
Sunday, December 1, 2019

Virtual Cookie Exchange Blog Hop

Cookies & Quilts

I would like to thank Carol @ Just Let Me Quilt for being MaMa Host for this fun Annual Hop.  I hope you enjoy  the cookies, gift making, tradition sharing, and just some relaxing time during this very stressful month.


You don't have to be a baker to make something yummy and fun for the Holiday.  I love the mixed taste of sweet and salty with a little crunch.  Pretzels and chocolate just fit that so nicely.  Last year I shared one of my 'cookies' with this mix, but this year I wanted a little fun that would be great to share making with the little ones.  ROLO REINDEER

Small Pretzels
Rolo Candies
Mini M&Ms
Edible Candy Eyes (Wilton) 

Line baking sheet with Parchment Paper.  Pre-heat ovet to 350 degrees.  Break off one section of the pretzel like in photo - they make great sneak snacks while working.   Top with a Rolo and bake for just 3 minutes.  The Rolo may not look melted - but it is enough for the next step and we don't want puddles.

Remove from oven and place Eyes and M&M for face.  We laughed because they look more like Christmas Mice, but they were fun.

This project could be followed with a story book read.  There are many books about Reindeer and even Christmas Mice.


There was always an orange tucked in the toe of the stocking and a plate of cookies set out for Santa.  The only stockings I put out are for the furkids - they don't like oranges.  BUT, I always pick up a couple of them for my Christmas Morning breakfast treat.


A few things in the shop, but no gifts made for giving (everyone is well supplied).  I did donate a couple of Christmas Quilts for raffles and pillowcases made for our Quilt Guild's charity project donation to the local community family boxes each year.  If you are short on time, I recommend pulling some orphan blocks and make pillows or table runners.


Since our December here in the NorEast has opened with a three day snow storm, I thought this panel of deer in a snow storm would be fun.  "Winter Whispers" by Michelle Mara for Wilmington Prints is 43" x 29".  Some blocks on the top and bottom, a couple of borders, back with a flannel - super quick throw for gifting (or keeping).  Be sure I have a way to contact you (we see a lot of no-reply responders during these hops).  I will pull the winner Tuesday, December 10.

Please be sure to visit the rest of today's bloggers:
December 2nd

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Those pretzel cookies are so darn cute and, like you said, great to do with little ones. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Greati idea for cookies! We always got an apple and orange and some walnuts in shells

  3. What cute cookies. I love the red and green quilt too. The deer panel is beautiful. I have a contact form on my blog, under the header. It is a grey envelope image link.

  4. Those treats are adorable. I like that stocking tradition. That dear panel is beautiful. I love the idea of making it into a throw.

  5. What a great recipe to make, thanks.
    Lovely winter wishes headed your way with wintry conditions.

  6. What cute treats. Fun to make with grands. Thanks for the giveaway.

  7. Thanks for a great treat idea. We always have a family get together that needs snacks, and this will be perfect!! I love the panel also. Hubby and son are both outdoor people and would love this!!

  8. Your cookies look yummy, sweet and salty!

  9. The candy cookies. I love the way salt and chocolate taste together. One of my favorite treats I secretly stash. LOL. have a blessed holiday! (

  10. Rolo Reindeer are going to be a definite on my list of holiday treats this year! Keep warm and enjoy a little stitchin' time my friend. ;-)

  11. Rolo Reindeer look like a great Monkey Boy and Grandma project...they'd love it! The orange in the toe of the stocking always happened at my house growing up, along with a box of Whitman chocolates. Such sweet memories you've brought back to me! Gifting quilts is a wonderful way to share the love and that one looks amazing. Thanks for hopping with us, Sharon!

  12. Your Rolo Reindeer are adorable and look like so much fun to make! I'm going to have to try those!

  13. So cute, and they look yummy.
    shades000 at gmail dot com

  14. I can manage them. They look so fun to do and quite tasty too.

  15. Cute Christmas goodies. I have made these with the kiddos. Always a fun time. Pretty quilts. Thank you for sharing in my favorite blog hop ... :) Pat

  16. Love Rolos and pairing it with the pretzels is genius!! Your reindeer are soooo cute!!! Winter Whispers is gorgeous, and since I don't know for sure I'm a no-reply person, my email is wild_blue_farm at yahoo dot com, just in case I'm the lucky person pulled!!!

  17. So cute! I love Rolo candy, and pairing it with pretzels sound really good. Definitely something I want to try, thanks for sharing.

  18. Delightful reindeer cookies to make with my granddaughter. Thanks.

  19. The deer panel is beautiful. Would make a very nice charity quilt.

  20. Great idea for Xmas biscuits 🎅

  21. Those reindeer are adorable! And thanks for the prize opportunity.

  22. Ahhh hit the wrong button, the panel is beautiful.

  23. Your Rolo Reindeers are adorable! They look yummy, too! Love the panel. Hope you have a Merry Christmas!

  24. Hi Sharon! Gosh, I have a couple of littles who would adore those reindeer cookies. Especially the eyes!! I don't know if they can eat caramel yet - maybe next year but they sure are cute. I can't see that deer panel without thinking of my dad who went deer hunting every.single.Thanksgiving.week I was alive. He would have loved a throw like that, especially with the rack on that Buck. Merry Christmas to you and your family! I'm enjoying the hop and it's only day #1. ~smile~ Roseanne

  25. The snow missed us, thank goodness. The rolo deer look adorable and a great treat for those with peanut allergies. Keep warm, and snuggled inside.

  26. You may not think yours (cookie reindeer) look quite as nice as others but I know many will love the simple recipe and the rolo candy, too.

  27. This is a fun little post. I think I may just make this little version of reindeer. They look so easy. I'm not much of a baker so they have to be easy for me to make them.

  28. Reindeer seem to be the rage this year!! I love them - all kinds - and especially cookies/candy reindeer! LOL Thanks for sharing! You can send some of that snow south! My granddaughter was just saying today when I picked them up for my daughter that she wished it would snow this year! Me long as I can stay inside! LOL Stay warm and safe!

  29. Thanks for the reindeer treat recipe! This is one our grandson for one will love. Thanks for the inspiration to possibly create a deer panel throw quilt.

  30. How adorable are those pretzel Rolo Reindeer? I love this idea and hope to try this soon. Great tip for a quick gift with orphan blocks. Lovely post, Sharon. Thank you for the giveaway, it's beautiful.

  31. Sharon, these would be so fun for to share with my grandgirls! They love things like this (to oooh and aaaah over *and* to eat!). We always had an orange in the toe of our stocking, too! We had to eat it before we could start opening presents. LOL!! Of course, I did that with our own family, and I know at least on of my kids does it with their children!! Passed down traditions are such fun!! ♥

  32. I am relaxing a bit and visiting some stops on this wonderful hop. The Rolo Reindeer are so cute and a perfect project. I grew up with getting an orange in my stocking and carried that on with my kids when they were little.

  33. Those reindeer look so fun and yummy! And the quilt is lovely. Thanks for sharing.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. too cute. and we love rolos. thanks and Merry Christmas🎄

  36. I don't eat Rolos but these look so cute.
