
Monday, October 24, 2016

Monday Making 10/24/16

Grab button Monday Making

I'm a little late joining BETH today as I had a change in plans.  I wanted to start putting together the Temecula Quilt Co 'Circa 2016' quilt top, but I was not happy with my setting fabric and just couldn't find anything else to replace it with.

As you can see that this is the problem.  The last few months of being busy and traveling and bookings has kept me from keeping this in order.  There is more past the rolling drawer carts (my SILs, not mine).  My goal has always been to keep this to the two black shelving units.  Fabrics have come in, projects moved around, thing quickly shoved back or not at all (hmmmm).  

There is that one shelf that is sort of clean - where the little blue basket is.  Because I went there in search of another projects left over fabric.  Some charms and FQs.

This block I made for the Tim Holtz contest with the 'Eclectic Elements' line has hung on my wall for months.  I think I am going to finish it off into a pillow and the left overs are getting chopped into by barrel system.  At least it will be a start to some cleaning and straightening.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I just had a shelf fall out of the wall and crash into some other things. Now I have baskets of fabric and tools everywhere. It's not helping that I am still struggling to find my creative mojo. I'll feel better when it is cleaned up and organized.

  2. fabric can be found???? thanks for the giggle. Of course my closet floor looks very similar.

  3. Oh yeah, I have a whole room that looks like that and hardly anything I seem able to use. I just boxed up several pounds to send to a friend who I hope will do a better job, but I still have a major mess to take care of -- I need to clean it up to give me an excuse to buy more, lol. :)

  4. Your storage doesn't look that bad to me???? I understand your quest for wanting to be organized, as I deal with it too. However, look at it as a new shopping spree while revisiting old friends like I do! LOL

  5. I have to pause every once in awhile and sort things out too. When I am on a roll things get so messy.

  6. You're still more organized than I! Congrats on being featured at Henry Glass....

  7. It is so hard to keep things sorted out, I have this problem all the time . Love your block .

  8. It's hard to keep order when inspiration strikes. Hope you get it all sorted out soon.
