died and then he recently found some magazines. I didn't really know her, I knew who she was. So I was thrilled to get them to look through them for ideas. I plan to get some tickets for him and his special friend to our guilt show this summer. If his new friend isn't interested in going with him, maybe one of his sons will go with him. Thanks again for a great idea and hope your recovery is still going well.
That is super cute. I'll be linking up tomorrow.
gorgeous Sharon,you are clever my friend.xx
That is really cute Sharon. I think your border choice is perfect as it frames the centre beautifullly.
You did a wonderful job on your sampler quilt and the border choice is perfect!
I love the house quilt and your border choice is perfect. IMO the geese would have made it look a little regimented? I dunno, maybe there are too many of them.
I remember when you started this challenge and it's a great idea, I hope I can hop on the wagon before it's over!
Wonderful job on your sampler block , love the border you chose ! I have linked up with my project .
Great idea Sharon. I think I'll try this next month.
Love the charm pin, it is very sweet. No time for books, still finishing up some very necessary charity quilting, but soon and thanks so much for sharing this!
Really nice. As you know, I've not gotten much accomplished at all lately. Hopefully next month.
Such fun!!! I love this linky party Sharon :) Your sampler is so darn cute, and those flying geese look like they would have been very tiny? Maybe you can use them on something else :)
love your house quilt. the geese you made my fly to another quilt later on. I too have tons of books that I need to start using. maybe next year after I finish the UFOs on my list.
I like your pick for this month, it's so cute, I like the one on the cover too, maybe it's in your future?
Hope to do this in March! let's BOOK IT!
Hey! I got my barn and charm last night. Thank you so very much. They're really neat - I pinned it on my "daily" stitching bag already, so I see it every time I sit at the sofa, and it'll go with me to guild meetings and dr. appointments. And you know - I *know* I have that book somewhere, too. I love the cover flower quilt, and look forward to doing that one in July, maybe.
I'm in for the March challenge! I've cut the fabric to make the T's wall hanging from the same book you are working in this month. Now to quickly put it together tonight so I can start hand quilting it next week.
Thanks for sharing at TUesday Archives Sharon. I too love this book and your sampler is adorable!! (It would be cute in my classroom!! CHuckles!!)
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