
Sunday, September 20, 2020



I want to thank CARLA for putting together another fun Hop and so fitting to celebrate the next season.  Fall is my favorite season with cooler temperatures, fruits and vegies of the growing season, and the crisp colors.

I was going to make a small project, But.............

Fall, also, means plaids and snuggling under a warm quilt by the fire.  This is LORNA'S 'Buffalo Plaid Moose' pattern.  I changed the buffalo plaid setting to a scrappy use of plaids, homespuns, and shirts.  

My Dad had a run in with a moose many years ago and his favorite expression after that - when ever faced with conflict - was 'don't goose the moose'.  He had a 'moose crossing' sign here at the top of our long drive to slow drivers before getting into the main farm area - we don't have any moose here.  But he liked the gag.

I used up the large pieces of homespun for the back.  Just an added touch to the 'Earthy Fall' feel to this quilt.

And the rumple.....................

HEE HEE - Moe loved this quilt from the time I pulled that tote of homespuns and helped with every step in it's making.  So I quess he has a right to photo bomb and run back/forth behind the quilt.


This lovely panel of owls and four fall leaf print fat quarters could be yours.  Just be sure I have a way to contact you.  I will pull the winner on Monday, Sept 28.


 Monday, September 21st



  1. That looks very cosy to snuggle under with a good book.

  2. Very nice, the moose is wonderful. I love the owls. Jmikebalou (at) aol (dot) com

  3. Love your moose. What fun for Moe. He is so adorable

  4. Your quilt makes me think of of to snuggling in front of the fireplace on a cold winter evening while sipping cider and chatting with the family.

  5. The moose is a great finish to a lovely, cozy quilt!

  6. I love the plaid background for your moose, it’s more my style than Buffalo plaid.

  7. Good morning, Sharon! What a fabulous Fall quilt. I like your choices for the background fabrics - they make a nice back drop for the moose. I suspect Moe knows a good thing when he sees it. It will be a good one to snuggle under and stay toasty warm. ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. Sharon, I love your moose quilt and the story about your father. These connections are an added bonus when quilting. I actually think I like the scrap plaid backing better than the buffalo plaid (don’t tell Lorna). Your owl panel and fall prints look festive and fun. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Moose quilt is so neat--I like the pieced background on the backing...
    I love the owls--so pretty...hugs, Julierose

  10. Great moose and Moe! Mumbird3atgmaildotcom

  11. Oh, Sharon, this is amazing. Love that moose and the background fabrics are perfect. Thank you for joining the Hello Fall blog hop. Your quilt is perfect for fall.

  12. what a lovey and cozy quilt with a wonderful story behind it. I agree with Roseanne that this will be toasty warm. I actually thought Moe was part of the design until I looked closer.

  13. That looks like the perfect quilt to snuggle up in and have a hot chocolate!

  14. Don't goose the moose - hahaha! I love that, and I love the quilt. You are right, it's perfect for fall and snuggling under with a good book, some hot apple cider and a cuddly kitty.

  15. Love the moose and the scrappy use of those fabrics!

  16. Very cute . My grandsons would love your design.

  17. fantastic quilt love the moose

  18. Such a cozy way to enter fall! Need a rocker on a porch and a cup of hot cocoa, aaahh!

  19. Your moose quilt looks so warm and snuggly. It is kitty cat approved!
    Thank you for the giveaway. peterstankovich @

  20. What an awesome quilt, Sharon!! Plaids, shirtings, etc. conjure up the feeling of a crisp fall morning. I'm not a fan of owls, but I know someone who is so I would LOVE to win your drawing!

  21. What a cute moose story...and the small quilt is great! I love this fall version in the plums!

  22. Love your Moose fall quilt you shared and your giveaway is something to definitely to "hoot" about!

  23. This is such a wonderful fall quilt. I love homespuns. I love your projects. Always. The moose adds the perfect touch. Thank you for sharing in the hop ... :) Pat

  24. Sharon, Your quilt looks so cozy and ready for a snuggle on a cold night. I love the scrappy look and the moose! Cute photo with Moe checking things out. Thanks for sharing!

