
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Shortest Month

Since my only goal for the year is to enjoy - no monthly end wrap ups and no solid monthly goals.  I know what I have to get done and I am not stressing myself as I have the whole year to do it in no particular order.

Things have been a bit off around here - really.  No, my Mom is as well as expected.  BUT - we have a big flock of blue birds (we don't see those until May), a couple of skunk were out in the yard one evening, and one of our hunky-chunky woodchucks was out under the feeders the other day.  Now, Mother Nature has been cruel to us.  Not a lot of snow, but ice and super cold.  So I don't understand the unusual early 'harbingers' of Spring.  But the thought of Spring makes me long for color.

I try to make a quilt using the Pantone color of the year.  I've already played with my greens - dark, medium, light, and brights (Meadow's Mountains and new Bear quilt).  And RSC17 is using Sea Green this month.  I think I will sit on the greens for a while.

Kona's color of the year is Flamingo Pink.  I don't work with pink unless I really have to.

And then Benjamin Moore thru a curve ball at me - Shadow.  Although I am doing the Solstice QAL using grays and yellows - so there is my gray play.

The next Bag Lady has some greenery color and some flamingo pink and some gray - does that count?  Do you check the colors for the year?

Do you have a collection of 'want to' hanging on your wall?  (I have a bulletin board like this too) I need color!

And a very blurry image - just so  you can see how I played with the camp and brown scraps - I had to add a little color with the corner stones.  This needs a border - yeah, border.  But it is so brown and the quilt I passed on to my long armer is scrappy browns - I need color.

So I will go thru my tub and find a project to finish - that has color!!  OR - start something new and use color!!

Sewingly Yours,


  1. The bag lady counts for me.....all colors , so all things:) Never thought about the color for the year, but the green works for me as I am not a pink person. And I use a lot of Enjoy your month.

  2. This weather is weird, too warm for January - we had a flock of robins stop by over the weekend. There must have been 3 dozen of them, but we usually don't have them so early in the year! Work on what makes you happy!

  3. Right there with you on the no goals page. Enjoying my sewing so much more without them. Looks like you are too.

  4. I do not follow the color for the year but I did recently receive a charm pack of Kona Flamingo Pink. Not sure what I will make with it yet.

    Good luck in your search for some color.

  5. It's been an interesting winter in so many places this year. I'm with you - I seldom sew with pink.

  6. I'm suspecting the groundhog will see his shadow in my neck of the woods today so not expecting a short winter, but we are supposed to have temps in the 70's one day next week, so I'll take it and be glad for it! I always enjoy seeing what they list as colors for the year, but so far I've never been inspired to use them as guides for my quilting projects. Like you, I imagine I will inadvertently use them in projects already underway :*)

  7. I don't pay much attention to 'color of the year' - other than sometimes to say 'oh, my...' in dismay. (Flamingo pink? Really?)
    I do need lots and lots of color, however!
    Can't wait to see what you do next!

  8. Color is always good, especially during these cold months.

  9. I dont usually pay attention to the color of the year either. and I am not a fan of pink. I should really expand my color palette and play with more colors too. right now I have blues in a lot of my projects. surprise surprise LOL

  10. I'm not one to follow the color of the year. I'm one of those who see them and think, really that's it? Why? You've got some fun projects in the work. Enjoy this month's stitching!
