
Monday, February 17, 2020

Color It Red

When CAROL posted this new Hop, I had to take the challenge.  I work small bits of red into quilts for a little fun pop, but  never to make a RED quilt all together.  BUT it didn't have to be a full red project, just so it reads some red - sooth my soul.

I am a scrap quilter by heart and I had a bag of them as part of the gifted items from a fellow Hall of Fame quilter's Estate.  I new there would be a lot of reds as Lesley liked reds and Civil War fabrics.  I knew right away what block to make to represent her as well.

The heritage block - Churn Dash - rolled out of this wonderful pile of scraps.  I petted each one with fond memory of this lovely lady.

To use all the fabrics in that bag, I chose to use a 'broken' border around each block and it would make a woven look sashing.

The outer border and backing are the only fabrics from my stash.  A quilt was just waiting to be made from that baggy and I hope it truly represents the quilter that they came from.

And I found some more red to clear from the shelf.  Chicken Wire and Homespun to play with some 16-patches.  I like to use the flip corner method to make geese units so I have the cut-offs to use.

More homespun for sashing and some crazy birds fabric I bought long ago.  It was one of those 'have to get this' and then I didn't know what to do with it.  Now those birds are 'caged' and add some fun to this bright quilt.

A guild member had brought a lot of homespuns to our swap meeting and they never made the table because I scooped them right up out of her arms.  This large red piece made for the perfect back - and there is enough for another quilt backing.

Those cut-offs are going to play as well.  I remembered I had bought a number of embroidery samples from a LQS that had closed.  These horses where on a piece that had many horse embroideries, but I wanted only these so took the sampler apart.

A messenger bag using up what little bit was left of that homespun and the strap is what was left of what I used for the binding.

The hourglass blocks on the back to add to the farm fresh look.

I think I have gotten my fill of RED. 

Be sure to visit the other hosts today:

Sewingly Yours,


  1. LOL, sometimes I get my fill of a certain color in fabrics as well. A fresh start always sparks some new creativity!

  2. I am totally amazed at your quilts and bag!! All are really neat. I have to say that I like the first quilt you showed best (if I were to pick one)--that sashing really sets it off. Thanks for sharing your projects--you HAVE outdone yourself with red. :)

  3. A lovely way to remember a fellow quilter.

  4. I love what you have done with your friends scraps. I know she would be thrilled with the love used to create beauty with them. Great job.

  5. Oh, I love all your scrappy red projects.

  6. Red DOES make a quilt pop! My mom loved to make scrap quilts and there was always a lot of reds in them. Using and loving her quilts, now that she's gone, is such a comfort. I loved seeing your quilts today. I'm so grateful to Carol for this blog hop...I'm finding new blogs that I might never had found. Blessings from southeastern WV.

  7. Oh my goodness, you always amaze me with what you can do with scraps. Both of these quilts are total winners for using scraps and are so beautiful! The chicken wire quilting looks great, too! You filled this post with so much it! Thanks for hopping with us, Sharon!

  8. Great red scrap projects and what a lovely way to remember a friend. Thanks so much for sharing!

  9. Great red scrap projects and what a lovely way to remember a friend. Thanks so much for sharing!

  10. I had forgotten you were inducted into the Hall of Fame! I love scrap quilts because they always bring back memories - I used this fabric here and that fabric there. Say hi to your mom for me. Kris D, presently rambling through Texas.

  11. You had some great ideas for red projects! I really like red star points surrounding the green 16 patche centers especially!

  12. So many beatiful quilts you made. I really love that star quilt.

  13. Nothing like bright red to perk up a quilt. I love using scraps. I think a variety of fabric adds texture to a quilt.

  14. You went crazy with red! I love all your projects! That little messenger bag you made with the horses is just about the cutest thing I've ever seen! You've done "red" proud!

  15. Your scrap quilting is always sew beautiful and inspiring, Sharon. Thank you for sharing in the blog hop ... :) Pat

  16. You have been busy using red!!! Well done!!!

  17. Beautiful, a quilt full of a loving memory. This week I looked for greens to do a small wall hanging, and was amazed to find I didn't have enough. So it is in blues, Kathleen McCormack's " My Blue Mountains." My reds are so sparse, I would struggle to find many at all.

  18. Beautiful! Such great projects! Love those reds.

  19. Wow you have been busy with your reds. How good is it, when you get a fabric jackpot.

  20. Great projects & loving memories all wrapped up together. I love scrappy quilts & you have done them up well. Thanks for joining in the red hop & sharing your creativity!

  21. All of your projects were wonderful. I especially like the Churn Dash quilt made from the HOF quilter's scraps and represented her. Makes that a special quilt indeed.

  22. Hi Sharon, wow you've made a lot of 'red' projects. How lovely that you managed to make a whole quilt from your friends fabric pieces. It'll be a special quilt to love and cuddle.

  23. I love seeing what others use their scraps for. Gorgeous projects.

  24. Wow gorgeous scrappy red projects. Love what you did with the embroideries.

  25. omgosh, I love that quilt Connie, and what a lovely tribute. ty for sharing it today.

  26. Really cute. Love that you used your stash.

  27. Churn dash is one of my favorite blocks. Such a nice quilt.

  28. Great red projects. Red is my favorite color.

  29. I love your red projects. Great way to use up scraps.

  30. Super scrappy Churn Dash was a great way to honor your friend's memory and I love that Christmas, but Not quilt, too!! Great projects for the Color it Red Blog Hop, Sharon.

  31. Love the scrappy churn dash and really love the red chicken wire fabric!

  32. I like the green and red stars. The horses were a great find and look amazing.

  33. Haha for sure but I do love a great churn dash. ..tyty for sharing

  34. Love your red projects. That churn dash is speaking to me and The stars are too. I would never think to combine green center with red stars but I like the way it works

  35. What a beautiful tribute to your friend and fellow quilter!

  36. So inspiring!
    I love the "broken border " idea for using up smaller pieces!

  37. So many beautiful projects in red! Love the stars, but the Churn Dash is my favorite. And that messenger bag is so cute and handy. Love it's backing, too.

  38. Your quilt with your friend's fabrics is so special and the sashing really sets it off. That bag and the other quilt are adorable too.

  39. Lovely projects. I love the broken border you used around each block in the Churn Dash quilt. It was really clever to use the embroidery sample for the messenger back. The red and white blocks on the back are a fun surprise. You always add a unique twist to your work.

  40. I'm loving your churn dash quilt with the frames around each block. Thanks for sharing your projects!

  41. A lot of darling ways to use your red scraps, and I can't say which is my favorite, because I like them all. Great inspiration!

  42. I am in love with red, and your darling projects you made with red are wonderful!

  43. Wow, lots of inspiring projects - I like the way you just kept sewing those reds until they are almost all gone! (I do enjoy it when one project leads to another!)

  44. Your love for scrap quilts shows. All you scrap quilts are wonderful.

  45. Your quilts are fabulous!!! I love them both and the bag with the horses and red fabric is perfect. So sweet!! Lots of inspiration to use a theme but at the same time a fabric scrap buster, great ideas!!
