
Thursday, December 17, 2020

And It Snowed


I've taken a lot of photos of my favorite apple tree with the big 'ass' barn behind it many times so you should get the feel for how much snow is up that trunk.  And those old chicken barns' roofs - hope they don't collapse.

My porch sets a little more that 2 feet from ground to landing and the snow obviously is above that - whooo-eeee!  I swept the porch enough so the furkids could come out, but where can they go?

A quick shot to the right at my Mom's porch - she's not going anywhere either.  I've used that porch for a lot of quilt photo shoots, so you know how high that is.

We were in a state of Emegency and every major and minor road was shut down in a lot of counties.  The decision was to wait for the cavalery tomorrow.  They are going to have to park at the neighbors and walk in as even the bottom of the long lane has been super blowed in by the road crews.  SO - I sewed.  These are from Bonnie Hunter's previous scrap challenge and I need just a few more blocks to put this one together.

So yeah - it snowed!

Sewingly Yours,



  1. And it snowed you IN! Wow, you got a big portion of the storm. Stay in and warm.

  2. Wow, you did get slammed with snow! Great time to stay in and sew. I imagine you are well stocked to ride it out, here's hoping your power stays on!

  3. And, of course, with this cold the snow isn't going to melt nay time soon. You will be having a very white Christmas.

  4. Snowed in here, too! The snowplow guy finally turned up late yesterday afternoon to plow our driveway - he'd had a VERY busy day! We didn't get as much as you did, but it was more than plenty!

  5. Wow, that is a lot of snow. No sign of snow here but very wet and cooler temperatures coming. Stay safe and warm, love the blocks.

  6. You did get a lot of snow, but it sure is beautiful. We very seldom get any. All we have now is rain and very cold temps. Keeping my fingers crossed that we might get at least a little.

  7. It looks like you won't be going anywhere for a few days at least. Have fun sewing.

  8. Snowed in, hope the fabric stash holds out for some time.

  9. Perfect day to stay in and sew. That is a lot of snow!! Best tomstay in and keep warm until the cavalry arrives.

  10. Wow, and it was 50 here today. We expect there will be more snow here in the west, but also hope not to have the extent that you do now. Happy sewing, love from eastern Oregon.
