
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Scrappy Wednesday

I'm still quilting and no piecing, but I want to share our local guild's Tuesday Social in the Park.  It has been 100 days since our last meeting and we planned a fun get together at a local park - and took in our charity drive quilts.  It was so fun to lay them all out along the once hillside.

We had a lovely backdrop of color and quilty goodness while we ate our 'brought from home' lunches and caught up on what everyone was doing.  Just a note - the large scrappy quilt was donated by a non-member.  One of our members picked up some packaged pre-cuts during our guild swap meeting for her to use.  Annie is (no I won't tell) old?  and she did this all by hand - piecing to tied finish to the old style bring the backing to the front for the binding.  How sweet of her to pay it forward - again.

Love the icecream shop (Windham panel) and added icecream cones and banana split.  The tropical panel at the top is a 3-D and you need the special 'movie' glasses to get the affect.  Oh, my - it jumped right out at you!

Members were noticing fabrics they had donated at our guild swap night - others had used them to make their donation quilt(s) with.  We all loved the stripe patchwork set on the smokey black.

And more - I didn't get all as just then someone came with two very large dogs not leashed and they of course, ran right thru the quilts.  Thus, we did a pick up and asked that they please use the leashes in their hands.

Some of the crew - yes, we have some Roosters in our guild.  Some went to walk the paths thru the park and find some great spots for quilt photo ops. ANd because I didn't get the camera out until the end - I didn't catch some of our members' grandkids who came and did some show & tell of their own.

Some more members catching up before we headed out - they were watching those dogs tearing thru the park.  This park is on the lower embackment of the old section of the cemetary of the Old Stone Fort; hence you see one of the markers.

It was a beautiful day and so nice to be able to get back to gether as a group.  No formal business meeting - just a lovely social time.  We normally break thru July and August, but they liked this so much that we plan another (different) park meeting for July.  Maybe August will see our County in it's last Phase back to normal.

Stay Safe and Healthy,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. What a beautiful spot for your meeting!

  2. Dogs??? We had one small one come onto our place the other day. almost in the front door. I yelled at the young man way down the road to collect his dog. Then another slimmer grey one trotted past!! How dare they let those dogs run among those beautiful quilts all made with so much thought and care. I would have a hose on full spray handy. What a wonderful way to meet together.

  3. Beautiful place for your meeting and what a great collection of quilts you have all made. The god owner should know better and be watching the dogs!! And I am a former dog owner, I never let my dog go running to other people. Great you could all get together.

  4. What a lovely event, Sharon! My group keeps talking about getting together, but we haven't done it yet.

  5. What a great way to be together while still staying safe. The quilts look wonderful. The ice cream quilt is fun, but I particularly like the one above it in the photo. It looks like the dogs liked your three that were piled up. In the absence of a white glove lady, they must have wanted to examine the backing. The world is full of thoughtless people. I'm sorry your lovely day had an unpleasant incident.

  6. How wonderful to get to have some social time! Love the virtual quilt show.

  7. How cool. Love seeing the quilts. Thanks.

  8. So glad you all got to get together again. Lots of great quilts were donated, too.

  9. What a lovely idea for a get together. Such a shame the dogs were not under control.

  10. This is a great idea! So fun to see guild friends and the quilts they are making!

  11. I'm glad you found a way to gather and catch up.
