
Monday, February 29, 2016

March 2016 Goals

March is roaring in like a Lion tonight - cold and very windy.  The strangest and eeriest sounds from the drafty windows and doors - even has my furkids spooked.  One made me jump so that my coffee went to the floor.

I'm keeping my list light again - but that keeps things open to 'More Happy' things.  This is the book I picked for 'Let's Book It' this month.

And this is the project I want to tackle.  This is designed for JR strips, but I have a lot of odd layer cakes and they will work just as well with this.  Yes, I pull favorites out of those cakes and them I have a pile of lonely fabrics whimpering for me to play with them.  This should use them up.

And I will be trying to keep on track with Slow Sunday Stitching.  There are those circles and I haven't touched those two cross stitch in a while.

RSC16 will lead to more scrap play.  The new colors were just announced - purple with a touch of yellow.  I think I will tackle my little 9-patches first

I'm trying to tackle this project, too.  On the right is a lot of kits, my in-progress monthly projects and (gosh) 3 totes stuffed with panels.  The left side is a bit bare.  Those whimpy shelves  are what's left of my yardage.  The shoe box totes are my FQs.  I have about 50 yards of new fabric arriving shortly and I need to make room on those two shelves.  I know some of those need to be put into the FQ storage or my cart and barrel system as they are bits.  And I have some groups of fabrics that are actually projects that need kitting.

Instead of my Miniature Book - I need to work on this.  I haven't worked on this in ?????  It was mixed in with all those kits - lost and now found.

And I found these!  What a shock it was as I thought these had gotten mixed into a 'sent out' box and said farewell.  Now there is a new button on the side bar for an Orphan Adoption, but I send my orphan blocks and projects to Sarah's group.  These - are staying with me and once my Kona arrives - into a quilt.

That's my March - Oh and prep work for a Quilt Show early April, too.  I will share more on that later.

Hope your March ROARS!

Sewingly Yours,


  1. love all your found blocks. my stash is just the opposite. LOL a little too much visiting to Jenny Doans place LOL

  2. Hi Sharon oh it sounds very spooky at your house,hope your spring comes soon,your new projects looks great can't wait to see yours started my friend xx

  3. 50 yds of fabric? Is it all Kona? Am I jealous? Yes! LOL. I don't buy many layer cakes but I do the same thing and have those sad left overs, this does look like a perfect project for them. I hope the wind lays down soon, I don't think you will get much sleep.

  4. Whoa....I feel guilty if I order 10 yards....50 would cover a lot of projects! since you have several good things going on, I am sure you will need it. Love your new selection and those found blocks are really great. March----in like a lion, out like a lamb?

  5. I love stealing a little time and catching up with your blog! Always so inspiring! I have totally missed that scrappy book...that cover design that looks like little scrappy bowties is interesting. Good luck with the one that is catching your looks challenging to this challenged piecer!

  6. Those found blocks are adorable. Spring is kind of coming in like a sleepy lion here. Rain, rain, rain in the forecast, but it's our typical fog so thick it seems like rain. I'm missing the sunshine from last week.

  7. Fresh new month and lots of new goals to keep up with; one day soon we'll wake up to .............. S P R I N G. (g)

  8. I don't know how you keep track of which project you're to work on next. Oh my. I have lots of projects but it's I can only work on 1 maybe 2 at a time but you're good
    I love purple and yellow so can't wait to see what you do.

  9. As always, you will have your hands full Sharon! I'm almost afraid to look at what I want to accomplish for March LOL!!! We had some blustery stuff last night, almost thought someone was breaking in the house at one point it was so loud.
