
Monday, October 31, 2016

November 2016 Goals

It will be a month of being Thankful.  The year is coming to a close all too fast and I want to take some time to reflect back on all the things that I have to be thankful for.  Wonderful quilt bloggers who share their compassion of this craft with us so freely.  I've taken part in so many fun BOMs and QALs that have produced not only a beautiful pieces, but so many friends along the way.  I took part in a lot of contests and challenges this year that helped me to grow as a quilter.


Starts Sept 3rd

I need to make the other half of the foot print blocks and then tackle those outer borders - you know how I hate borders.  Then this will head off for quilting - backing and binding are ready and waiting.

I need to find some setting fabric in my stash (didn't like the one I bought for this) and get those tiny blocks into the next round this month.

Slow Sunday Stitching

I will use my slow time to work on those circles and hexie projects.  They are getting close to a finish, but I am not rushing them - enjoying the journey.

With Barbara Brackman

I caught up on my blocks, but with only two more left I have to get to that sashing.  I keep saying this and attribute the procrastination to that 'border' mentality.

Dust Off Those Books 
This will not only be the last Let's Book It for the year, but also the LAST.  All thing come to an end.  I am thankful for you wonderful and dear contributors over the last three years.  BUT, we move on.

I am going to use a saved file for this month.  This was Gail Pan's block for the Splendid Sampler last year and you can find the pattern HERE.  Since I have so many machine stitching pieces, an embroidery will fit in for a nice mix this month.

Confessions Of A Fabric Addict

I don't ever want to use up my scraps, but I need to really get my organization skills going.  I showed that awful mess of shelving and storage.  I have spent the last couple of days 'looking' for fabric - I know it is there.  So those shelves are going to be emptied (I think the boards need a flip too) and re-organized.  Maybe I will find the ones I am looking for as well as what I need for those projectss listed above.

AND BAD BLOGGER - I totally forgot my blogaversary!!  Someone reminded me, but I was in the middle of the Desire to Inspire - marked it on the wrong calendar (I keep three running months posted on the wall).  So instead of the true Oct 16th date, we are going with the Nov 16th date - GEESH!! 

With a Thankful Heart,
Sewingly Yours,

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Closing Out October 2016

October was a wild ride.  I luckily only had one meeting to travel to, because I got really tied up in the Henry Glass Fabrics Desire to Inspire challenge.  This became quite the emotional journey as this fabric so represented where I live and reminded me of my Dad.

I had the plans all drawn out for the large quilt as I knew there would be a panel.  As I laid out the fabrics, more drafting was underway with math charts so every project was either chained, speed pieced, or leader/end fed thru that machine - all worked on at the same time.

I knew there would be a tight time frame to complete all those projects and I wanted to be sure that I would have the opportunity to get them photo'ed with our peak Fall season.  Thankfully that happened as it turned nasty right after this photo shoot.

I love these one hour baskets (free pattern on Craftsy) - I think I made both within an hour.

I always save my salvedgess and then pass them on to someone, but these I had to play with.  SIX days of sewing - yes 6!  And all was done.  We had to wait a couple of days for a nice day.  I thank fellow quilt guild members for assisting in some areas (quilting, photos, taking leftover scraps).  Photos reviewed, write up done, and then all off to Henry Glass.  

I enjoyed seeing so many of my fellow blog buddies get to play with this Challenge, so it was a thrill to be part of the year's 'Desire' team.

It did keep me from working on my Circa 2016 (heck, I didn't like my setting fabric), Let's Book It frustrated me, and my Scrap Challenge play went right out the window.  Oh, just realized that I am two blocks behind on the Westering Women BOM, too.  Gosh, how did that happen?


But I did keep up with my circles - Slow Sunday Stitching was a real help to keep me on an even keel.


Even helped with my two hexie projects that getting closer to an end.

Oh, there's some scraps - a few dozen Santas got made this month.

As well as some crayon roll-ups.  I couldn't believe how hard it was to find FAT crayons!  I still have a few more done, but looking for more crayons.

I started something new.  This part is a breeze compared to the next border of tiny foot print blocks (but they are coming along).

And then we had that freak out early snow!!!  Makes you realize that the year is getting close to an end.  I have my last two months planned out and hopefully those 'squirrel' moments don't pop up so I can stay on track.

