
Friday, February 3, 2017

A Bit of Color Amongst the Gray

I needed to add a little color into my gray days.  This little pattern can be found on Regina Grewe's site. I actually put my tree to the other side of the house - no trees leaning over my house please.  This is for a challenge with my Quilt Guild - My Hearts Desire - to be interpretted as you see fit.  My Heart's Desire is to own my own little cabin in the woods.  The binding will get stitched down and then I have some embellishing to do and then add the hanging tabs.

I have put off the Solstice blocks so I can pull that tote and make a few at a time.  This is Sidewalk, but I like it set this way and makes me think of staring out a window in winter, pining for my spring flowers.

This one was suppose to have a basket in the center, but I fussy cut a flower instead.  What good is a basket it you don't have flowers.

I am having a lot of computer issues - which actually are being caused by a short in my mouse's wiring.  Bare with me while I have a talking to with this blasted thing............

The newest block.  I know I have some directional fabrics that I am using and some of you are gasping right now, but I'm not.  My Solstice days are a bit up down, sideways, and this/that - so my Solstice blocks are not only reflecting our cold,gray, hopes of sun, but also my moods.

A little color mixed in the gray - another hexie basket got finished and I have one prepped for Sunday.

I got in some retail therapy yesterday while I was out and about with errands and grocery shopping.  The leafy (upside down - gosh) trees is for a border on my Black Bear quilt and the Real Tree (sporting goods company) is for a border on my camping quilt.  I know - greens!!  I am trying to use them up and bought more.

I will be pulling my computer out and apart for cleaning and replacing the keyboard and mouse components this weekend.  So if you don't hear from me - I may have killed it (I did do a backup disk in case).

Sewingly YOurs,


  1. Is your mouse with a cord? Can you have a cordless.. one? Guess you have a desktop, maybe not so easy as to use on a laptop. Lovely wee house, and the new fabrics, who would try and resist them.

  2. Love your little cabin in the woods - looks like some of our trees when the wind blows. LOL. Still loving your solstice fabrics - even the directional ones I didn't notice at first!

  3. I love your little cabin in the woods and I agree, no trees hanging over the house. I made a hunter's star out of that leafy green you just bought, the colors are wonderful.

  4. Your little cabin is adorable and love that your tree grows away from the house! Enjoy your day playing and good luck with your techie jobs!

  5. I love you little mini and I dream of a little cabin in the woods surrounded by nature, especially on grey wet days when the air quality here in London is a little iffy. Your fabrics for your solstice blocks are beautiful.

  6. This post is quite have had your fill of winter and are longing for a color filled Spring. Cabins, trees, woodsy greens.....just a bit of quiet solitude you seek. Ahh....the frustration of the computer, our means to connect and contact others. I am having issues too on a recurring basis. Look for a logitech mouse and husband's advise.

  7. I have that Regina Grewe pattern. Yours turned out cute. Your Solstice blocks are looking good.

  8. Yikes--I hope the computer survives it's spa treatment! Lots of cheerful and fun projects! That fabric will be perfect on your bear quilt!

  9. I wish I had left out the basket on the Solstice block. Another blogger wrote that she had left out the basket, too, and I thought "why didn't I do that.
    I'm using a floral that I had a lot of as a constant and it is directional, but I decided from the first block that I wasn't going to worry about.
    Love the house and leaning tree. Good luck with the computer.I need to replace my 7 year old netbook and I just can't make a decision.

  10. Lots of nice goodies here. I really like the mini quilt with the house and tree and I'm in love with the hexie basket.

  11. Did the cat kill the mouse? I love your Heart's Desire. I lead a pretty leisurely life and still can hear a cabin in the woods calling my name, too. When I saw what I think is Sidewalk, I thought of Hopscotch. I love the hexie basket. What a great idea! I love your retail therapy. I did some of that the last two weeks except it was clothes instead of fabric. I'm going to the state capitol to testify for a bill and I can't fit in any decent clothes, so... Fabric would have been more fun. I'm not as excited about fabric now that my favorite LQS went out of business. I just don't feel as welcome in the other shops. Thanks for the quilt block show.

  12. Good thing that tree is blowing away from the cabin!!! Have fun with that computer. I do not envy you one bit.

  13. Good luck with the computer!
    I love your little cabin in the woods. (That's always been my heart's desire, too.)

  14. The cabin in the woods is so fun! Your Solstice blocks look great. Very fun border fabrics. Sometimes you just have to add a little to use a little. Hopefully the computer clean up went well.

  15. Get a cordless mouse. Easy to switch over, and easy to replace, if needed. You just have to change the batteries out in the mouse, when it starts acting up. I have a wired mouse for my laptop (travel only use) and, whenever I finally get a new(er) laptop, I'll get a cordless mouse instead. 5 minutes to switch it out, and they are pretty cheap these days.

  16. So many great projects and retail therapy to boot! I love your heart's desire quilt! How beautifully you incorporated the truth into a piece of art! Kudos!
