
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Scrap Wednesday

Confessions Of A Fabric Addict

I am enjoying using my scraps in most of my projects.  I have a lot of areas that need taming and I may have to go further than just a few blocks at a time, but right now this is working and making me happy.

My only RSC17 project this year are these cute piggies.  This month is multi-color or those really odd fabrics that don't fit a catagory.  Since I am trying to pull those fun pieces in their color, I was thrilled when I saw a few people were going with the idea of using gray.  Now I have a lot of gray and no way is the Solstice quilt (and the next block will be out) going to use those scraps up.  So I will dig for those grays with some color/design in them for my next 4 piggies.

Even though the 30's strips started out as a fresh Jelly Roll, they are technically scraps now.  I could cut into some fresh FQs to make all the HSTs I need for Grandmother's Baskets, but I want to use these up rather than stash them away.  Once they are gone, then I will look at those FQs or find some more hidden 30's in other locations until I have my full count.

My Civil War scraps are ready for digging thru for more geese as well as the plaids for that other project.

This is the year of letting goals 'go' and just enjoying, but I am staying on track with the monthly Bag Ladies.  Our new gal is 'Gertrude'.  I was a little put off that there was a bra in the bag with the flag - that I don't get.  I will get creative and either cover that with some fabric or lace.  I'm am seeing Gertrude as more of a patriotic madam rather than a losey-goosey (and that's a duck).

I would like to get my black bear further along (borders) and ready for quilting.  And my Leap Year quilt basted out so I can start hand quilting.

Today is Moe's turn to visit the Vet for his annual shots.  Mr Moe Macho cries like a baby the whole way in the car and thankfully it is just a mile up the road!  Then maybe in the afternoon my brother can come down and we can start getting to work on the frame - the room is ready.

We are on flood alert thru Saturday - not a word you want to hear in this area.  All these April Showers better bring lots of flowers.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Great scrappy projects! I sure hope that the rain doesn't cause you any problems.

  2. Good luck to both you and Moe today. That bra is a weird addition, if you can cover the strap somehow maybe you can turn it into flowers or fruit.

  3. lol....maybe she hates wearing a bra and it is her donation to the take me table! Love all the variety of projects you have going.

  4. Those little piggy blocks are quite darling! It'll be fun to see how they turn out. I read somewhere that several of the Civil War reproduction fabric manufacturers were closing down. Those CW scraps might become precious commodity in the near future! Poor Moe -- hope his visit goes well and the drive goes by FAST! All three of the school systems in our county have shut down and a lot of businesses, as well, in anticipation of severe weather today. It means I get a free day in the Nook. Stay safe! :)

  5. I'm thinking she might be a bra-burning feminist. Take a look at the lines of her jacket, and I think it's a pretty sure thing she's not wearing one. I'm getting ready to make a baby quilt with elephants. The baby's grandparents have requested grays and aquas. I like the combo, and it will give me a way to use some of my grays.

  6. I may have a scrap problem too :)
    I also would like to make some progress on the bear quilt borders!

  7. One never want to hear that F word. Stay safe.

    I love those little pigs. Gray will be great for this month.

    I agree...the bra must go.

  8. Love those little piggies! Stay safe--the flooding sounds scary!

  9. Those piggies are just the cutest thing around! We are also expecting a lot of rain before week's end. With the ground already saturated we are bound to get some of the F word too. Fingers crossed it doesn't come to that for your area or mine...

  10. Looks like you've got a good plan for at least partially taming all those scraps. Hope you got in lots of stitching time and that Moe was a little gentlecat at the vet.
