
Monday, March 21, 2016

Quilt Qwazy Queens Blog Hop

Quilt Qwazy Queens

I want to thank Marian at Seams To Be Sew for inviting me and for setting up this blog hop in honor of International Quilting Day.

For those who don't know me and may be visiting for the first time, my name is Sharon and I DO live on Quilt Lane in one of the valley's original family homesteads. 

I wasn't always a quilter.  Many life times ago I was a professional Horsewomen questing for a spot on the Olympic team.  Another life time I was a designer/maker/seller of dolls and Mohair bears.  And another life time (and I still enjoy) I designed and made cross stitch.  But our life is about journeys - and becoming a quilter is another journey.
What led me to quilting?  Recovering from a  bad car accident.  Once I got into that wheelchair - and being totally bored with just hand work in a bed - I went into hyper-speed educating myself about quilting.  Although my Mom is a master quilter (teaches in the home these days) and member of the Quilter's Hall of Fame, I am self taught.  The computer was my life line during rehab for many things, but it truly opened my eyes into the quilting world.

AND I cannot express enough - educate yourself about this industry.  Learn about the founders, history, all the fabrics available, techniques - all aspects of the quilting world to truly open your eyes.  Eleanor Burns, Pat Speth, Bonnie Hunter, and Barbara Brackman are the 4 cornerstones to my quilting foundation.  And then I found the wonderful world of Quilt Bloggers - what a wide web of friendship and information!

I like to play with traditional, modern, applique, minis, quilt alongs and block of the months, blog hops, fabric and design contests - heck, I play with all of it.  But my favorite....

SCRAPS!!!  They are like playing in a leaf pile and my furkids agree. Civil War, reproductions, moderns,brights and solids, prints and plaids, batiks, homespuns, wovens, all bits of lines from so many fabric companies.  My furkids are an inspiration, too.  Whether trying to work with and around them or using them to create a new project.

I, also, have a passion for using those scraps to make charity quilts.  Our local guild is wonderful in various charity projects and I participate in Hands2Help every year as well as any emergency call-out on the web.  I can truly appreciate the love that goes into these quilts as our valley was devastated with the Flooding of Irene and we wrapped a quilty hug around every family affected in our valley - some were even our own quilt guild members.   

Thank you for visiting and being a part of my journey, take time to browse around, take a peek at the tutorial tab, and visit those side bar buttons.

Please be sure to visit the other QQQ's whom I share my day with:

Feather Your Nest
Grandmama’s Stories
Pamela Quilts
My Quilty Musings
After You leave your comments at the above blogs
Stop In To Enter Only At
Seams to Be Sew

I have two give aways thanks to Sponsors with Seams To Be Sew:

Quilts for Scrap Lovers

Scrap Lovers Book from C & T Publishing

Island BatikSamples In Fire Island Collection

Seven 1/2 yard cuts from the Fire Island Collection

**I don't use Rafflecopter**

Please leave a comment and be sure I have a way to contact you - also if you have a preference please list.  Entry for give aways is open for only 24 hrs.  (March 22 - 00:00am  to 12pm est).  Winners will be listed following close of time (selected with Random and added with an edit on this post) and Marian will be in contact with you.

Winners Are
Beth @ Add a Pinch - Batiks
Amanda BestMarch 22, 2016 at 3:01 PM - Book

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Blog hops are fun--it seems I always learn something, even when I've been reading your blog for awhile. Thanks for the lovely giveaway. While both choices are quite nice, I'd be especially happy to win those lovely batiks.

  2. OK, who wouldn't love the fabric. Beautiful indeed. Jmikebalou9at) aol (dot) com

  3. I loved this post, I didn't know about the horsewomen and your dreams of the Olympics, so many lifetimes you've had.

  4. Thanks for sharing your journey with us! you always do such lovely work.

  5. Thanks for sharing your inspiring story and some of your quilts with us! I would love that book if I were lucky enough to win the giveaway.

  6. I love your embroidery. I can not stand not having anything to do, either. I discovered quilting during a period of time when I was in hiatus in crafting.

    1. Forgot to say: I would love to win the batiks. I am just getting into those and they are more my style than all the modern fabrics.

