
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Busy Work

My sewing machine(s) aren't even plugged in - can you believe it???!!!  I am busy with preparing for this event.  My two entries have been done for some time, but I needed to add new/wider (temporary) hanging sleeves and cover the labels with supplied entry numbers (muslin patches).  Created and printed out a supply of bookmark type flyers for our quilt guild booth.  And I plan on working both days in what ever position needed - so I will be away that weekend. 

Previewing and rehearsing final step-outs and readying the patterns for a class I am teaching.  Yup, I designed a quilter's bag for a local quild (from their specs and requests) and I have a very FULL class coming up on April 15th.

And trying to connect all the dots for some other events coming up in May and June - wow, that makes the year fly.

Also, prepped my draft (several times) for the QQQ Blog Hop - my day is tomorrow.

So I leave you with this - I saw some pussy willows peeping on my walk:

Sewingly Yours,


  1. It sounds like you're busy and not in a fun way. I hope the machines get plugged in soon. I'm so glad the kittens survived in the pussy willow story :)

  2. But it's fun to have events like this to look forward to and break up the routine sometimes too. I'd love to take a class from you. :)

  3. Looks like a whirlwind of events is keeping you going. Whishing you much fun and success with the show.

  4. Enjoy your events, the time will fly and you'll be back to sewing in no time. Never heard the pussy willow story before. Thanks.

  5. Aww...what a sweet tale about pussy willows! I will have to remember that one.

  6. OOOooohh goodie. Clifton Park is not too far from me. I'll put it on my calendar and hope to come out for your show.

  7. Oh, rats! I would have loved to come see the show, but I'm going to be out of state. Have a terrific time, and I hope you get to plug your sewing machine back in soon!
    And happy bag teaching! I'm sure your students are going to enjoy the class.

  8. Here's my story about pussy willows: I was four, which means my brother was 11. We were helping out with a boy scount camp out (apparently). My dad showed me some pussy willows...first time I'd seen them, at my tender age. At some point, I was so excited to show the pussy willows to my brother, that I headed off to where the boy scouts were, and that meant crossing a rushing stream on a log. I fell into the stream. I don't remember how long I was in the water (icy cold), but my next memory is my dad pulling me out by one arm. Can't ever see or think of pussy willows without remembering that little adventure.

  9. Sounds like things are starting to ramp up. Good luck with all your projects coming up in the next few months.
