
Monday, August 1, 2016

August 2016 Goals

It's hard to believe that we are on the 8th month of the year already.  I had hoped to keep this month just for me, but it is filling with dates.  I took on a couple of commissions that will need immediate turn around.  Hey, those paying jobs help pay the bills.

And for the last couple of months I have been baring the stress of being sure my Mom is ready for her big show.  We have to go set up on the 4th and then go back for the reception on the 6th.  My Mom was an inductee (1987) into the Catskill Mountain Quilters Hall of Fame  and every few years they feature one of their long standing members in this Gallery Exhibit.

Hopefully I will find time to keep up with my blocks:

Slow Sunday Stitching will certainly help this month - hexie projects and 365

I hope to get in some scrap play as I had 3 new bags of them come in. Bonnie Hunter announced the new challenge of the hour glass block, but I want to search up some blocks that use them as units. 

Temecula, Westering Women, and Adinkra month's blocks.

Dust Off Those Books
Because of the heavy schedule, I am keeping my Book It project on the small side.  I have had my eye on a wallhanging on Connection Threads in their free pattern data base.

It is for inspiration - not sure I want the welcome or the hearts, but it is a start.  And it will help with some of those new scraps, too.

I bought this panel (52" x 72") some time ago.  I just learned that my grand daughter is moving into her big girl bedroom and big girl bed.  SO - NaNa better get busy.  And she chose purple as her color and luckily I have a purple plushy backing.  

Once those commissions are done, this goes under the machine for some thread play fun.  And if I run short of time - it will head off to my long armer.

You all wanted to know what I spent some of my Piggy Bank saving on.  Most will recognize what these are, but for you others - my 'new to me' long arm frame.  An older Gracie, but she will suit me.  And once my 'muscles' come to move the larger furniture out the door, she will get set up in what will become my 'studio' - the largest bedroom.  ALL my sewing and needle work is going into this room so I finally have a living room, dining room, and central hall back.  

I can use my Juki on it for now, but the Piggy Bank savings is on-going (see that cute button on the side bar) and I am saving for a Block Rockit.

Thankfully August has 31 days!!

Sewingly Yours,


  1. A busy month for sure. That Connecting Threads project is so cute. I picked a project for my goals too, but I might decide to switch it out. Always hard to know what mood will strike.

  2. OH my goodness... so exciting to get a new frame!

  3. Nice to help your MOM show off her quilts. I like your Book it project for August. Have fun getting your longarm table up and going.

  4. You are going to love your new frame. How exciting!!! It will be so much easier than trying to move those quilts through the short harp on your machine.

  5. You'll love that long arm frame - it looks like the same one we use at church and it's a good one! Love the panel for your granddaughter's quilt - I can't wait to see what you do with it!

  6. Congrats on the new frame. That should be a lot of fun and help with your WIPS. Love the panel for the big girls bed, it's going to be really cute. Have fun with your projects this month.

  7. I'm excited for you and the new frame and studio! I hope you'll keep us up to date on how the learning goes, horrors and joys please :)

  8. Wow, that's a pretty ambition schedule for a "down-time" month. How wonderful that your mother is being featured.

  9. Wow, that's a pretty ambition schedule for a "down-time" month. How wonderful that your mother is being featured.

  10. Sharon what a wonderful thing for your mom - and so fun! Congratulations! blessings, marlene

  11. Congrats on the "new" studio and frame!!! I'm sure you'll adore them both. Whatever will u do with the extra space downstairs?? Haha.

  12. Lucky you. Congrats on the new to you frame. Connecting Threads does have some cute projects
