
Saturday, February 13, 2016

Cold Slow Sunday Stitching

We are into a very cold spell thru the weekend.  Single digits with wind chills making it -20 to -30.  My wonderful brother called Saturday morning to say he would do the recyle run (my job) as he was already dressed for the outdoors doing some wood as long as he could use my Jeep - YES SIR!

Even the furkids won't even sit in the kitty window (like a pet door, but set up in my kitchen window).  Moe usually will venture in anything, but he has camped out on the spare bed and Bella is being a couch potato amongst all the blankets/quilts.

I spent the day picking up my scrap play and some housework - just to keep warm mind you.  Then I decided it was time to baste out 'Dottie'.  I'm a week behind schedule on quilting this.  I was having the worse time keeping it on the table - why?

Ha!  And she thought she was being sneaky.  I never heard her get up from the couch.

Bella - you stinker!!  At least she wasn't on top of it plucking my basting pins as I went which is her usual style.

I know you all are going to get tired of this as the year goes on, but I just love this project.  The 365 (366 with Leap  Year) is starting to look like a quilt.  I have the next six blocks/circles prepped and will do these to take breaks in the FMQ of Dottie.  I'm constantly asked (and usually they are no re-ply commentors) about my background blocks.  I am using Moda's Zen Chic 'Background-Paper'.  I have two jelly rolls of it.  One has been used to pre-make the blocks - just two strips sewn together and then sub cut into 4.5" squares.  I'm setting them randomly like a 2-rail, but not concerned whether I have a light/dark setting - just having fun with it.  When this group is used up, I will prepare the second jelly roll the same way - I know I will need all of both.

With another (worse) cold day, slowing down is defnitely on the schedule,

Sewingly Yours,


  1. lol funny Bella,oh i do love those spots,boy its so cold your way Sharon xx

  2. cold here too. brrrrr..... cats are trying to keep warm. loving your 365. I am playing catch up with mine. Jan almost done and on to Feb!

  3. Glad you didn't have to go out in the weather. I'm staying in, as well....cold + snow = staying inside and stitching.

  4. Very cold where I am today too. -40 Celsius with the wind chill. Yikes. Amazing how doing one circle a day adds up over time. Happy valentines stitching day!!!

  5. Circle quilts are very popular. They look great on the low volume prints you have chosen. I hope I am not a no-reply blogger with my WordPress blog?

  6. Yes it is certainly very cold here today. Sunshine was originally going to be knocking on neighbors' doors getting more Girl Scout cookie orders but it is way to chilly out for that. Hopefully next weekend will be better. Stay warm.

  7. Yikes...sub-zero temps! Glad you can stay in. The circles are growing and look so great!

  8. I love your circles and the way you're doing the backgrounds. I agree, it's so nice to see this project starting to look like a quilt!

  9. Your circles are really pretty. We have the cold here too. Bella knows a cozy place when she sees one. My basement sewing room is really cold despite having heat. I will be cross-stitching upstairs instead of working on a quilt. Stay warm.

  10. I doubt I'm going to get tired of the dots, I love to see them growing and yours look so great. That's way too cold for people and cats, stay inside nice and warm.

  11. Such a great idea for the circle backgrounds! We will not tire of seeing it, I guarantee you! Stay warm :)

  12. How cold is it? Even the cats are cuddled up in quillts! Loving your 365 days circles -- glad I can enjoy them vicariously through you!

  13. This cold weather is making me so ready for Spring! Stay warm!

  14. Stay warm. You have some nice projects in the works.

  15. I don't think we will tire of those lovely circles. Stay warm and cuddle with some of the fur babies - if they will allow it.

  16. Love your circles - especially on those low volume prints! Stay warm and safe!!

  17. Brrr, glad we are a bit further south. We haven't had it that cold this year. Your 366 blocks are looking great. It's going to be another fun quilt.

  18. It sounds so chilly. I don't blame the furbabies for hunkering down.

    I love those dots.

  19. Love your 365 blocks. I haven't started mine yet as i had other projects to finish but I will start on March 1st. It's cold here and Picasso has gone into hibernation sleeping all day on the back of the chairs nearest the heating. He only moves to eat and use the litter box.

  20. I don't think I'll ever tire of seeing your circles Sharon - they're wonderful! And I love the Paper background fabric - it's perfect!

    I honestly don't know how any human (or cat) survives in those temps!!! I'd be curled up in a bundles of quilts, with a cup of tea/coffee in my hand 24/7. I've always said I'm part bear because I just want to hibernate throughout the winter.... Oh, and not to mention the hairy legs too LOL!!!!

  21. Well I'm pretty much caught up on my reading so now as I comment you won't have to go back to far to figure out what I'm talking about. LOL. Love your 365 blocks And those silly kitties just wanna have fun and stay warm.

  22. Love those dots. Keep 'um coming.