  7. I have followed your blog without knowing your story until now. Thanks fir sharing it.

  8. Nice to meet you. I WILL go look around and see what other wonderful quilts you have made.
    Happy Easter

  9. A most excellent your history and progression to where you are today. Our world is better because you are here :)
    I would love the book or fabric....:)

  10. Nice collection of cats and quilts. The batiks look so pretty.

  11. Having followed you for a little while, it was nice to get a background about how you got into quilting. I especially like your photos of your cats in your fabric – I have a similar challenge when it comes to separating the cat from the fabric. They always look so sad when you move them :-)

  12. Your quilts are very cute. Thanks for the chance to win. I'd love the book if I were chosen, but would be happy with either.

  13. Thanks for sharing your quilts--they are all beautiful!

  14. After years of reading your blog, I thought I knew a lot about you. I knew you were a horsewoman, but I didn't realize you had Olympic dreams. Great post I'm really enjoying this blog hop.

  15. Awesome story about your journey into quilting. The internet holds so many helpful tips and tutes for those of us who aspire to improved quilting.

    A book and batiks; what better giveaways could there be?

  16. You are no longer in the WC? I am disabled with adult onset Muscular Dystrophy, and quilting has really helped keep me sane!Thanks for sharing.

  17. My dad would tell us during trips that it is not about the destination but the journey. My life journey has been very diverse as yours from mon/farmhand to wife/quilter. Quilting calms my ADD down because like the computer there is always something new to learn.

  18. I have learned so much about all the quilters on this blog hop. Each has a unique journey. I'd choose the Island Batik fabrics, but both prizes are great.

  19. what a journey. you go girl. bless you. i do not have a lot of scraps, so the fabric would be awesome. thanks for inspiring. have a safe and fun Easter.
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  20. Ohhhh,,, so many parts of your life to inspire what you work and play with today.

  21. Lovely!Thank you for sharing your story!mumbird3(at)gmail(dot)com

  22. Wow...I had no idea about your previous life of horses. I guess there is a ray of sun shining through those dark clouds after all. We would have missed you in our quilting world had you not had that accident, Sharon.

  23. Hey Sharon

    I love reading your blog and seeing what you have been up to. I love the quilts that you pictured in this post. . .especially the yellow and blue. . .is it a log cabin variation of some sort?

    Have a wonderful day and keep up the inspiration.

    Sherry V.

    crazyquiltpatcher AT yahoo DOT com

  24. Each persons journey is unique, but I had not really thought about my own until I read this blog. Thanks. I have a few batiks and these from the Fire Island collection would help round out my stash.

  25. It's always a joy to visit your blog. You inspiration abounds! And of course as a scrappy quilter myself... :-)

  26. Am a constant reader of your blog. I to love scrap quilting but I have a question. In the picture of the block with the two ladies holding the cat. I used to have the web site for the lady who did these and since lost it. Could you please let me know the name so I can find it again? Thanks and I will put my name in for the draw and either one would make me happy.

  27. This blog hop is making me think about my own journey and the twists and turns that it has taken.


  28. I would love to know more about your days as a " horsewoman". Maybe a blog post about that when you have the time. I m a scrappy girl too and I agree that scraps alone can make creativity flow!

  29. Thank you for sharing your story. Scrappy quilts are wonderful and you can find so much history in one. I love when there are bits of old clothes used. It makes the quilt so personal.

  30. Really enjoyed your post, but your quilt inspectors are adorable!!! I can't quilt without mine.

  31. Thanks for sharing your story. I love to drop in and see what you are up to.

  32. I'm glad you're on this quilting journey - and I really enjoy watching every scrappy step you take!
    (And it's always fun to see the kitties helping!)

  33. You dabble in everything just like me. Thank you for the inspiration. Everything is lovely. janie(dot)mccombs(at)yahoo(dot)com

  34. What a lovely post :) thanks for the chance to win too! X

  35. Thanks for sharing your story! I would really love to win the fabric.

  36. Thank you for the lovely post. I am looking forward to the show in Clifton Park. Meeting quilters is an inspiration, since most of my quilting is very solitary.

  37. Wonderful post Sharon. I also feel that Eleanor Burns, Pat Speth, Bonnie Hunter, and Barbara Brackman are the 4 cornerstones to my quilting foundation. But I didn't realize your mother is in the Quilter's Hall of Fame. Way Cool.


    ps - just popping by. please don't enter me in your giveaway

  38. I always enjoy reading your blog and seeing your many lovely projects. And I think I've said it before, but it's worth repeating, you are wonderful to encourage others in their quilting and to help out for worthy causes. Both prizes sound fabulous -- should I win I'll be happy with either. Thanks for the chance!