Sewingly Yours,

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Slow Sunday Stitching 10/30/16

Slow Sunday Stitching

I spent Saturday with the grandkids baking cookies, painting, glueing, sticker play, and general business.  Ill be joining in with KATHY for a wonderful day of slow stitching to catch my breath.

This is my second batch of Santas (pattern under my tutorial tab) and I want to finish up stitching down the hats and adding the hangers.  These work up so quickly and use up scraps of fabric.  Great for gifts, tie on a package or plate of cookies, or drape over a bottle of wine.

And I want to get started on hand stitching my flower baskets.  The long pins are temporary until I put the applique pins in on the underside.

Maybe I will even get two of them done.  I don't think they will take that long to do.  I am getting anxious to start the patchwork piecing, but don't want to start that until I have all the basket blocks ready.  Better get stitchin'!!

Enjoy some slow time today,
Sewingly Yours,

Friday, October 28, 2016

Let's Book It - Oct 2016

This was to be my October project.  I was already in doubt as I know a few bloggers who struggled to make this.  As soon as I printed off the template I knew there would be trouble.

I did fight this thing to this point.  It is suppose to finish at 8" x 11"  - no, more like 6" x 9".  And with the tuck seam in the top template, you now have half of your shark 1/2" smaller to set that zipper in.  You can see the one shark with the lining next to it - just does not work.  I struggled and hand sewed that zip in with so many puckers that when you tried to zip/unzip you caught the lining - this is for kids - think about that one.  So my project was a 'scrap' this month.

For those of you who were able to make these - a HUGE GOLD STAR!!!

Our pin and charm for this month:

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Feline Friday with a Paws 10/28/16

Hey Moe!  There is something strange going on today.  Momma was great at laying this new quilt top out for me, but she is screaming  - something about paws.  Did you wipe your feet when you came in?

You are nuts Bella - I heard she was tired of going in cirlces.  Paws???  I'm pausing for a nap.  How come you got the good spot?  I tried the little green basket - but didn't fit.  Maybe this little needle case will make a great pillow - yawn.

Those two need to shape up.  These paws - oh, my, goodness.  I love working tiny - 1 inch and 3/4 inch stratta, but it was the pressing.  All those bitties' seams pressed open took more time than the actual sewing time.  I am half way there!

And thankfully I had my favorite needle out of that case for working these.  I am one row behind now.  That row is prepped.  The real scream came when I got tired of sleeping, lazy furkids and pushed them out the door for some fresh air.

Needless to say, I got some very angry looks - they did their business quickly and scurried back to those napping positions.  SNOW, sleet, rain,snow, sleet, rain - it was a good day to stay inside - even if those furkids were of no help.

Sewingly Yours,

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Monday, October 24, 2016

Monday Making 10/24/16

Grab button Monday Making

I'm a little late joining BETH today as I had a change in plans.  I wanted to start putting together the Temecula Quilt Co 'Circa 2016' quilt top, but I was not happy with my setting fabric and just couldn't find anything else to replace it with.

As you can see that this is the problem.  The last few months of being busy and traveling and bookings has kept me from keeping this in order.  There is more past the rolling drawer carts (my SILs, not mine).  My goal has always been to keep this to the two black shelving units.  Fabrics have come in, projects moved around, thing quickly shoved back or not at all (hmmmm).  

There is that one shelf that is sort of clean - where the little blue basket is.  Because I went there in search of another projects left over fabric.  Some charms and FQs.

This block I made for the Tim Holtz contest with the 'Eclectic Elements' line has hung on my wall for months.  I think I am going to finish it off into a pillow and the left overs are getting chopped into by barrel system.  At least it will be a start to some cleaning and straightening.

Sewingly Yours,

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Slow Sunday Stitching 10/23/16

Slow Sunday Stitching

Today I will be joining KATHY in some much needed slow down.  A blog buddy made me look back on all the things I have done already thru the month with a reminder that I was very ill at the time, too.  There have been some real inspirational, get on fire projects - some frustrating ones - some 'squirrel' captivations - and things that just had to get done.  I need to sit back and just breath today.

