I am joining Snoodles over at Lily Pad Quilting for a 'Cabin Fever Party'. For some of us it has been a long, cold, snowy winter - AND for others it is a long, hot, dry one. So do up a post and join in the party. How are you coping with Cabin Fever?
My first response and thought to all this was Spring Cleaning!! My house hasn't seen a broom, vacuum, mop, or duster since before I set up for Christmas. But, I must be realistic as I am still recovering and can't risk another fall.
Think I am kidding - I still have half of my Christmas decorations up! Maybe all those snowmen (women) are keeping the snow around. Maybe if I get these packed away, Spring will come?
I know these have died off, but I still like them and they will stay until I see some lawn! Then I think I need a new plant for that fence planter.
So what to do - grab those pre-cut barrels and play. First was the 2" square barrel and lots of 4-patch blocks. Not sure where these will go, but it is fun remembering all the projects these came from or may have re-birthed in a mini or doll quilt. Yes, I need a new ironing board cover.
Then the 2.5" barrels - yes barrels!!! 16-patches that actually I have a plan for and need lots of.
I tried to make a log cabin (boxes) for my furries to play in, but they had no interest in it. They have been like school children home too long for 'snow days' - the game of tag all thru the house has been a wild rumpus!!
So I decided I should just build my 'cabin' and put together my 'Book It' project.
But, as soon as that grass shows and the sun is shining and I am mobile - I am flying out of this 'cabin'.
How are you surviving Cabin Fever? Do up a post and join Lily Pad Quilting's party.
Sewingly Yours,
In January, I got lots done, but, with this winter going on so long, I just can't seem to get back in gear. I just want some sun and a chance to get out, too. Oh yea, I've still got some Christmas stuff up, too, and will till I can get my guys to help me put it away. I just don't want to do it all by myself. Oh well.
You are not alone with Christmas stuff hanging around , cabine fever I have and wish I could get out and enjoy some spring weather .You have the right idea , diving into your scraps :-)
What a great post! I only just put away my decorations last week! I really love your sixteen patches and your cabin is wonderful. Thanks for joining our party!
This winter has sure been too long! Glad you have your sense of humour and lots of beautiful projects to work on!
I have Cabin Fever but it isn't from the Snow, it's all melted. I have been stranded at Home since DH's Truck stalled on him 2 weeks ago. He has to drive my Car. I've gotten my 2 quilts bound and played with my scraps too. A LOT of Olympics watching has kept me busy too. Now that they are playing HOCKEY I'm feeling the 'fever' to get out of here SOON!
I'm ready for spring!! With this cabin fever I start to organize my stash, then I get distracted by a piece of fabric I either forgot about or couldn't find earlier, then my mind spins off into another design mode. I haven't got much done, including cleaning!
Clever post. Just keep recovering and don't worry about house details so you will be able to get out when weather breaks. I like your cabin block.
I moved 2400 kms to get away from winter and what do I have? More winter, lol! It is snowing this morning. Sigh.
I finally got some respite from cabin fever this past week, with temps in the 70's - yay!!!! But we are supposed to get more cold later in the week. It's been so nice to open the windows and let a little fresh air in this stuffy "log cabin" we call home :)
I hope it starts warming up for you soon Sharon. It has finally cooled down here!
I don't have cabin fever but my kids sure do. It will be good for them to get back to school next week and me back to my normal schedule because then I'll have some time to sew.
It finally warmed up here, but we've been cooped up inside watching volleyball.
Even if the snowmen are still up, at least you've got some great stuff going on in your sewing room.
Oh I am so ready for Spring. This is the first time in a very very long time that we've had snow cover from Thanksgiving to March. Where is that warm up??? If you made me a log cabin like that I would LOVE to play in it!!
Spring like today and snowing tonight! Let's go somewhere fun and hot!
I can't wait until Spring gets here or at least some warmer dry weather so I can hit the road to Shipshewana, Indiana for some quilt fabric shopping therapy and pie to end this cabin fever.
Looks like you will hit the door running when spring hits!
What a fun, delightful post! You had me smiling from the title. Oh yeah. I can imagine your cats coped up in the house with cabin fever.
Scrappy 16 patch block quilts are some of my favorite quilts!!
Take care, dear. Don't overdo that first "spring like" day.
thanks for reminding me about the party- I saw your post first!
I *should* be spring cleaning but it hasn't happened yet.
I had fun reading your post -you make me smile!
Glad you're feeling better. Last year in February, I had a total hip replacement on my left hip. Only left the house for Physical Therapy. Went back to work in mid April, and in May had a terrible Gall Bladder attack, except the doctors thought it was something else. In bed or in hospital for fluids for six weeks before my General Practitioner ordered a super expensive test that showed it was my Gall Bladder, had it removed by General Surgeon because the specialists said it would be malpractice to remove it. It was diseased, and I lost 50 pounds. A month later, I had a total hip replacement on my right hip. In October, going to therapy, I fell and broke my left wrist! When that finally healed, I started hand therapy (no quilting allowed) and physical therapy again. Not allowed to go outside on ice except to go to therapy. Talk about Cabin Fever! Sorry this post was so long, but it's not over. I'm 54, so they sent me to a rhuematologist to find out why my joints are so bad, and she diagnosed me with Psoriatic Arthritis. Yay, finally someone has figured me out. I've seen countless specialists for my joint pain, and even been told to see a psychiatrist. Only drawback is I have to start a lot of scary drugs. I've been sewing up a storm though. NOW I'm done! Sorry
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