
Sunday, March 13, 2022

Who's Got Time


First, thank you CAROL for hosting this Hop.  Time In A Bottle comes with the changing of the clocks that gets us so confused!!  Jumping forward or is it jumping back?  Our body clocks say GEESH!!!  But I'm sure that we will all be inspired to take a little time - a little stitching time.

 I chose a patterm by the lovely designer, Pam Bono.  She was the first person that I tested patterns for many years ago.  Sadly we lost Pam a few years ago, but her patterns are still being used and sought after.

The pattern is called  "North and South".  The arrow heads are made with the hour glass block while the shafts are simple rail fence blocks.

Of course I had to use my favorite homespuns and flannels with scraps of muslin for the background.  Very 'cabin in the woods' look to it. 

It has a plaid flannel back, quilter's flannel for the batting and quilted by hand with the 'big stitch'.  This is MY quilt and will hang over the banister of the winding stairway.

Be sure to visit and leave a comment to all the HOP Hosts:

March 14

 Sewingly Yours






  1. What a clever way to do the arrowheads - a great pattern to showcase the hourglass block! Lovely quilt.

  2. The arrows sort of remind me of trees, very nice!

  3. Good morning Sharon. I'm so happy you chose this pattern, and those prints. Honestly I had forgotten all about that pattern, and it is one I have liked for a long time. And using homespuns seems perfect. Thanks a bunch!

  4. That's a clever pattern. Your choice of fabrics is perfect and I love the hand quilting.

  5. Beautiful! The pattern is perfect. You will most certainly enjoy your quilt!

  6. Pam was a treasure that's for sure. Her designs will live on forever though. What a fun woodsy look your hour glasses have. I "LOVE" it. Especially how they look like arrows as well. My list of I want to do's just keeps on growing! LOL!!

  7. Beautiful quilt! I love plaids and homespuns, looks so cozy!

  8. Your quilt is cozy. It's just right for the snowy weather in your area. Thanks for sharing.

  9. What a nice quilt and so cozy with that flannel backing! Pam had some gorgeous patterns and will live on through us using them! Thanks for sharing!

  10. This quilt will be perfect for snuggling or reading a good book on a cold winter's evening. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Marvellous finish! I love the design and it works perfectly in plaids! Looks so snuggly AND it's hand quilted... way to go!

  12. Such a lovely quilt! I love flannel backing.

  13. This looks like a quilt that would be perfect on a cold night to snuggle up in with a good movie. I love the design and fabrics, Sharon! Thank you for sharing this beauty.

  14. Awesome quilt and I love that you used homespun and flannel!

  15. I love that quilt block. So pretty.

  16. Very clever ty for sharing your idea and quilt...

  17. Pam's design is wonderful. Sharon, you did a great job incorporating the theme and I love a warm fuzzy quilt.

  18. Any which way you look at it , your quilt is charming!

  19. Beautiful with the traditional colors. Yes the time change always screws with our minds a bit doesn't it!!

  20. Beautiful quilt and I love the homespun look it has!

  21. That's a clever pattern and a great quilt!

  22. What a great pattern and love the homespun feel. Such a clever way to use the hourglass block. Love it.

  23. Very creative use of the hourglass block! It looks like a lovely warm and cozy quilt!
    quilting gail

  24. A very effective looks snuggly and warm.

  25. Beautiful, the the secondary design with the arrow! Great fabrics for this as well!

  26. Your quilt is "very cabin in the woods". Makes me want to get out a box of homespun fabrics that I have and work on them. Wonderful!

  27. This is such a cosy looking quilt well done

  28. This is a wonderful quilt and it looks so soft and cozy. Hopefully your body clock is settling into the time change. Daylight saving time ends here in a couple of weeks, so we'll go in reverse to you.

  29. I really do like this quilt. It looks so warm and cozy. Fabric choices are perfect. I wish I had known Pam Bono So very talented. I would buy this pattern if was available. Thank you for sharing.

  30. It turned out beautiful. Yes, I love the design too.

  31. I love that design! It is really cool - and the colors and fabric just shout cozy!! xx

  32. Beautiful, warm, cozy and classic.

  33. I had forgotten about this pattern. I love your take on it! What a great interpretation of "Time in a Bottle" and time changes, which, hopefully, might soon be a thing of the past!

  34. This pattern is perfect for flannels and plaids. The big stitch quilting makes it oh so cozy. Hopefully this will be the last year of time changes. Fingers crossed.
