
Saturday, January 16, 2021

Sharing Sunday


The log cabin blocks are done, but I am tired of that project and they can wait for inspiration on setting into a flimsy.  I am pulling fabrics to move on some other projects.  I found the brown for the border on my Mom's old PIG - sitting right on my shelf!  It's not as old a Cranston fabric, but it will work.  The stripe is for the back and binding - or maybe I'll stick with the brown.  This is my OMG for the month so I better move on this one.

These are for my guild President's Challenge house blocks - sashings , borders, and binding.  On the shelf instead of in the project tote with the house blocks.  Since I didn't have to shop for the brown border fabric on the other project, I will have to shop for some bright white on white for this project - if our weather cooperates.

But I really want to share today - since our guild decided to go back on 'hiatis' due to the up surge of the virus - we are continuing the challenge and some of the members sent me pictures of their blocks.  Remember, I am making miniatures of their blocks.  So far our catagories have been Home Life, Farm Life, Patriotic, Family, and next is Floral.

Emily's 'Aunt Em' block - this is very different.

Betsy's 'Aunt Suky' block - love the scrappy

Kathy's 'Bachelor's Puzzle' block - very earthy

 And we ask that they share their resource(s) for the block

Joan's 'Milady's Fan' block with information.  I really like this one, but  I may have to make a variation for the miniature.

And please remember the Hop starting on Monday 

January 18

 Sewingly Yours,



  1. That last block looks tricky in any size.

  2. Yes, that last block would be hard to make any smaller.

  3. The ladies have made stunning blocks.

  4. The blocks are lovely. I'm not familiar with the Ant Em's block. The fabric choice makes it stunning. I've never seen the Milady's Fan block either. I love it. I don't think I have the skills to make it in the full size, never mind a mini.

  5. Love ALL the blocks but especially Aunt Em's... will keep that one in my mind for later use...xox
