
Friday, April 7, 2017

Whooping Friday 4/7/17

I'm a little late to the pary with SARAH. but the day got away from me with errands, sick cat, and waiting on a delivery.  I did get my RSC17 piggies done.  Working odd grays because I need to tame those grays.

The 'Temecula Quilt CO' geese units got made along with the plaid patches.  I've been keeping these little blocks together in a container, but soon I will have to put them into their own totes as they are growing in counts - but only about half way there.

Gurtrude is 'dressed', but she may wait a while for finishing because there are some higher priorities on the board.

The newest Solstice block went together pretty easy and I just used some of the left over scraps from others.  I am ready to wrap this one up.  I started to put 'sections' together with Pat's diagram, but I am suddenly missing my black/grey patchwork pieces.  And as I go thru areas of shelving and storage I find I am missing other items.  I think I have someone 'grazing' my stash again.

My delivery - WHOOP!!  The long arm arrived this afternoon after several re-routings due to all the tremondous storm areas.  My brother and SIL helped me set up the frame, but it is missing a part.  I contacted the person I bought it off of and she is hunting, but thinks she used it without (she bought is used herself).  So either a new one will have to be ordered or my bro can make one.

And my sick kittie - Bella.  She went back today for further tests and x-rays.  They had to sedate her, so she was there all day for monitoring.  My furkid has allergies which are worsening and now diagnosed with asthma.  Daily medications are on order - that should be fun as she is horrible to give pills to.  Hopefully this will help or my poor furry will use up her 9th life in her 9th year.    

We are still on flood alert thru the weekend, but it is suppose to warm up and dry out over the next week - we all hope!!

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Your gray pigs are just darling! You always get so much accomplished. I hope your kitty feels better soon. Stay dry.

  2. poor Bella hope she feels better soon. those little piggies are so so cute.

  3. Sharon, we have three asthmatic cats (a mom and two of her four offspring) and we've found that they have made the correlation between taking their meds and feeling better. It's amazing. Two of them have to have treatments via a little face mask and a puff of medication--not something a cat would normally sit still for--along with pills. But we've seen that even though Mama (the crabbiest of the three) goes through the motions of showing us that she doesn't want to take her meds, she willingly submits every night. If she thinks we've waited too long, she comes looking for us. I'm sure that the medications, probably the inhaler specifically, make her feel better right away, and she knows it. So, maybe Bella will get the idea when she sees how much better she feels once the meds kick in. We've been dealing with this for several years, so if I can ever be a resource, feel free to get in touch.

  4. Woohoo a long arm. You will love it. What kind is it?
    So sorry about the Bella and hope she gets back to herself soon. Give her e hug for me!

  5. Your delivery looks exciting! Poor Bella---not so much. I hope she will be more cooperative for the meds. It is a heart wrenching tangle to help them.

  6. Congrats on that delivery, I hope you get the part figured out, those kinds of delays are frustrating. Poor Bella, we deal with allergies here too and struggle with the medicine, I don't envy you dealing with those sharp kittie teeth.

  7. Bella's in my prayers; sick pets take as much out of you as a sick friend or someone closer. Hope she gets better. Gurtrude is lovely; she has her hands full.

  8. You've got a lot going on in your sewing room. I'm ready to wrap up the Solstice Challenge too. The blocks haven't been as much fun to work on as I thought they would be...still, it'll make a great snuggle quilt. Love your little piggies, and Gertrude is looking marvelous. Hope Bella starts feeling better. I'm afraid Smitty bit Sadie while they were playing the other day...I don't think he meant to be so I'm just hoping she doesn't get an abcess. She's nearly impossible to pill, and pilling any cat is a chore, for sure.

  9. Yea for your new-to-you longarm. It makes quilting so much easier!

  10. You have been busy , do hope your kitties is better soon..
    Loving your Piggies....

  11. The piglets look quite distinguished in grey. Hope the longarm works as it should for you. You are so lucky to have found one. Your poor sick kitty will hopefully do well with the medication.

  12. Such cute piggie blocks!
    Poor Bella :(

  13. First, I hope you avoid any flooding in your area. Sending best wishes for that and for your sweet Bella. Alfalfa and Darla send a high paw to her, too. Loving all your piggies and other projects too! And good luck setting up your new long arm!

  14. Love the piggies, hope kitty is ok. A LONGARM!!! You are so lucky.... Enjoy. hugs, LJ

  15. I love those pigs! Hope you can get your long arm sorted without too many hassles. Best wishes for Bella and the flood situation.

  16. Poor Bella. Hopefully the medication will help. Love those piggies! Hope you've had some time to play with your new machine. Happy stitching this next week.

  17. Oh your piggy blocks are SO darling! Poor Bella ... I hope she's feeling better, soon!! :)

  18. Poor little fur baby. I do hope she will be well soon. It's hard to believe that little Bella is 9 yrs old. CUTE piglets.
    Be safe. Not a lot one can do with too much water.

  19. They have pill pockets for dogs, maybe they can be used for kitty's, too.
