
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Surviving the Cold

The furkids and I am so glad the cold spell is over!  We had a bit of snow overnight and then changed to rain as it warmed - of course that meant morning ice before it all turned to mud.  Yes, very heavy rains that called for some flooding watches.  But the up side was I managed to seperate some colors from that pile dumped out of the 1.5" barrel.  Catching up on blues - timing with the cold.  I have 40 little 9-patches here.  Next is purple.

I got 'Dottie' quilted, bound, and label done!  My SIL, also, used the cold time to finish up the binding and label on her latest.  Hopefull we will have some decent photo weather to show these.

Once I cleaned the machine and put in a new needle, I worked on the next 'Adinkra' block.  With all of the BOMs and QALs, I have been very selective and keeping my list short - JUST TOO MANY.  This one caught my eye as I don't do many applique and I was intriqued being an ethnic project.  One of our quilt guild members (and she come to the shop to sew) will be traveling to Africa this summer and I hope she can pick me up some fabrics for this - won't that be so cool?  I am doing the blocks with some of my solid scraps for the symbols on muslin backing which should make it easy to match up some regional fabrics.

Since we are into the midlle of the month, I thought I better get moving on my 'Let's Book It' project.  The block bases are made and the fuseable ready - now to find the right scraps for those flowers I picked.

I have some in-town errands to run in the morning and then I am getting to those purple 9-patches and fuse those flowers.  My SIL has another little quilt ready for quilting - just stinking cute - and I would like to pull another of my own.  I might have time to prep a back for one of my large quilts to hand off to the long armer - I want that tote emptied by May. 

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Those tiny nines are so Cute! I can't imagine working with such tiny 9 patch blocks. Wouldn't they would look cute in a doll quilt : )

  2. You truly are amazing my friend with the projects that you do,glad it's warmer for you ,enjoy your day my friend xx

  3. love your little blue nine patches. Dottie is done already? you are a quilting machine my friend. and those plaids.........oooooohhh "love it".

  4. You always make good those blue blocks.

  5. You had it all from the weather, snow to mud ugh. I love the scrappy binding on Dottie, she's so cute.

  6. I continue to be amazed at all your blocks and progress on your projects. You are a quilting machine!

  7. Those blues are so pretty. I can't wait to see the ethnic quilt grow. That should be awesome.

    Congratulations on finishing Dottie. It looks so soft and comforting.

  8. I read about your cold weather while we were traveling. Glad to know it's mostly over.

  9. Catching up on your last several posts. Great work going on at your end of the universe. Love the house blocks, and your circles are adding up nicely.

  10. Your dottie quilt looks great Sharon.

  11. Yes winter is really the moment. This one has been everything but normal but I'm really not complaining. As you know, I don't like winter at all.

  12. Hurray for the Dottie finish!
    I'm glad the cold is done, too. We had frozen pipes everywhere! 8) (Luckily nothing broke.)

  13. You made good use of your "cold" days.