  40. I love scrappy quilts too, I haven't made one yet, but I will. I'd prefer the fabric, but I'd be happy with the book.
    jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

  41. Your hand quilts are adorable! You are an inspiration to us,all. Thank your for shareing. Scrappy quilts are so much fun!

  42. Your hand quilts are adorable! You are an inspiration to us,all. Thank your for shareing. Scrappy quilts are so much fun!

  43. Loved reading your story Sharon, I'm also a scrap lover, most of the quilt items I've made I did from scraps. Not all, but more than matched fabric type quilts. I have also seen some of those "other lifetime" things in my life, but I always come back to sewing. It's just a passion and one I seem to remember well. I'm sew happy you joined us for this hop and allowed us into Quilt Lane for a few moments of your time today. Thank you.

  44. What an interest journey to quilting you've had, thanks for sharing it. Thanks for a chance to win a prize!

  45. Thanks for sharing your quilting journey. I'm not the biggest user of scraps but love looking at scrap quilts! Great prize - if lucky enough, I'd love to try that fabric

  46. Both prizes are lovely! Thanks for sharing your story and your quilts. I always get so much inspiration from the work of other quilters.

  47. New books or new fabric - something all quilters love. Thanks for the opportunity. Love your story.

  48. I love scraps, too! They can be reused and repurposed - even years later. My grandmother quilted with scraps, almost exclusively, so I know it can be done! So, my preference is the book, of course ;) lalaluu at yahoo dot com

  49. Loving all the stories on the blog hop. Winning the batiks would be awesome! Thanks for the opportunity.

  50. I love all of your photos shown, especially the cats in the scraps. Thanks!

    Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

  51. You have made some beautiful quilts! I also love scraps- so fun to use those little pieces from another favorite project or that were a gift from a friend. Thank you! Oh, and either prize is lovely!

  52. I have followed your blog for a few years and today I learned some things I didn't know about you. Thank you for always sharing and inspiring. My preference would be the batiks. I really don't have any batiks in my stash.

  53. What an inspirational story! Scrap quilts are some of my favorites too.

  54. I enjoyed reading this post. I have visited your blog for some time but learned new things about you today. You have been an inspiration to me on my journey in to quilting.

  55. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  56. Heehee, furkids and scraps, what other life is there? Thank you for sharing your journey, even though the accident was bad, beauty came out of it all. Thank you again. I would love the scrap book if I win! reeskylr(at)gmail(dot)com

  57. I never realized how much we have in common! I was so interested to know that your mom is Hall of Fame, and you are self-taught! =) Scraps are my favorites, too, and I love the pics of your kitties! Thanks for sharing, and for the giveaway chances.

  58. This is a nice blog hop. Looks like your furbabies enjoy quilting as much as you do!

  59. What an incredible story! I'm so glad you didn't let your disability keep you from your talent. You have done some amazing work!

  60. Very nice i work for a lady who has MS..She sews because she knows soon she wont be able too...Ty for sharing your story....

  61. Thanks for sharing your story with us. Book or fabric? Doesn't matter which.

  62. Thank you for your intro! I've popped in from time to time and am so inspired! Margo at onlydiamonds at hotmail dot com

  63. Thank you for sharing your journey. You are very inspiring! I have also fallen in love with scrap quilts. Bonnie Hunter is my quilt hero. I would love the book.

  64. Thanks for sharing. Ooh, I love the Batiks if there is a choice x
    Iain.ross30 at gmail dot com

  65. I enjoyed seeing your quilts over the all the kitties! Thanks for sharing the giveaways.

  66. Thank you for sharing your inspiring story! I don't have a preference on the prizes. They both would are wonderful.

  67. I love scrap quilts, too. The fabric would be my first choice. Thanks for sharing!

  68. I love your blog and have been a follower for awhile now, it is very interesting to hear more of your story. Thanks for sharing.
    I am like you in that I love to try all the different types of quilt projects and fabric styles, plus my fur kids get into everything I am doing, too. If I am a winner in your giveaway I would like the batiks as my first choice, but I would be very happy to win the book so either would be great. They are both wonderful prizes.
    My email is:

  69. It seems that so many of us have used quilting to heal!

  70. Hi Sharon! Lovely group of blocks and quilts (you know I also LOVE scrappy!!!)
    I absolutely agree on your 4 cornerstones (me too!)

