
Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Scrappy Wednesday

Confessions Of A Fabric Addict

Hope all my American friends had a safe and lovely July 4th.  This is one Holiday weekend I just do not travel and prefer to stick close to home.  I held down the fort while everyone else went to parades, waded thru crowds, sat in traffic jams, and put up with all the noise.

Paper work and house work with a walk or two outside with my furry companions suited me just fine.  But I managed a bit of stitching.

 There were two blocks for the Monday Mini's with Temecula Quilt Co - The geese and broken dishes centers.  These are small so they are being worked with the small bits and skinnies left over from othe CW projects.

The limey greens don't photo well, but the next rosette for the temperature quilt is done.  72,76,82,81,79,80,77

We are a lot cooler than other areas, but that is fine with me.  AND I love that our nights dip into the 60's which makes for better sleeping.

Since the tub of blues was sitting and waiting to be played with for Kevin's Mystery - I pulled a few smaller pieces that were a bit 'flowery' for that project and made up my next four piggies for RSC17.

The 'scrap problem' is more my 'tame it' problem and it seems every time I get things a little under control...........

more comes in the door.  I really am not complaining though!   But when someone says they have some things in their car and you go to help pick up - it's a trunk full.  

I sorted out the table clothes, bed spreads and comforters to be washed and then donated locally.  The huge bag of batt scraps has found a home.  Now the fabrics to be sorted and they are all large pieces.  But this is more than I can process, so their sorting will go into my 'list of friends needs'.  We are, also, having a sit and sew with one of the class groups to make library totes - we are using as much of this as possible.

More of the donation that Moe thought was the purrfect place to take a nap.  I think he tried out every pile and box - but this 'was just right'.

Bella preferred to hid out in the kitchen.  Actually I have kept the two a bit 'stoned' with catnip as the noisy fireworks all around us since Friday was taking it's toll on all of us.

Today is a local run-around errands kind of day (need groceries too), but hopefull I can get a block or two made later - and a little fabric sorted.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Looks like you had a nice quiet fourth. Ours was much noisier but a perfect day weather-wise.

  2. I love that the kitties get relaxed.

    I'm with you on the scrap excess yay for more.

  3. We stayed in and quiet mainly from the heat. Your scrap problems amaze me. I have never seen anyone who gets more donations and then turns around and finds ways to donate it to others. You are a class act and one to emulate:) the cat nip trick to keep the furry ones mellow.

  4. What a busy bee you are! You always have such fun projects on the go. Cute piggies!

  5. It is always such good fun to sort out the goodies that arrive. For the batting bits, I have a roll of very fine webbing, 1.5 inches wide, put the bits together ( assuming they are the same weight and type) press gently to stick, then iron with a warm iron,,, carefully. other friends join them with a wide zigzag, just butting the edges together and trimming to a very straight edge. Love your kitties, they are my pick for today!!!

  6. we had a relaxing 4th spent with good friends. I am not for all the hullabaloo either. love your sewing projects and your stash enhancements sound fun. and why not share. isnt that what quilters do best?

  7. You always do so well with the sorting when you get gifts, I guess you need to since they would pile up, but it sounds like fun digging through all of that fabric.
    Of course Bella would do her "goldilocks" thing and she picked a beautiful color for herself.

  8. Looks like I know whom, who (whatever) to send my scraps to....:) The 4th was quiet for us. Just babysitting our Granddog. Lucky doesn't look like she is feeling too well today....:( Hope she didn't get into the cat box when I wasn't looking.

  9. Very fun little piggies. The fireworks were bad this year, lots of noise and not a lot of sparkle. Hope you've been able to get a few more piles of scraps tamed. Happy stitching this weekend.

  10. HI Sharon...just stopping by to see what you are up to. Happy Stitching.

  11. Your Temecula blocks look awesome! I must get caught up on mine tomorrow!
