
Thursday, December 3, 2015

Somber Days

I finished off my pineapple (free pattern HERE) wallhanging.  I liked the green for the border, but as I was quilting I saw it had crows in the tree print.  Are there crows where they grow pineapples?  Well, it's done.

Sadly our quilting community lost one of our members.  She was in our quild, an inductee in the Quilter's Hall of Fame, and a valued member of the community (and family friend).  I was asked to make a quilted cover for the Urn Box (I've done a few requested projects for the local funeral homes).  BUT this one I cried thru the whole process.  And I had an executive meeting for Hall of Fame and part of the agenda was discussing a Memorial Wall at the next quilt show for lost inductees - we all had a good cry then, too.

I needed a little outlet when I got home (after a little nap first) and made the three blocks for the Temecula Co mini - button is on the side bar.  I didn't like working the original size, so changed them up to finish up at 3".  I'll use the little one as part of the label.

Since most of our area long armers are booked, moving, or away - I have been commissioned to do some quilting to help people get their Christmas gifts done.  Luckily my schedule is clear, but I am not making this a usual thing.  It will help me thru these next few days.

Hoping your days are a little more Merry,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. so sorry for the loss of your friend.

  2. You have many wonderful memories to cloak yourself in. The loss of a friend is never easy. Thank goodness you have your quilt making to comfort you as you work this through. Please accept my most sincere condolences.

  3. Sharon, so sorry to hear about the death of your friend. I can certainly see how working on this project may help you through this time. Take care and sending hugs.

  4. So sorry to read about the loss of your quilting friend. Likely quilting for some other people for the next little while may help easy the hurt. Sending warm thoughts your way.

  5. So sorry to hear about the loss of your sweet quilting friend. Although it was hard to make that cover, what an honor to wrap your heartfelt love around the box. God Bless.

  6. Oh Sharon, I'm so sorry. Making the urn cover with so much care and tears is a nice private tribute to her and I hope it helped you.
    I have pineapples growing in my backyard and we have crows or maybe ravens, they're big and glow purpley in the sun.

  7. Stitch your love and memories into the special item you were asked to make. Heartfelt condolences in your loss of friend and quilter. So glad you have finished the looks wonderful. Sounds like your quilting calendar is full this month!

  8. My heartfelt sympathy go to you and your fellow quilters for the loss of your friend. We have lost two members of our small (about 15), both to cancer and both way before their time. It is sobering. The quilting projects you have taken on will keep you occupied and you will have helped someone else at the same time. Of course the gloomy days we have had haven't helped.
    The memorial wall sounds like a wonderful idea. I attended a quilt show in Punta Gorda, FL, last year where they had a memorial section.
    Take care and keep yourself busy (which is kind of a silly thing to tell you ).

  9. Sorry for the loss of your friend. As for the crows, I think they're probably myna birds. Myna birds are prolific in Hawaii, and so yes, they do have them where they grow pineapple.

  10. Sorry you lost your quilting friend. Always sad to lose someone. Good luck with the quilting for others.

  11. pineapple looks delicious. Sadness at the loos of a good friend, although your wept whilst making the cover for the urn I am sure when you look back you will be so glad you did it.

  12. So sorry on the loss of your friend! I'm also making the temecula blocks but in the original small size. Mine are all purples...

  13. Your pineapple hanging looks great Sharon. I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Sending you hugs, Christine xx

  14. wonderful pineapple Sharon and so sorry for your loss x

  15. My condolences in the loss of your friend and quilt guild member. It's hard to lose those close to us, even moreso so close to the holidays.
    An urn cover! What a great idea. I have my mom's "urn" which is a rectangular shaped box made of plastic(?) and it's purple, her favorite color, but not mine and it sticks out like a sore thumb so covering it with a quilted cover is a great idea.

  16. So sorry for your loss, will be sending hugs and prayers your way. Your little Temecula blocks are cute!

  17. Sharon, I'm so sorry your friend died. I hope your memories give you comfort and that the quilting will be good therapy too.

  18. So glad you can mourn your loss with friends. Cyber hugs being sent.

  19. Ahhhhh.... I am so sorry. It seems you have found a way to honor your friend and start healing your heart. Much love and hugs!

  20. Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Sounds like you have a good way to honour her
