
Sunday, May 6, 2018

In The Pink

I was happy to see that the RSC18 month's color was pink as I was already working a project with those.  This is the pattern I used for the class that I taught on Thursday.  You can find it HERE if you would like to play with these.  It had everything we needed to practice our 'pointy' skills on.  Flip corners, matching those pointy seams, HSTs, and geese.

We, also, covered proper use of rulers, proper pressing for better seams and flatter blocks, fabric choices,  and how to math blocks.  A student brought a project that she wanted help on how to set her blocks on point and that was a good lesson too.

I have loved seeing everyone posting 'blooming things' and we have finally jumped into Spring here  I pulled up all my bulbs in the fall and passed them on to my daughter.  BUT look!  I must have missed a few and have never had so many tulips bloom before - the squirrels and chippers eat the bulbs and woodchuck the flowers.  Ah yes, the dandelions are prolific as well.

The apple trees are starting to show some leaf and bloom.  I just hope we don't have a drop of temps when they need those bees pollinating.  I would love to have a year of abundant fruit once again - last year there wasn't a single apple on this tree.

This guy had to follow me around as I checked for flowery appearances of Spring - and storm damage.  He's been a faithful walker with me were as Bella is in a bit of a hiding mood of late.  She's had a grudge with my travels taking me away and terrified by the season's first bad thunderstorms.

My machine stitching will be slow to stand still at times as I am working full time on completing a commissioned cross stitch piece and I have a deadline to meet.

Once the rains let up, I need to run up to the store for some staples - kitty treats, bread, milk, and TP.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Love how you put the kitty treats first on the staples list! Happy cats happy household! Pretty blooms and love your pink heart blocks.

  2. Your tulips look great! Back in the days when I kept chickens, I had one little hen who loooooooved the tulips when they came up. She'd wallow and roll and shred - I never saw a tulip bloom in her whole lifetime. (I explained to her many times that she wasn't a free-range chicken and should stay in her pen, but she never believed me. I never did figure out how she was escaping...)

  3. Love your flowers. I split up my daffys too and this year they went wild. Was have a cute walkibg

  4. What a great block to use to help teach , lots of lessons in one block. Your flowers are beautiful , so nice to see signs of spring .

  5. That’s a very cute block. Nice seeing some good weather your way. You guys have had one cold spring.

  6. Beautiful heart blocks, the tulips are lovely too. We had a problem with rabbits digging up the daffodil bulbs where we used to live...didn't eat them just dug them up!! Best of luck with the apples..lovely to have a walk companion.

  7. Fun pattern for your PINK fabric scraps!!

  8. The tulips are lovely. I’m beginning to think we have a dandelion farm.😆 Here’s hoping you have lots of apples this year!

  9. NICE heart block pattern! Thanks for the pattern link. Moe is looking happy to finally see some spring weather.

  10. Those hearts are really cute. Thank you for sharing the link to the pattern. Glad you are seeing some warm up. We seem to have gone straight from spring to summer.
