
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Won't You Join in the Scrap Movement

Although I don't have a scrap problem (I'm a scrap quilter and would hate to see them gone), I will be keeping myself on track with Sarah in this wonderful concept of taming, keeping order, processing, and USING those scraps that seem to over take us.

I looked up the last big scrap clean up - this photo is from 2/2013.  I slowly worked thru 3.5 large tubs of scraps into a modified Bonnie Hunter system that worked for me.  I try really hard to maintain it, but some times things get out of hand.

I could have cropped out the background, but hey - let's keep it real.  I've been in a time crunch to finish up some testing projects.  THUS - the usual method of cleaning up after each day has gotten lost.  A pile of items on the corner of this table.

And the little table - well, lost totally!!  Monthly projects need putting away as well as that pile of scraps in the back - need to be processed.

I gathered up all the loose scraps into the red basket.  These all need processing into my barrel system.  The clear tub I have been working my RSC16 blocks out of, but there are a lot of things there that just need to go on the chopping block.

And Moe??  Well, he adopted the box that some of my new fabrics came in.  Some people were amazed at the 50 yards ordered.  That will go fast.  It's all solids - mostly Kona - that are a staple to marry all those scraps.    If you think about it - I just used up 12 yards with backing and binding for two quilts (stuff that was already on the shelf).  Hopefully that 50 yards will make it thru the year.

I'll link up my beginning project - processing those two small tubs - and share with the end of the month link up.  That will be my barrel system.  A LOT of quilts come out of those barrels.

Won't you join in?
Sewingly Yours,


  1. love that picture of Moe. so so funny! I am trying to use my scraps too. making lots of different things for a family reunion. taming them is always a challenge. and neatness? not in my vocabulary. I create with a creative mess around me LOL

  2. I'd love to tackle the two or three large scrap totes, at least get them sorted by color, but first the several ongoing project totes in every corner of the room and under the sewing machines need to be emptied so we have something to sort Into!

  3. Hi Sharon ,Moe is certainly a charactor,lol,boy its amazing what you make out of your scraps xx

  4. Sarah has me thinking about my scraps again since I've been too busy to pay attention to, hopefully I can use some up and get a touch of control. :)

  5. I love making things from my scraps! I'm amazed when I hear someone say they have no scraps. Do they just throw them out?!?!?!

  6. In all the chaos you seem organized enough to get things it must work! Moe looks so cute hugging that empty box!

  7. I think it's going to be fun to get our scraps organized all together. I must get a before picture put up.

  8. One of my friends is really good about processing her scraps in the Bonnie Hunter way. I have mine sorted by color, and I have a larger and smaller bin for each color. Beyond that, I know those scraps needing processing would just pile up and be one more thing to do in the sewing room. I'm not saving every little bit like I used to because...good grief...there's no shortage of scraps. I try to use them, but they still accumulate. I was reading about beekeeping a while back. They said you'll start beekeeping for the honey, and then stop because of the honey...because bees make a LOT of honey. I've started thinking quilting is kind of the same way. Scraps = honey.

  9. Sharon, I enjoyed your post. I love seeing Moe, he reminds me of our sweet Cali who we lost last Friday morning. She would have been 16 in April.

  10. Every cat loves a good box. Moe has found himself an excellent one!
    I'm a scrap quilter, too, though not as organized as you. I'd be lost without a bunch of scraps to play with!

  11. You are my inspiration, Sharon - you are so organized with your scrap quilting!

  12. I've been trying to cut mine into squares now or tunbler blocks if my scraps are big enough. definitely makes them more manageable. Even got my Mom involve cutting up my jeans into squares since she's confined to the house.

  13. Hi Sharon, fancy meeting you in this link up! ;-)
    Looks like you've been really busy. I, too, have not stopped to tidy up (usually at the end of each stage of a project) and it was time to bite the bullet! At least now my cutting table looks tidy.

  14. Is there any quilter that doesn't have a scrap problem? Good luck with your March goals. I'm so tempted to join in, but March is pretty much a lost cause in the sewing room. Work is going to be a big time sink this month. Oh well, I just have to live vicariously through everyone else's progress. I love that picture of Mo, he looks quite comfortable.
