
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Scrappy Wednesday

Spring is really trying to show itself here in the NorEast with a few slip-up days here and there such as the weekend snow.  BUT I do think we are finally heading into the up swing of the Season.  This latest temperature rosette had a bit of aqua thrown in with the greens.  We might even get some brighter greens soon. 

54 - 54 -51 - 60 - 46 - 46 - 62

The diamonds made a lot of progress during the quilt show.  One full and on almost there.  A sweet guild member raided her stash and found a FQ pack she had gotten at a 'porch sale'.  Thank you Steff!

It's been a while since a finish this year.  The little pineapple was just waiting for the binding to be added and sewn down when I had to break for the show.  You can find the pineapple pattern HERE.

With a new month, it was time to pull a block slip from the cup.  Next up is 'Clam Shell' and I probably will do a mini or maybe use it as a trim on a bag.  I'm very busy the month of May, so a small project is on the list.

I am still finding bags and boxes of HSTs and corner cut-offs.  Today I will look to see what is in this bag to play with.

I must have used these blue cut-offs from this donated bag  in another project as some are stitched.  I will pull all the blues in this bag and see what I can do with these 1.5" unfinished HSTs once I have the pile done.

I like to work 10 at a time, finger press, trim and then pin into groups of 10.  A nice day's bit of stitch time.  Also, a walk outside is in order as they say we might (?) hit 80 today.

I, also, have to pack my car as I head out bright and early tomorrow morning to go teach a class on improving techniques' for HSTs, Geese, and all things pointy.  Should be fun.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. All looking so good up there. A cold start down here, a light frost, a beautiful day ahead.Bags of goodies, you always manage to put everything to a wonderful finish.

  2. It was t-shirt weather here the last two days - I'd forgotten how wonderful that is!
    Your class sounds like a ton of fun! Enjoy!

  3. Still looking a bit cold there - although that's the direction mine is going in now.

    I'll be interested to see what you make with all those HSTs.

  4. We hit 85 yesterday (tied the record for the date). Supposed to be rainy with T-storms today, but right now the sun is shining. Spring has finally sprung.

  5. Wow! Heat wave! We’re supposed to have nice weather here today too. I’ll be out playing in the weeds.

  6. I know you are ready for Spring, but I'm enjoying your blues..We are suppose to get Spring Storms through Saturday. We need the rain, but not the danger....:)

  7. Lovely hexie progress, quilters are generous aren't they? Looking forward to seeing what clamshells you produce. Those pieces you are using are tiny!!

  8. Mother Nature is trying her best to get us into warmer weather. Thunderstorms are coming tonight but that just means that summer is that much closer. Your temps were pretty close to each other last week - I'm surprised they weren't warmer. When they do get heat up we will wish for the cooler temps right quick. LOL.

  9. Glad you are seeing some warmer days. It's been stormy here, but today was nice. Happy stitching this weekend.

  10. Always fun to catch up on what you are stitching , hope your class went well .
