
Thursday, April 23, 2015


My poor furries are confused.  "It started to get warm Mamma, but this morning we went out and there is that dratted white stuff on the ground.  And it is falling from the sky.  And it is COLD'!  How better to spend a day like this than to nap in cozy fur piles on that great mound of pillows, blankets, and quilts. 

My commission work is on 'wait' for now as I didn't have any batts big enough.  After a browse of the web, I found a great sale on top of an Earth Day discount, and free shipping - I am waiting on a queen size roll of Quilter's Dream Select batt to be delivered to my door.

I thought best to use my wait time to clean  up some side projects (and the side table).  Being it is the last weekend for RSC15 -purple, I thought the first clean up should be the Itty Bitty blocks - just needed to put all those parts done as leader/enders into the final block format - done.

I saw this block on Bonnie Hunter's Quiltville and made a little change to it.  I had passed on some strips/strings to my Mom for a project she was working on and I got those cut-off bits back.  So I used those for the 1.5" squares, changed the corners to a full 2.5" square, and the center is a 3.5" square.  I am using up three different size scrap squares with some left over muslin strips.  Can't get any better than that!  I will sash with 2.5" muslin and 4-patch (1.5" squares) corner stones.

beaquilter at connecting threads

And a lovely shout out to Bea Lee who is now selling her patterns with Connecting Threads.  I had the pleasure of being a pattern tester for Bea and she is currently running several give aways of her patterns to celebrate this wonderful business adventure.  So go give her some love - and maybe win one of her patterns (browse back thru her last few posts for each pattern intro and give away).

** linking up with Feline FridayRSC15, and Oh, Scrap

I'm hoping Friday AND the weekend shows us some love - No more snow!

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I can echo that 'no more snow'!! What a wild weather week we've had here in WNY. Thanks for the link to Bea Lee's site.

  2. I know, I know. Seeing that white stuff yesterday was crazy. I'm hoping that that will be the very last of it for a long while.

  3. Snow?! Poor furries and poor you, I'd love to send you some sunshine.

  4. I was hoping that you had missed the snow. There was snow north of here, but, it missed us, thank goodness. Instead, we're getting frost warnings for several days in a row. I'm like the kitties, I'm ready for some warm weather.

  5. So glad we don't get snow but we make up for it with rain. I will definately check out the patterns - I'm a regular at Connecting Threads

  6. No??? More snow??? That is terrible.

    Your purples are so pretty.

  7. More snow - it is suppose to be spring. It's warm here and we haven't had snow in weeks.

  8. No snow here but it was in the 30's this morning. I like both Bonnie's and your blocks. You both seem to like itty bitty squares.

  9. I second the request for no more snow!

  10. So sorry about the SNOW. Always something FUN going on in your Quilt Zone. I like your changes. I did a bunch just like Bonie's! Trying to clear off some of my Cutting table. Keeping up with the bits of Scraps isn't easy.

  11. It is hard to believe it could be snowing towards end of April. Bummer...but makes for nice weather to quilt and stay near the toasty iron.

  12. I know! ENOUGH with the snow already! Your basket blocks and scrappy inventions look so nice. You make me want to go piece something...pronto!

  13. Oh my gosh! Snow!! I'd climb in bed and hide under the covers, I think!

  14. The snow hit us too. Looks like you were more productive than me though :)

  15. Oops. This post got by me somehow ... SNOW! Good grief, girl friend!
    I've admired and studied those Bonnie Hunter blocks, too. Like your alternative on those corner 4-patch blocks. I think Bonnie said she was using 1.5" scrappy squares for those blocks. I'm all thumbs working with pieces that small.
    Hope you have some spring this week, dear.

  16. Snow, what a thought! Glad you are being productive while waiting for your batting to arrive. So many pretty scraps put to good use. Can't beat Bonnie Hunter for scrap using inspiration.
