
Sunday, June 14, 2020

A Difference A Few Days Make

I have been wrapped up in finishing that one quilt which is now ready to go in the wash and then the dryer.  So I will share what little is flowering due to our late start to Summer.  

Spring sees Yellow, Red and White with the early flowers - tulips, daffs, and a few crocus.  This is my White Garden during Summer - and I need to weed.

This is actually called an Anniversary Silver Rose, but really a bright white.  I bought this for my Mom for Mother's Day several years ago and this year it is in full spendor - and about 8ft high!

And hidden in the mix are some tiny red roses.  These are little indoor plants that were gifted to Mom be various people and I set them outside - this is the first year any have flowered outside. 

The Lavender is taking a good hold and loaded with blossoms ready to pop.

The roses by my porch have not flowered in probably 20 years because the deer chew them right down at their tender stage of growth.  They've left them alone this year and I have loads of blossoms.

This is a 200 yr. + rose bush that puts out such an amazing show and aroma each year.

Well a few days of warmth and sunshine made for a lot of changes!!!

The white roses are everywhere!  And there are a couple of Hollyhocks starting to spout in the mix as well.

I'm finding more little red (and even an orange) roses peeking out.

As the Lavender opens more and more I can even catch the scent in the house.

Yes, explosion!  There is one on each side of the stairs and you have to be aware of all the bees right now as you go up and down

And the old gal is getting into it's glory.  The rose and lavender scent thru the yard is astounding right now.  I don't pick any of these - I just have to open a window to have the delightful scent waft thru the house.

Once their season ends - a bit of pruning and clean up gives the next round of flowers their chance to shine - yellows, oranges, and purple grow well into the Fall.

I received a Round Robin for the next 'round' which happens to be the final (and largest) border.  ANd you all know how I feel about borders.  I won't be able to show this as I think the person reads my blog and I don't want to spoil the reveal.

Stay Safe and Healthy,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Beautiful flowers. Mine are all covered in weeds. I have to get out garden guy never showed up.he was gonna redo that side bed and mulch for me.

  2. Beautiful! Isn’t it nice when you see flowers on something that hardly ever gets a chance. We have roses this year too. Kind of hit or miss with our deer. Enjoy it while it lasts.

  3. I love climbing roses especially!!! Yours are blooming happily!!

  4. Beautiful blooms! How refreshing after a long cold winter. You have fun with your borders. LOL!! We are looking forward to seeing the complete project when you can share.

  5. What a beautiful display of "spring" flowers...& I bet the aroma is glorious. Enjoy adding the final border too...looking forward to its reveal...xox

  6. Your garden is looking wonderful Sharon, thank goodness the deer left your roses alone so you can get some flowers. There is nothing better that the flower perfume wafting in the window.

  7. Thanks for the garden tour! That 200-yr-old rose is wonderful. It is fantastic that it has survived so long and still blooms so beautifully every year.

  8. The roses are beautiful. We have lavender and fragrant roses in the garden and their scent fills the house.
