
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Simply Quiet

I will be quiet for a little time as I have some commission work to do.  Things don't have to be ready until the first weekend in June, but I don't want to be in another quilting marathon.  So I am getting quilts, pieced backs done and then allowed plenty of time to space their quilting.  Patriotic fabrics are as difficult for me to work with as Christmas fabrics - not my thing, but we have to step out of the box (and mind) sometimes.

To keep me happy, I have used some wonderful scraps sent to me by a lovely blogger.  These sweet 9-patches have grown as leader/enders while I am piecing the commission work.  I think these will make a great 'big-girl' quilt for my granddaughter when she is ready for that grown up bed.  Since that may be a time, I might even hand quilt it.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Hi Sharon what a lovely idea to make a quilt for your Grand daughter,love the blocks xx

  2. I know what you mean about working with certain fabrics and making it more difficult to get through. But you have a plan and reason, so we will cheer you on.

  3. I hear that! Started a project w/patriotic fabrics during the winter months, thinking it would be's already tucked away in a bin in the bottom of the closet, waiting for just the right rainy day.

  4. Red, white and blue always feels like it needs something, maybe yellow to brighten it up. Those blocks for your granddaughter are going to be a beautiful treasure quilt.

  5. Love those nine patches; making them would keep me happy, too. Sounds like you have a good plan going.

  6. My mom and I talk about that same thing sometimes....working on a project that just does't motivate you. They sure make the others more fun though! Happy quiet quilting...

  7. I have a few of those projects in a box that just didn't get me motivated. Someday maybe I'll dig them out...maybe. Love the nine patches you've created so far!

  8. It sounds like you are going to have some challenging sewing time, but those leader ender blocks will provide some relief.

  9. You are wise to give yourself plenty of time. I learned even in young adulthood that I don't like the angst that comes with running out of time on a project, sewing or otherwise. Your little nine patch blocks are very cute. Those would make a wonderful quilt for a little girl.

  10. Good start on scrappy, adult, big girl quilt. Such a good idea. By starting early, you will have time to incorporate a huge variety of colors, prints and fabrics in this one.
    I don't handle stressful deadline crunches. Dealt with them easily when I was young. Not anymore.

  11. Love the nine patches! Those will make such a fun big girl quilt for your granddaughter! I hope your commissioned project goes smoothly. Very wise to get an early start!

  12. I've been quiet for a while Sharon - busy and just have too much going on to blog often or even stitch a lot. We're off on another two month mission trip and the WiFi, which used to be really good here, is so slow these days that it's almost not worth it. The cycles of life - we just have to fit what we can into what time we have! blessings, marlene

  13. You have some great projects here. I always love 9-patches and yours will lead to great quilts!

  14. Look forward to seeing all you finish.

  15. Great fabrics and 9 patches. Hope things are going well for you.

  16. looking forward to seeing your progress :)
