
Sunday, July 2, 2017

Oh, Scrap

Do you feel like you are losing the battle with your scraps?  Are they taking over?  I'm a scrap quilter so I don't want them gone, but there comes a time that a certain 'group' needs to be tamed.  Luckily Kevin's Mystery (side bar button) will use up a lot of those blues - theres more blues believe me.  BUT, it is also the color for this month's RSC17.

The Temecula Quilt Co's "GEESE" project is getting closer to working a flimsy.  I have my count of units for the size I want my quilt, but I may make 10 more of each lite/dark units just because sometimes I can't count correctly.  This project was to tame my Marcus and CW scraps.  I didn't really tame, but I can at least close the lids on those totes now.

The Puss in the Corner blocks are taming my 1.5" squares - slowly.  This is a year long project that I am not rushing and I have half of the number blocks and it being half the year mark - on track.

The 'H' blocks is taming 1.5" squares and my skinny strips.  This is another year long project and the count is half there at the mid-year mark - another project on track.

The plaid blocks are all worked into foursies to move on to the next stage.  That is after I check them all!  Geesh - after I made the statement of watching for the deer in the road, I still managed to work a few units in the wrong direction.  I did stick a note in that tote - "STUPID, check your work"!!

OH. SCRAP - a belated Happy Anniversary to my friends to the North!!  I have enjoyed watching you all work the anniversary blocks and seeing the finished results.

I looked back and discovered I haven't had a 'finish' since April.  That is something that needs to be 'tamed', too.  First will be to finish those cute FQ Bag Ladies into their mini quilts.  Then the mini from Bleeker Street.  Small project finishes are a quick satification and inspiration to keep at it.  I have quilts waiting for quilting, too.

I'm not traveling but plan to have a 'stay-cation' so will be off-line until after the 4th.  Please stay safe and have a Happy!

** linking to Oh, Scrap **

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I count just being able to close the lid on a scrap bin an accomplishment! Love those little plaid blocks. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  2. I love all your projects! I'm a sucker for 1.5" strips and squares, so your blocks are the perfect size!

  3. Taming my own BLUE scraps with Kevin's Sapphire Star Mystery, too. Have sun!!

  4. Holy scrap Batman... nice work

  5. You have so many units and projects going. I could not keep them straight! Enjoy the holiday:)

  6. All this scrap busting will end with lots of finishes. I keep peeking at Kevin's mystery because my blue's have gotten way out of control. Happy 4th, we usually stay in for the terrible twins, those fireworks are nerve wracking for them.

  7. You're such a good scrap buster. I haven't had a finish in a while either, but I've got a couple of small ones waiting in the wings.

  8. It looks like you have lots of opportunities to use up those scraps--so many fun blocks! Hope your Fourth is great!

  9. When I grow up, I want to be as scrappy as you! LOL I hope you have fun playing along with "Sapphire Stars!"
