
Sunday, June 20, 2021

Fairy Tales Blog HOp


I'd like to thank JOAN for hosting this Hop.  She is perfect for fairy tales as she has a different outlook on life and creativity.  Who else do you know who has toilets for planters and an old car in the pond as a highlight?

I had to look up Faity Tales and found a lot of my own thoughts of stories were old nursery rhymes.  Grimm's tales are a little dark, but I wanted something not the normal without to strange.


Born of a flower and growing to only a couple of inches tall, poor Thumbelina  is worried she'll never meet someone her own size, until she happens to catch the eye of Prince Cornelius of the Fairies . 

Just as soon as she finds love, however, it's torn away from her when she is kidnapped by Ms. Toad to marry her son. Now Thumbelina has to escape Ms. Toad's grasp and search for Prince Cornelius.

 Luckily, there's a whole city of animals willing to help her.  Once the birds were ready to travel  in migration in the direction of Thumbelina's home, she rode one's back.

This Tale has a 'happy' ending (Happy Summer Sostice)  - you should look up the story.  My give away for the hop is one of my own design mini dolls and matching quilt.  Please be sure I can contact you - will pull the winner the following Monday - June 28th. (not able to ship over seas)
**this is a collector doll and not meant for little ones**

Please be sure to visit all these talented bloggers duting this hop:

Monday June 21

Creatin’ in the Sticks

Samelia’s Mum

Kathleen McMusing

Becky’s Adventurers in Quilting and Travel


Food for Thought

 Tuesday June 22

Just Let Me Quilt

Quilted Delights

Stitchin at Home

Karrins Crazy World

 Quilting & Learning - What a Combo!

Sewing Up My Fabric

Selina Quilts

 Wednesday June 23



Elizabeth Coughlin Designs

Kathy's Kwilts and More

Just Because Quilts

Domestic Felicity

 Thursday June 24


That Fabric Feeling

Ms P Designs USA

Quilt Schmilt

Patchouli Moon Studio

Days Filled With Joy

Goofin' Off Around the Block

 Friday June 25

Quilt Fabrication

My Bumbleberry Life

Songbird Designs

Words & Stitches

Life in the Scrapatch


 Sewingly Yours,



  1. I love your wee Thumbelina, truth is I cannot remember that story, but like all good fairy tales, happily ever after is the ending. Not for me asx I am way down in the depths of winter in New Zealand, but a loving new home where she will live " Happily ever after"

  2. So cute! It's been a long time since I read any fairy tales. My baby is about to turn 25. Where did the time go? I'll have to look that one up.

  3. I love how you told the story we ugh your photos!

  4. What a cute idea. I haven't heard the name Thumbelina in years. thanks for the memory!

  5. A lovely fairy tale and project, love how you told it!

  6. Sweet!!! Thumbelina used to be one of my favorite fairy tales, but I had forgotten about her until this post. I love it! Your little Thumbelina is sweet and so it the quilt that goes with her. Thanks so much for sharing her!

  7. Thumbelina was one of my favorite movies when I was little. I think I need to bring it out for my own children to see. Thanks for this fun memory.

  8. Love the story and quilt with doll. Beautiful

  9. When I saw the name Thumblelina, the song from the movie started in my head. When I was growing up, we had a beautifully illustrated book of fairy tales which included Thumblelina. The story is definitely creepy, but I longed to be able to fly on the back of a bird. I love the photos of your Thumbleline doll. She looks quite at home in your garden.

  10. Well told favourite story….

  11. You came through with a great idea that fit the selected Fairy Tale! I enjoyed your many pictures as you reminded us of the story and of our childhoods.

  12. Sharon, Sharon, never cease to amaze me. I love your fairy tale and someone will end up with a very happy ending in addition to Thumbelina! Thanks for being a part of the hop and inspiring all of us to use our imagination! Your awesome.

  13. I always loved Thumbelina and this is perfect for the fairy tale! What a wonderful giveaway too; you are amazing!

  14. I'm trying to figure out how I grew up without knowing anything at all about this story. Thank you for the highlights of this fairy tale accented with the photos of your Thumbelina. I love your doll and its very own quilt and would be thrilled to be included in your give away.

  15. I love the story, and your garden with all the right decorations to tell the story. such a cute doll

  16. That’s really cute. I remember the great story of Thumbelina.

  17. I always loved this story! Though not tiny, I had a Thumbelina baby doll growing up. I can still picture her pretty little face! Thanks for sharing and the giveaway.

  18. I always loved the story of Thumbelina, and you represented the Fairy Tell beautifully with your cute doll and quilt!

  19. Oh my goodness, Sharon, your story and photos are just so sweet. That Thumbelina is it! Such a beautiful combo of doll and quilt. You rocked the fairy tale theme on this one!

  20. Hi,
    So the story line for this..I've never read the story of Tumbelina...I'll have to check that out..have a great day!

  21. So cute. I have always liked the story of Thumbelina. thanks for the chance.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  22. Very cute! Thumbelina was a favorite story as a child, read it to my grand daughters too. sewgood414athotmaildotcom

  23. Beautiful project Sharon. I love Thumbellina and was going to use her story as my them project for the hop. I’m sure glad I didn’t since your presentation of the story is perfect! Love Thumbellina’s journey through your garden 😉

  24. Great story to go along with your doll and mini quilt. She is adorable!

  25. I read Thumbelina in your post and had goosebumps. Such a great interpretation and your post is so fun to read. The doll and quilt are amazing.

  26. I'm running a day late with this blog hop. But wanted to pop in to say I love your sweet Thumbelina and the matching quilt makes a perfect set.

    I'm late!
    I'm late!
    For a very important date!
    No time to say "hello", "goodbye"!
    I'm late!
    I'm late!
    I'm late!

    No, no, no, no, no, no, no
    I'm overdue!
    I'm really in a stew!
    No time to say "goodbye", "hello"!
    I'm late!
    I'm late!
    I'm late!

  27. That is fabulous! I love your mini-doll and would love to win the giveaway, so thanks for the chance. That blue is just perfect for a little Thumbelina dress and quilt!

  28. Your miniature Thumbelina doll and mini quilt are the sweetest.

  29. Your dolly and quilt are so special and wonderfully made!

  30. I adore the story of Thumbelina. I had a book and record that me and my sister used to listen to over and over. Your adorable little doll captures the essence of Thumbelina. Have a magical day! -Andrea

  31. What a sweet Thumbelina! Thanks for the story. Take care.

  32. Love your sweet little Thumbelina!

  33. Thank you for sharing the Thumblelina story. I had forgotten that one. The doll, of course, is adorable.

  34. Thumbelina was on of my favorite fairy tales! I love yours, she is just tooooo cute!!! xx
