
Sunday, July 31, 2016

Closing out July 2016

Slow Sunday Stitching

If you haven't joined in, you should.  Love KATHY'S encouragement to take time to slow down.  And it has been a great time for me to work on some hand projects.

The hexie flowers have been worked two a week and I am down to just the last two for the larger project they will go into. Hancock's of Paducah beeped my in-box with a flash 30's and feedsack bundle sale - yup, in the mail.  They will be for the piecing of the bigger portion of this quilt.  Everything falling into place as time allows.

The larger rosettes I'm working with a layer cake I've had for a long time.  No real plan in mind, just making as many rosettes from a mix of three cakes.  I've been using this project as my travel hand work when I do demos.

And the '365' leap year quilt has it's slow time.  Actually these work up really fast as the pieced backgrounds are already made and  I prep the circles as I pick a fabric from the day's play.  I set up a row of 6 for the week.  Yes, I have a lot of fabric donated and processed thru my house.

Dust Off Those Books

I used the Let's Book It , carrying this project thru two months to be sure I completed it rather than let it become a UFO.  AND ta-da - I finished the binding.  The label is made and get's stitched on today.

Confessions Of A Fabric Addict        Quilting is more fun than Housework    With Linky 2nd Tues @ Month

I used all three Scrap programs (see buttons on side bar) to keep cleaning up that pile on my quilt rack.  It produced three colorful charity baby quilts.  And I did clean up that quilt rack, but three new bags of scraps came in and are sitting there for next month's play time.

Keeping up with Temecula Quilt Co's 'Circa 2016' tiny blocks.  Not sure I like that pink one, but we shall see when the border gets laid out.

The Court House Steps block for Barbara Brackman's Westering Women.

Staying on track with Adinkra hosted by Debby Kratovil.  Quilty friends are currently in Africa and have my shopping list for the alternative block fabrics.  This quilt is so different and I love the history of the symbols. 

And I took part in SARAH'S '12 Days of Christmas in July' blog Hop with my Feather Tree.

I was, also, a pattern tester for her quilt-a-long.  Some disasters resulted in my larger quilt being scrapped, but I loved the pattern and down sized it so I could complete a 'new' quilt for the hop.  A mini that is more me.

I had some travels during the month and a commission piece, but still had time to have some finishes and keep up with my blocks.

What will August hold?
Sewingly Yours,


  1. It was a busy month. Glad the rail fence quilt is done.

  2. Would you like some orphan fabric ???
    Let me know

    1. You are a no-reply (no profile), so I can only answer you here. Contact me thru e-mail shavroo53atyahoodotcom

  3. I love seeing your month-end recaps - it is amazing how much you accomplish each month! Whoop whoop for a fabulous July!!

  4. Even though I've watched all of these through the month it looks amazing to see them all together like this, you get a lot done in a month.

  5. Once again you were in production mode and turned out great projects. Love that rail fence quilt and the circles look so good.

  6. Wow! You get so much done, and all of it looks great. What's in store for August?
    I love that rail fence with the glowing center - so different as a colorwash!

  7. Your work is lovely!! Keep plugging away on those little circles! I may have to make a few of the pieced backgrounds myself:).

  8. Your work is lovely!! Keep plugging away on those little circles! I may have to make a few of the pieced backgrounds myself:).

  9. You had a very productive month on the stitching front. Your ability to use scraps still awes me on a regular basis. Hope your August is just as productive.

  10. Woohoo - not just one but TWO hexie projects!! All of your projects are lovely and very inspiring. Good luck in August!

  11. Great to see your circle progress.:)
