
Sunday, May 16, 2021

Getting Wild


First, I am so glad that blogger got their act together and fixed their HUGE mistake.  I didn't want to touch my blog in fear of being lost forever and hated the thought that it would cancel the HOP.  I'd like to thank Carol for being our gracious host for this HOP and I look forward to seeing all the creativity.

I've done a few 'wild' pieces over the years and had to think on what to do for this Hop.  Then in a clearing out frenzy, I came across an old piece of work partially finished - TADA, HORRAY!!!

I think I started this piece 3-4 years ago and it just needed a little bit of backstitching (which I hate).  I like to use my fabric framing method for these and it didn't take much time to have it finished.

Cross Stitch was my fiber arts way before quilting and this piece is probably 40 years old and still hanging on the wall.  I would like to change it out to my current fabric framing technique with some new fabrics to perk it up.  This is my design - yes, I used to design way back (before kids).

Of course, I had to take the new 'wild' outside to photo in the wild.  My give away for this hop is this little piece of work, be sure I can contact you - will ship any where.  I will draw the winner on Sunday, May 23 - my birthday!  

Please be sure to visit today's and tomorrow's posting bloggers:

May 17th

Sewingly Yours, Sharon 



  1. That is amazing that you finished the work after so many years. It is truly pretty.

  2. Beautiful cross stitching and finishing! Cross stitch was my needle art too before I started quilting. I have at least one unfinished project from 20 years ago... Thanks for sharing your lovely work!

  3. Your cross stitching is fabulous - I did a LOT of hand work but then discovered quilting - still do some, but not nearly as much as I used to - on clearing out some things last summer I found a piece I did in 1999!! Just need to frame it!

  4. Your work is beautiful. What a lucky find in time for this blog hop.

  5. Well Happy Birthday a bit early! Thanks for sharing some of your work with us Sharon

  6. It is beautiful. I am glad you got to finish it. I love how you put it in your "jungle" for a photo shot.

  7. A beautiful piece! I haven't cross stitched in years.

  8. oh Gosh! I most likely have one of those 40+ year old kind of projects!!! Now I have inspiration to dig it out from it's hiding spot in the bottom of one of my sewing baskets! your work is lovely!

  9. Lovely!!! Isn’t it fun to revisit old hobbies. Embroidery was the lost hobby I revisited last year. I love your fabric framing idea.

  10. Oh, I had to give up cross stitch. Quilting takes all my time now. Your piece is lovely.

  11. Lovely work. I would not have thought of finishing a cross stitch with a fabric frame, but it looks great. Cross stitch is my nemesis. I started doing them in my childhood, but would never get them finished - not sure why. I've now picked up diamond painting which is a bit of a combo of cross stitch and paint by number, and I enjoy that.

  12. Your cross stitch is amazing! I used to do a lot of it too, and really loved it.

  13. Beautiful, I don't do cross stitch but my daughter does. I have RA and my hands don't like to do that kind of work anymore.

  14. So cute! I love wild things and animal print fabrics. I'm also starting to get back into cross stitch after being away from it for awhile.

  15. Your cross stitch is beautiful. I learned some basics back in 7th grade (lol) but that is about as far as I got. Thank you for sharing!

  16. You are as amazing a cross stitcher as you are a quilter.
    I am not surprised. Beautiful work ... <3 Pat

  17. The work put into these cross stich is beautiful. You are amazing! I'm not much of a cross stitcher, so I love seeing someone's work like yours. Thank you for sharing! What huge mistake in blogger did I miss?

  18. You never cease to amaze. Your work is beautiful. Love your tigers. your new framing technique is perfect for this piece and your older piece will look terrific if you reframe it.

  19. Your cross stitch pieces are wonderful. How clever to have designed your own project! I enjoy cross stitching but stall out when it comes to getting the piece framed. Far too expensive for my crafting budget! Since seeing your fabric finishing method I've begun to do mine that way with the current finishes and even some of the long ago finishes. Thanks for sharing.

  20. I used to spend hours cross stitching myself years ago. I am blown away at your designing talents. Never could I ever imagine doing that. Your work is gorgeous, just like your quilting. You really are "Wonder Woman". :-)

  21. Your cross stitch are beautiful. Back stitch may be tedious, but it really makes a project come to life. I still cross stitch, alternating between it and quilting, and knitting, and beading... Thanks for the chance to win, and happy birthday a little early.

  22. Beautiful cross stitch pieces! Your tiger design is breathtaking! I really like how you frame your pieces with fabric. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful creations.

  23. Thank you for sharing your wonderful & beautiful cross stitch creations! Love them combined with fabric framing. Sets them off very nicely!

  24. Your cross stitch is beautiful, love the way you framed it, and those colours all blend together beautifully.The pale frame sets off the animals who all sit happily together.

  25. Wow, that is quite a lovely piece! Thanks for sharing it in a giveaway!

  26. Cross-stitching used to be a favorite of mine, too, though I've not done it for years and years. Love your tigers - they were Born to be Wild.

  27. Those are some beautiful cross stitch pieces

  28. Thanks for sharing today. Oh but these are both beautiful. Happy Birthday. I intorduced both of our kids to count cross stitch when they were in grade school. Our daughter loved it as long as they were simple and bright. Our son not so much. But he loved the part of designing a piece. So Richard would design an animal and Heather would count cross stitch it. She would ask for other pieces and he gladly drew them up. They did this until the end of middle school. Heather still has some papers that her brother drew that she intends to get to at some point. One she is going to make and give to him as a christmas gift this year.
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  29. Your cross stitch is wonderful. Such lovely pieces of art!

  30. These are both wonderful and perfect for the hop!

  31. I love your cross stitch, I used to cross stitch before quilting but haven't done any, I still have a few kits that I will hopefully get to soon when I part retire

  32. What a sweet piece you made and all the others are lovely. I never cross stitched, and don’t think I will take it more than enough to keep me occupied. Also, very glad that blogger is behaving!

  33. Beautiful cross stitch!!! Thank you for sharing!

  34. I will never do XS, but I so admire those who do beautiful pieces like these!

  35. Love the X stitch pieces. I'm itching to get back into X stitching, soon I will

  36. Happy Early Birthday. Thank you sew very much for hopping. Your projects are wonderful.

  37. Sharon, that is just wonderful. I didn't realize you did cross-stitch. You are pretty multi-talented! I miss all my schoharie friends. (Kris D.)

  38. Happy birthday!! Thanks for sharing your lovely cross-stitch projects. I used to cross stitch too, but quilting has taken over for now. :o)

  39. Great cross stitch pieces. I love to cross stitch. I just don't have enough hours in my day anymore.

  40. Beautiful cross stitch pieces.

  41. Happy early Birthday! I never thought about someone designing cross stitch patterns. Nice tigers. Cute wild stitchery, too.

  42. Beautiful Stitch work! Great projects.

  43. Happy Birthday! I used to cross stitch long ago, but quilting has taken over my crafting.

  44. Beautiful work and happy birthday!

  45. Beautiful crossstitch pieces Sharon. What fun to finish a piece you started back when. I ladder your tigers, too! Hope Blogger settles down soon and gets everything sorted out for you. 😉
    Carol @

  46. Beautiful, I used to love cross stitching. Years ago I made one, well several Stony Creek designs but my favorite was "Extincting, when they're gone".

  47. I'm late to this WILD party. Hoping you had a wonderful birthday, Sharon!! Nice job on finishing up that lovely stitched piece for the Hop.

  48. Such beautiful stitching and perfect for this hop! xx
