
Monday, July 6, 2015

On a Monday

My Monday started out with good news - my car will be ready tomorrow.  The starter had gone and was actually a recall problem - I won't have to sell a kidney to pay for it as it is all covered.  I will have a small bill as I had them do an oil change and replenish any fluids as long as they had it up on the lift.

So I pulled a happy project for the day, only to have a furkid decide it was a good place to nap.  But I worked around her - eventually she decided the sunshine on the front porch was a better napping spot.

Just to make more sense of it all - a better shot of my Let's Book It project.  I hope to get at least the primary start on the strattas completed.  Everything is coming out of the various sources of scraps.

By the time my SIL was done with her sewing time at my place, I had all the strattas (still need the other side) done and the dark border pieces cut.  I have a small pile of scraps that will go into the second part of the strattas, but I have fat quarters and yardage that will fill in when it comes to it.

The scraps will have been cleared!  The purpose of this project.  I do have a small pile of pieces that aren't to size, so I will cut those down into my barrels - they will get used up in future projects.

Tomorrow - since my sewing time will be less due to picking up my car - I want to play with the 1 hour basket everyone is making.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Did you notice how well the furbaby matches the fabrics around her? She just HAD to sit there - she was sorting herself !

  2. Sell a Kidney! I burst out laughing! Oh boy that felt good! Glad that you got your car fixed, give that pretty kitty cat a scritch for me!

  3. Oh my. I totally missed Bella. She was wearing camouflage in the picture. Haha.
    Happy to hear you are going to be able to keep that kidney : )

  4. I was also thinking that the kitty matched the color scheme!
    Glad your car issue was an easy fix. (And cheap!)
    Can't wait to see that quilt.

  5. So glad to hear the car repair was covered!! My car goes for an inspection & oil change fingers are crossed it passes with flying colors. I agree - the furkin matches your project!!

  6. Hi Sharon how funny is your cat,she looks so cute sitting in your container,lol,have fun with your scrappy basket xx

  7. ALways good news when a repair turns out to be covered...whew! Love you scrappy pile and the furry guy!

  8. Bella always picks the perfect fabrics to compliment her beauty, such a smart kitty ;) I'm looking forward to seeing your one hour basket, I'm seeing them everywhere and they're so cute, perfect for holding a baby quilt as a gift.

  9. Glad youll have your wheels soon! The new quilt is going to be lovely...perfect fabrics chosen!

  10. Great news about the car. I have that book...I'm going to pull it out and see if there's something in it I want to make. :0)

  11. Hadn't really thought about the value of my kidneys until now. I wonder if we could fund Mike's early retirement that way. I like that project you're working on.

  12. What a lovely color scheme and the first thing I noticed was that kitty matches - maybe she realized how she coordinated and wanted to be sure you knew too :)

  13. Make sure you don't cut up that little furbaby in the process. The color is perfect for it.

  14. All good news for you. The colors are lovely on the new quilt.

  15. Glad it was a recall part, but, wish it hadn't broken on you.

  16. Very lucky deal with the car. Looks like you used your time with no wheels to good purpose.