I used the pdf pattern found under my tutorial tab (last one in the list).  It is just the paper piecing pattern, but easy to figure out - just use the same fabric on the back as used in the hat.  You can keep them just fabric, or add some lightweight fuseable interfacing, or even some fuseable batt.  Just if you are using batt, they do turn out a bit smaller and I kept about an inch of the top of the hat without batt to make them easier to turn and poke.  These have all been stitched (the pink faces don't show in the photo), but a lot of them need their turning holes stitched up .  AND if I can find my little black beads, the eyes will go on.  I need to get some jingle bells for the hat tips though.

I have a few more hexies to add to this rosette and then there will be 18 done for a quilt I have yet to figure out the layout or pattern.

I need to add buttons to these crayon roll-ups - pattern found HERE.  These are always popular at Christmas.  Great scrap project too.

QuiltShopGal asked about a Zirkel - do you know what a Zirkel is?  Go see.  And then I was asked to share my method (I don't call it a tip) of controlling my pins.  No pincushions for me - my cats think they are marvelous toys and I don't want to fish pins or needles out of a cats mouth.

Magnets - good old kitchen fridge magnets.  The little one was on one of those clip things that I dropped and broke, but saved the magnet.  I use this one for my sewing needles while working a project - never lose track of where I put that darn thing now.  

My fine glass head pins are a pain to flip into that cute little plastic case while at the machine, so I use a flat advertisement magnet.  And you can keep the magnet right with the box after as they 'stick' right to the bottom.

My 'harpoon' large pins for heavier fabrics or for pin basting a quilt get one of my larger fridge flat ad magnets.  I can just flick those pins as I go and that magnet catches them.  And I store it after by 'sticking' it to the bottom of the plastic container.  That helps too in if you have difficulty removing the lid or drop the box - yes, I have done that -  the pins stay stuck to the bottom of the container.

And even a better reason to enjoy a slow day inside today.......

SNOW - on 10/22/16!!!  They say the NorEast is to have a long, cold, snowy winter - hey, it's FALL!!

Sewingly Yours,

Friday, October 21, 2016

Whoop Whoop Friday

I was happy to get my Mod Bear Paw quilt into a flimsy center as tomorrow Lorna will be walking us thru the instructions for the foot print border.  I know, borders.  Did you notice 3 on this already - then the foot prints, and then another - maybe even another.  What am I thinking!!!  But I love this quilt.

And this one is ready for sandwiching and quilting.  I made these blocks for the Rubix quilt last month for Let's Book It, so I am happy they are finally a flimsy.  All scrap solids in pinks, corals, blues, purples (no those aren't yellows, just a pink that photo'ed poorly) and some leftover jelly roll 'snow' strips.  USED UP! 

Joining Sarah for her Whoop link up

Sewingly Yours,

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Bear is Walking

Starts Sept 3rd

I am in love with this pattern by LORNA and as soon as I posted it on my FB page, my daughter informed me this was HER quilt.  She still has her first Teddy Bear and had many of them growing up.  And she fondly calls her daughter Hannah-Bear or 'bear-bear' (because she is an girlanimal).

I lightened this up a little so you can see the paisley.  Who else has a paisley bear?

A variety of scrap brown paw blocks are ready and the sashings are ready.  Since I have a day of my sewing space to myself, I am going to put this center into it's flimsy stage as soon the outer footprint instructions come out.  I did purchase the pattern, but I am working along with the QAL taking advantage of Lorna's extra tips along the way.

Sewingly Yours,

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Monday Making 10/17/16

I will be joining BETH with some fun sewing today.  I need to start my 'Let's Book It' project as the month is really flying by.  We are rolling into Indian Summer - expecting 70's and possibly 80's the next few days, so those windows and doors are going to be opened while it's here.


My project with this  TUTORIAL and I need to make one for each of my two grandsons.

I have a lot of FQs and scrap grays to chose from, the pattern template is printed off, and I need to pull out my bolt of interfacing - ready to make some sharks.  OOps, where did I put those zippers?

Sewingly Yours,

Slow Sunday Stitching 10/16/16

Slow Sunday Stitching

After finishing a timely project and then working a pattern that has some half inch finished HSTS, I need a day of slow.  So joining KATHY today with some slow stitching.

I have the next row of prepped circles for the '365' project to work on.  They go fast, so I have another project lined up - those hexie rosettes.

And think once it warms up (HA), I will take a walk and get some photos of the wonderful color coming out across the mountain.

Sewingly Yours,