
Saturday, December 26, 2015

The After Glow

We had the warmest Christmas on record this year for New York (my brother is actually mowing the yard today).  But I had a lovely time with family and got to open some super gifts.  This is my wonderful collections of presents from Dee as part of the Santa Sack Swap.  I have participated in this since the beginning and my partners have always spoiled me.

A sack, bag, stocking or what you agree upon with your partner and 5 gifts which most are to be handmade.  I have always had sacks so asked for a stocking this year.  I didn't take photos of what I sent off - for fear of showing them off and Dee was peeking.  We could open them on the "decided day" or wait for Christmas Day - I opted to wait for Chirstmas Morn.

I love how she printed off 'notions' to tuck in the pretty case - my Mom thought they were real.  A super seam ripper - my most used has gotten real dull, so this was a real plus.  A cute zip full of mini Clover clips.  A roll of Steam A Seam 2 which is going to come in real handy with a project lined up for next year.  And some special Texas fabric that I need to find the perfect project for.

Those pretty Texas Bluebells in a lovely pillow - I have used up all my pillow forms so need to get a new one for this lovely.

And the back - she did a wonderful job in matching that overlap.  I could use this pillow either side, so pretty.

20 photos and it still is all fuzzy.  This adorable wall hanging.  Yes, you could use it as a runner, but will hang in a special place.  I love Chickadees - little clowns at our feeders.

I tried to get a close up of the gorgeous quilting on this.

Thank you Dee for being such a wonderful swap partner and Cheryl for being such a lovely host of SSS15.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Very fun Santa Swap gifts. Hard to believe that Christmas is over for another year.

  2. You got gifted with great items...perfect for you. enjoy.

  3. Mowing in December...who woulda thunk it after the Polar Vortex of last year. We've had the wettest December on record, although the rain has let up for a day or two recently. Nice to see the sun. What great gifts!

  4. Love Dee's Texas themed pillow (me being a native Texan). We're expecting ice. I'd rather have lots of snow, than ice any day.

  5. It looks like you received many nice gifts - amazing how many talented people there are and the gifts that they create!
    I can't wait to sign up for SSS16!!!