  25. Your moose quilt sure looks warm and cozy! Can’t blame Moe one bit!

  26. Moe is obviously a cat with excellent taste! LOL!! I love love love this done in the homespuns! Great job.

  27. Great moose story and quilt. Thanks for giveaway.

  28. So funny to see Moe staring up at the moose. And the moose crossing sign probably made a few drivers pause for a moment. The owl panel is really cute.

  29. oh but your qult is lovely. i love the fabrics you used for the squares. oh but i love your dads quote. my dad had run in with a moose also, the moose decided to chase his car. thank goodness it gave up after a short while. had my dad in a dither for a while. LOL funnily enough my mom, who was in the car, was taking pictures and telling him to slow down so she could get a "great" shot. LOL what a lovely and generous give a way. thanks for the chance. my mom and i love owls. birds of wisdom and knowledge. quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  30. Your dad sounds like he had a great sense of humor. I went over to Lorna's and was delighted to see her patterns are 50% off. Somehow, the moose coaxed 4 more of his friends to jump in my cart. I do like the scrappy background better than the buffalo check. It's beautifully crisp here today, perfect to root through my flannel stash for plaids.

  31. I love your quilt, the moose is perfect. I also love the owls.

  32. Your quilt is wonderful...but the sweet story about your Dad actually made me remember similar stories about my Dad...thanks for the trip down memory lane!
    cathybhaney @

  33. Love the moose quilt and tidbit about your dad! My daughter loves owls and I would love to win that panel! Thanks so much for your generousness!

  34. What a great story! I love the moose.

  35. Great quilt! Love the story about your dad and the moose. The plaid patches are perfect!

  36. Your moose quilt, and the stories behind it, are wonderful. Moe looks like a real sweetie.
    That fabric is great. Thanks for the chance to win.

  37. Your quilt looks wonderful and inviting to curl up with on a cool fall day! :-)

  38. Great moose quilt. My son is in Alaska, and sees moose in his neighborhood.

  39. Wonderful moose, so real looking. Would love to win the owls, thanks! jan @

  40. Moe and the moose...perfect! Love your quilt and can see why you just couldn't help yourself.

  41. Like your use of homespuns and shirts--really great quilt!

  42. Love your moose quilt! Will you be giving it to your Dad?

  43. I like your background choice for the moose! It fits the you we've come to know through your blog. On our New England RVing trip last year, my husband and I and our friends kept our eyes open for moose without having any luck except for pictures and signs. Great start to the fall blog hop.

  44. Love the quilt and the story. Nancy A:

  45. OMG I TOTALLY love owls!!! Hope I win, it is on my anniversary. Thanks for the chance and for sharing your lovely work!

  46. I love the moose and the owls and the fact that FALL is finally here!

  47. Sharon I love your moose, and your quilt definitely says autumn to me! And I love the owl panel! They are faves of my granddaughter and myself! Thanks for sharing and for the opportunity to win!

  48. I love your Moose and Moe. Thanks so much for sharing

  49. Wonderful Moose quilt, I like your Dads sense of humour 😀, good to see Moe on duty.

  50. Love your moose quilt and especially the story that goes with it!

  51. I almost thought the cat was another appliqué on the quilt. I had to scroll back an see that the moose stood alone. Cute quilt. Thanks for sharing!

  52. That looks like a great quilt to snuggle under. Love the moose.

  53. Love your moose, and your owls! I've seen moose in northern Michigan and Minnesota, but the owl family that lived in our woods were really special.

  54. I love your plaid quilt. Especially the moose. I want to make a plaid quilt someday.

  55. Love your Moose and your back story of your dad. The scrappy look is perfect .

  56. Love your moose and your homespuns! What could be better than flannel in the fall?

  57. Very sweet, warm looking quilt. Thanks for sharing.

  58. "don't goose the moose"...I'm sure I'd love your dad. Great quilt and so warm and welcoming.

