
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

April 2015 Goals

From the look of the Farmer's Almanac and Dopplar Radar forecasts - April is going to be a very wet one for us.  I better keep my boots and umbrella at the door as well as the 'rag' towels for wiping muddy kitty feet.

And I am keeping my April really SIMPLE.  Very few projects on the 'real' to-do list with room for a lot of block play.  I do have 4 quilts ready for quilting - NO MARATHON QUILTING and 4 quilts that need their final borders so they can be quilted.  But no rush or stress with those.

A lovely blogger shared a quilt she was working on out of this book - and I smacked myself as she gifted me this very book and I have yet to touch it - shame!!  So I have found two quilts in here I would like to make for my next 'Let's Book It', but only committing to one for the month.  The other will certainly be played with later in the year.

This is the quilt I chose and I am doing the BIG size - and borders.  I have a lot of scraps that I hope will get put to good use in this.  AND the left overs will get boxed for the other one I liked.

The RSC1 color for the month is PURPLE, so I pulled my baggie of purples from last year as I want to use all these up before I have to pull more from my other sources.  Yup, get another one of those zip bags emptied!

And I have the cross stitch monthly flowers to slow down with on Sundays.

I, also, have pledged to myself that once this 'winter' is over - I NEED to get out more.  I have had too many years of being layed up recovering from one accident to the next and then two horrible winters in a row.  I need to get out on some day trips - some new adventures.

Sewingly Yours,



  1. It sounds like April will be soothing and very nice around your place, I particularly like your last pledge to yourself, I hope you have some nice weather to enjoy those outings.

  2. Like your new project pick. and purples sound like fun to me. A day trip is planned for us fooling!

  3. I wish we could have some of your rain. I'd love to wear my boots again! Enjoy your getting out. I hope you have something fun planned.

  4. I like how you're making just enough commitments to allow yourself plenty of play time with fabric. Great news about emptying another baggie! I just went the opposite and filled up a bunch! Yikes! I hope you have some good ideas for new adventures, and that you get to enjoy lots of them this year.

  5. I'm taking a page from your book this year. Fewer commitments. I'm feeling a lot less stress.
    Pretty purple scraps. Looking forward to seeing the nickel quilt come together.
    Happy April Fool's Day back at you, dear.

  6. That is my absolute favorite quilting book. I done many of the quilts in this book and there will only be a couple I don't do. It was a great investment.

  7. Sounds like your April goals will keep you busy. I think taking some day trips is a great idea.

  8. Looks like a fun April is planned. Enjoy getting out when you can.

  9. Mmm more time to play with fabrics sounds heavenly. Day trips would definitely perk you up after the long winter.
