
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Closing Out March

March roared in with cold, wind, and snow - and she is closing out with much the same in our area.  Things were slowly melting off (then a fresh blanket), but I think Mother Nature and Old Man Winter are in a bit of a tiff these days.  I wonder what April Fools Day will bring?

RSC15 color - YELLOW - all blocks completed and stored in their respective containers in wait of next month.

Using Slow Stitching Sunday to work the newest cross stitch.  I have been a little lax on this one and trying to catch up on some evenings for the Sundays that I miss.  I finally took a day and gave myself a headache to sort all those pinks, corals, reds, fuschia strands so I can start working the flowers.


Progress on the 9-patch and snowball QAL was to get all those blocks into rows - completed and actually into a flimsy with first borders made.

Complete the 'Let's Book It' project - done and tutorial for geese done.

Fabric frame and finish off the "found' cross stitch piece.  And add the fabric framing tutorial to my tab.

Some extra play time - use up those bits for doll quilts to send to the Mrs Clause Project.  This is my second little quilt and I have another baggy of bits ready for April.

And some added fun to the end of the month.  The minute I saw this on Jolly Jabber ( Fat Quarter Shop blog) for the Charm Box Quilt, I had to play.  It's not me - someone else used my camera to snap a photo for me while I held the quilt - it IS my crummy camera that takes horrible pics.  This is Jubilee by Bunny Hill with some left over Kona Snow.  I added the outer border (yes, I did a border!) to increase the size.  It took an afternoon to make and another afternoon to quilt.  Need a quick baby quilt?  This one is fast.

A long, hard month has come to a close - I am looking to April as a new light into Spring.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. At least you had a great month for stitching! Those poor crocus look so cold.

  2. I love the way the quilting looks on the borders of your Charm Box Quilt. It does look like a fun quilt to make.

  3. Lovely projects Sharon! Such a delightful mix of fun and finishing things up :) I too am depending on April to bring the spring weather I so desperately want!!!

  4. Wonderful work as always , lots of great projects completed , I guess the nasty weather was helpful in some ways . Snowing here again today , another 15cm . Oh joy ! I am hoping april will be the turn around month and spring will really arrive .

  5. I'm with you; Bring on April. It's got to be an improvement. Nice finishes, and your doll quilt is sweet. I wasn't interested in the Jolly Jabber projects, but it does make a really nice baby quilt, or maybe a fast charity quilt.

  6. Great finishes. Especially the doll quilt. I can imagine it will be loved, creating fond memories for some little girl somewhere. Sorry about the headache.

  7. Great group of finishes for the month. I do especially love that little geese quilt. Here's hoping for April sunshine and warmer temps!

  8. A great month of projects. Hope spring finds it way to you soon.

  9. Great projects, Sharon. I really like your charm box quilt.

  10. Fantastic projects you worked on thru March Sharon...
    Fingers crossed for some sunshine now... xox

  11. March ended with temps in the 80's in the Tulsa area. Of course, we may have frost on Saturday. I love the projects and the yellow is springy. Your projects always inspire me. I need to get back to my machine. I've been spending time with others going through grief from the loss of love ones, so I'm going some good work, too and I still miss my machine. Thanks for the inspiration - as always.