  59. Stories, homespuns, plaids and a moose to boot! Fall can’t get any better with that snuggly pile of goodness. Thanks for sharing and I’m sure Moe was happy with your project. Love those owls. Thanks for a chance at winning 😉

  60. I love your moose quilt! My husband and I went to VT and NH looking for a moose but didn't find one.

  61. Love your plaids, the moose, and Moe!!

    1. Hi Sharon, love the homepun/ noise quilt! Looks like you! Also I've those owls, with fingerscrpssed!

  62. What a great quilt! Loving the Moose! We have a few in upper Michigan but I have yet to see one! The Owls are so cool and I love owls, so my fingers are crossed to be lucky. Have a great week!

  63. Love your quilt and fabulous way to use up those fabrics. LOL the moose story is wonderful. I had a run in with a baby moose and a mama in Yellowstone years ago when I was 18. Walking along a trail to the lake. Here this running. Baby moose skids to a halt a few inches from me, and here comes mama running right behind it. I moved into the woods at the side of the trial to let them pass. No harm, no foul, except to my poor little heart.

  64. Love the snuggly moose quilt! Thank you for the chance to win!

  65. What a great idea, and a very good story. I live in the woods during the winter months here, Nova Scotia),and moose are not uncommon visitors to our yard. It might be very fitting for me to include one on a cosy quilt. Thanks for your share

  66. That moose quilt is so beautiful! I love all of Lorna's patterns. I really like how you did the borders with the different colors.

  67. Love the colors of the quilt and the moose is a wonderful addition.

  68. I enjoyed your stories about your dad. The moose quilt was fitting.

  69. Fabulous moose quilt. I like the fabrics you used.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  70. Cozy looking moose quilt for any man that loves to hunt.

  71. I love your quilt! It looks so warm and cozy.

  72. what a great quilt and that panel is SEW cool, we are big owl lovers here!

  73. I really love your moose quilt... and Moe! We have moose in some parts of Wisconsin, but I've never seen any in the area I live. They are majestic looking creatures, that's for sure. Your quilt really depicts the feeling of being in a log cabin, curled up under it on a cozy couch in front of a warm fire place....

  74. Wow! What a great modification to Lorna's pattern. Such a great moose. We went to Alaska on our honeymoon a few years ago and saw several moose, including a very memorable moose who followed us through a park in Anchorage.

  75. Love the moose story. My husband and son were at Boy Scout camp several years ago, and someone left out some chips. In the middle of the night,the camper's were woken to the sound of an animal, and a shadow was cast on one of the leader's tent and he thought it was a 🐻 bear. He was terrified and was whispering, trying to get my husband's attention and not the bears. My husband laughed out loud at him and told him it was a raccoon 🦝, not a 🐻 bear. The poor leader was really embarrassed, and the boys were teasing him about it. My husband told the boys to come and stand in front of them and proceeded to lecture them about the real danger they had put everyone in by leaving out food. It was a good lesson for the Boy's. I love owls, they're so beautiful. Thanks for such a lovely giveaway. Jadahlgr at Yahoo dot com

  76. mooses and homespuns go together like autumn and apple cider! your quilt is lovely!

  77. Loved your story of your dad and the moose. Love homespuns and plaids. Beautiful quilt. Thanks for the chance to win the beautiful fabric.

  78. Beautiful moose quilt! Don't mess with the moose. :o)

  79. Love the moose quilt! And the story you told about your dad! Thanks for the giveaway

  80. I just discovered the blog hop today and am having fun seeing what everyone has made and sharing. Your quilt is fabulous and the story that goes along with it is delightful! Thank you for sharing it and for the chance to win these lovely fabrics! Have a spectacular day!!

  81. This is such a great quilt. Love the moose shadow. It appears Moe is checking it out and loves it too. :)

  82. Very nice quilt and I love the background fabrics; using up the stash is always very satisfying! Those owls are very cool and hope I win!

  83. That is a fabulous quilt Sharon. It looks amazing and I can imagine how warm and cosy it is.
