
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Machine is Put Away

After  putting the Dancing 4-Patch blocks together, the Juki got put away with the other machines.  Yes, no machine sewing for the rest of the year.  This one needs borders anyway - and I always drag my feet with those.

And with things picked up and moved out of the dining/living room, I truly know I want to move it all into a dedicated 'studio'.  I have a huge empty bedroom - means stairs, but I think this will work.  And if layed out just right - there will be room for a long arm.

Besides, I have my beloved cross stitch calling me.  I have fallen away from this and really have the desire to return.  I won't give up quilting - don't get nervous.  If my sewing is dedicated upstairs, I can set up my cross stitch in an area downstairs.  My night time bit of play as well as dedicating Slow Sunday Stitching to this.  I found these three books with an almost completed piece tucked in them.  So I will have them to keep me busy thru the rest of the year.

The next few days will be filled with family.  I will post my Santa Sack Swap goodies, but will be ending with a New Years post.  Happy Holidays to all,

Sewingly Yours,


  1. like you the machine is away but only for today, the family are coming for the Christmas festivities a day early so will be back stitching on 25th as will be on my own then. Enjoy your cross stitch I do hardanger when I go over from quilting to embroidery, it is my first love.

    have a lovely Christmas and hope you sort your new stitching room out, I have moved downstairs with mine as it is warmer was in the kitchen but could not fit the horn cabinet in so now stitching in the lounge when on the machine.Sorry seemed to have prattled on a bit

  2. Looking forward to seeing some of your stitching projects. I rotate my hobbies, sometimes cross stitch, sometimes quilting, but right now, crochet :)

  3. Have a lovely Christmas & New Year. Hugs, Susie x

  4. A long arm? How wonderful that will be and nice incentive to climb those stairs. Merry Christmas Sharon!

  5. I like your set up ideas....and did I hear long arm??? Merry Merry CHristmas Sharon. Enjoy those grand hugs!!

  6. A dedicated room is a wonderful idea. I have one now and love it. Mine wouldn't fit a long arm. Now that is a terrific idea. Merry, merry to you and your family.

  7. A dedicated sewing room would be fab. I hoping to create a space in our guest room as we don't have huge numbers of people to stay. Like you I will be cross stitching over Christmas but the machine will be out next week.

  8. Enjoy your holiday and all the family time.

  9. I too have put my sewing aside for the rest of the year. It will be family time for the next several days. Have fun with your cross stitch projects and have a very Merry Christmas.

  10. Happy Merry Merry! Enjoy the family time!

  11. I'm lucky enough to have a dedicated quilt lab downstairs and it's fabulous for popping in when I have even just 5 minutes. Luckily my family and friends know that my lab is usually a mess and they love it! Meowy Christmas from Sarah, Squeaky & Zorro!!!

  12. Merry Christmas Sharon....enjoy your family!

  13. I love the dancing 4 patch. I am always looking for ways to use up scraps!
    Merry Christmas Sharon!

  14. A dedicated sewing room is great! I still 'spread out' at times, too. Merry Christmas!

  15. You will love having a dedicated space for your quilting - especially if you have a long arm in it! And I love love love that dancing 4-patch - what a great design! Have a wonderful, merry Christmas, Sharon!!
