
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Sew Snow

 I'm sure a lot of you are in the path of this 'first' winter storm - remember we had snow back in October.  I haven't touched my machine in so long that this is a good excuse to sew the day away and let the rest just 'wait'.

I have my little corner set up and I am going to enjoy a little play.  Well, there will be time to head out to do some shoveling.  There is still work to be done, but it will wait out this storm.  My furkids are so totally confused with all this moving around.  Bella has been hiding in the linen closet upstairs and Moe does what ever moves to avoid walking thru a room.  Maybe the familiar hum of the sewing machine will calm them down.

Stay Safe and warm,

Sewingly Yours,



  1. Enjoy your sewing, keep warm and safe Sharon. I am sure the cats will settle soon.

  2. That is good progress! Take a day for your own mental health and put some thread into fabric. You and the kitties will feel better.

  3. Hope you aren't hit too hard with the storm. In SE Michigan we have a light 1" snow/ice mix with a very light snow falling.

  4. I love your little area. I have one little corner to sew in and I have a big shelf for my tubs & a little table with my sewing machine. Your space looks so inspiring! Have fun sewing!!🎄🌟

  5. Your sewing area looks so tidy and cozy. Stay warm!

  6. It looks like a sweet and cozy spot to sew in while the cold stays outside. Cleaning my sewing room always looks disastrous and hopeless, but it does feel good once it is cleaned.

  7. Love the cartoon. Hope you didn't get the predicted 12-18". We only got about 3", but it's really cold today. Your corner looks so neat right now.

  8. Good luck with all the sorting. Sometimes you have to make a mess to then get sorted. I always end up doing the same. I hate the doing but love the end result. Stay safe in all the snow. Quite envious that you have snow. Hugs & Love, Susie xx

  9. Your corner looks nice (a bit too clean ;). Be careful shoveling that snow.

  10. We got 9 inches or so here. I heard you guys got more
    Stay safe and warm and sewing

  11. You look SEW organized now! Have fun with your space!
