
Tuesday, March 23, 2021

My Day in the Sand


I would like to thank CAROL for being the creator of yet another fabulous Hop.  Although I am not a 'sand and sea' kind of gal - I have a huge fear of deep water (and swim like a stone).  BUT, I like a chance to create even when  something is outside my comfort zone.

I dug thru a couple of scrap totes as I remembered a handful of seafoam blue and sandy scraps I received at some time from someone.  AND I think there was some flip flops in the bits of eye spy pieces in another tote.  Items found and a quick project evolved.

 I don't have anything to set up a beachy photo op.  A simple patch work, semi barbello look to sand and sea and salt.  The colorful flip flops walking up the waters edge.  I quilted it with a double wave for a ripple affect and raw edged the flip flops.

 Some polka dot left overs from backing used up for the envelop back and I squeeked the aqua binding from a scrap.

Be sure to visit today's other hosts:

March 24

Thank You for visiting,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Your cushion looks great and I love those flip flops (although here in SE Australia, we call them thongs).

  2. What a wonderful take on this! I love it!

  3. Look how sweetly you pulled pieces from languishing in storage and gave them a carefree beachy life as a pillow. Such a cute idea to have the flip flops walking along the waters edge. A great project from stash and inspirational too.

  4. Great pillow and interpretation of salt sand and water. The polka dot backing has the perfect colors too.

  5. The flip flops are super cute! They are definitely beachy. :)

  6. I love your pillow! You bring out the theme of the hop while you are using up scraps. Great project!

  7. Cute pillow! Love the flip flops.

  8. Well done creating your salt and Sand challenge project ...
    Such a sweet cushion with the cute Flip Flops. (We cal them thongs in Aussie )

  9. The flip flops on the pillow are cute! Now you have a great reminder of the beach, without ever having to go in the water! :-)

  10. Cute project! Love the colorful flip flops. :o)

  11. Lovely project, I love the flip flops~ Thanks for sharing!

  12. Your pillow is adorable and perfect for a beach dwelling or for a summer vibe. Love it.

  13. Hi,
    Awesome pillow, love the flip flops.
    Have a great day!

  14. Your flip-flop pillow is so adorable--great work on this hugs, Julierose

  15. Flip flops, sand, and salt...they all go together. Wonderful pillow.

  16. It's a sweet project it...xox

  17. Those are just the sweetest flipflops on that pillow! I love the fabric choices...very beachy. Thanks for hopping with us!

  18. You came up with a fun project as always. I don't know how you can remember and find just the right pieces of fabric in a scrap tote. You must be pretty organized. Thanks for sharing.

  19. What a cute use of the flip flop fabric. A great addition to a nicely put together background.

  20. Another perfectly cute finish that suits the theme wonderfully. Thank you for sharing.

  21. Good for you for sharing a project despite not liking the beach. You did well even with a fear of the deep sea!

  22. The flip flop pillow is really fun. The colors have a lovely beach feel.

  23. Those flip flops are the perfect touch!

  24. Great might not be a salt and sand kind of girl but your pillow sure is.

  25. Your pillow is adorable, and the photos are too. I am also not near a beach for a great photo op.

  26. Oh Sharon I have to laugh. You and my hubby swim like rocks! LOL!!
    What a fun pillow though and you brought all the salt and sand necessities right into it!

  27. What a great pillow - love those bright flip flops.

  28. I love it when we can create something beautiful from scraps we already have. This is amazing and so cute at the same time.

  29. Those flip flops are adorable and the pillow is perfect!

  30. Now you have a great pillow to help you get ready for Spring and Summer. Cute!

  31. That definitely say "salt and sand". Nice work.

  32. Your use of scraps is awesome. Lovin the flip flops.

  33. Those flip flops are too cute! Good use of scraps too

  34. Love your projects and the flip flops are perfect. The joy of making beautiful projects from scraps.