  71. I love that you live on Quilt Lane. What a lovely post.

  72. I love your story. I started quilting about 5 years ago, and little did I know then how much I would need it. Quilting has kept me sane through multiple severe illnesses, and I am still trying to keep quilting despite the severe pain it can cause, because otherwise I am emotionally a wreck. Cdahlgren at live dot Com

  73. I love your story. I started quilting about 5 years ago, and little did I know then how much I would need it. Quilting has kept me sane through multiple severe illnesses, and I am still trying to keep quilting despite the severe pain it can cause, because otherwise I am emotionally a wreck. Cdahlgren at live dot Com

  74. I love scraps too. Your quilts are great - such variety!

  75. I'd love to win the Fire Island fabric!

  76. You have an inspiring story. I'm so glad you were able to immerse yourself in quilting after your accident. And thanks for your charity quilting!

  77. Thanks for sharing including the photos of your adorable cats.

  78. Inspirational story! I am laid up myself right now (knee replacement), and missing using my machine for quilting. However, I am not idle -- working on the prep for several quilts for . . . . whenever I can pedal again! :o) Thank you for sharing lynnstck(at)

  79. Thanks for sharing. I enjoy following your blog and am always inspired by your projects. Either prize is fine by me. Thanks for the chance.

  80. Beautiful quilts. Thanks for sharing. I would love to win ether prize.

  81. Very interesting post. I follow your blog and learned some new things about you.

  82. Wow! What an accomplished person you are. I am so glad you found a passion in quilting. I am still working on my Fussy Cut Friday quilt; my first attempt at EPP. I'm beginning to see the end and am already wondering what hand-sewing project I'll start next. :)

  83. That is one life traveled! As the same as you, quilting came much later in life. I also love Bonny Hunter mystery quilts for their scrappiness. Most of my enjoyment comes from the purr of the machine as those scrappy pieces make their own fabric. Thanks for the chance to win!

  84. Thanks for sharing your inspiring story. I love you quilts and I love cats too:) lauraluvsloonsatymaildotcom

  85. Thanks for sharing your inspiring journey. Either gift would be great to win.

  86. Loved reading your story!

    debbygrawn at yahoo dot com

  87. I enjoy reading how others find their way to quilting. Thanks for sharing your past lives! I would love to win the book as I have plenty of stash! 54 at gmail dot com

  88. Thanks for all your Inspiration! Looove your Quilts, Blog, and your furbabies!!!

    Thank you for chance to win your give-a-way too! :)

  89. You are definitely the queen of scraps with all your beautiful quilts! Thanks for sharing your story. :O)

  90. Great getting to know you. Thanks.

  91. Thank you for sharing, I agree life is a journey. Love everything you make always.

  92. I love your all your quilts, especially the scrappy ones. Through the years I have enjoyed your posts and been inspired to do more with small squares in numerous combinations in quilts of all sizes. Your skillful needle work inspires me, too.
    I've enjoyed pictures of your fur babies over the years.
    Let's not forget your crock pot posts. They encouraged me to pull my crock pot from storage. Now I use it often.
    Thank you for sharing your quilting journey and for being a wonderful blogging buddy. Please blog on.

  93. Thanks for sharing your life history. I go to your blog every day and use your side buttons. I would love the win the scrap book as
    I sew all the time with scraps.

  94. Sharon I'm way behind on blog reading but enjoyed this so much. It was fun seeing how you came to this part of your life - what a journey! I love quilting but in this season of my life I'm immersed in counted cross stitch. Unfortunately, my right hand is about to give out on me because of arthritis. I'm hoping some injections may give me a bit more time so I'm seeing a surgeon asap who is a "hand expert" and hoping surgery can be put off for a while. blessings, marlene

  95. I didn't know you lived on Quilt Ln. Guess I missed that along the way. You always have such fun stuff going at the sewing machine.

  96. Wow love your story. Thanks for sharing that. You can probably share again next month and I'll think it's something new. The brain ain't what it used to be. I love seeing what you are working on and what you've created and I love your fur babies. You are a scrapper.
