
Monday, February 23, 2015

Another Unplugged Weekend

I don't totally unplug - just step away from the computer.  I spent last weekend in getting all those flimsies done, so this weekend was spent getting them quilted.  My body has told me that to NEVER do that again!  So once a top is ready, it must be quilted then and there - no more marathon sessions please.  I did take breaks to amuse my furries.  They are getting too 'winter weather weight' and need some exercise each day - as well as cut back on the treats.

Since our weather is bad, I had to resort to indoor photos.  This is my second quilt guild charity donation ( the blue one can be seen HERE) and made from scraps from four different people.  I just did my go to serpentine at random spacing since this is on the modern side.

And I was so happy to find a use for this fabric on the back - used up!  Even the binding was a piece used up and off the shelf.

My first Sweet16 quilt - 16-patches with chain blocks.  AND that barrel of 2.5" squares is still over flowing.

I pieced two browns (cleared from the shelf) for the back and the fun stipey binding is another clean out.  This is a large quilt and I see that HappyChemo is in need of the 45" square and men size quilts - this will make for a nice man's quilt.

And my second Sweet16 - a variation on the Jacob's ladder block.  I did this one with 2" squares - hmmm, maybe there is time to make another with those 2.5". (there's bella - a little slimmer these days)

I pieced the back with the left over border fabric (an old RJR line) and two other greens - more clean off.  Even the binding was a piece cleared off the shelf.

And I cleared out my roll of batting - I cut down the last of the roll so I have 4 more pieces ready (I have a common size for my quilts, so this works).  Now that huge long tube is out the door, too. 

Sewingly Yours,
**and remind me to never marathon quilt again**


  1. woweee - fabulous quilts. Job well done...

  2. Wow! You really have been busy and they all look great.

  3. You may have aches & pains but your marathon was sooo worth it.
    All three quilts look fantastic. xox

  4. Great job with the quilting marathon....AND using up all that stash! I bet it feels great to have those fabrics cleared from the shelves.

  5. What great ideas for charity quilts - and using up your stash!

  6. I quilted two big size quilts this weekend and I paid for it on sunday. I commend you for the love quilts. Great for the heart.

  7. Yeah to you for all the hard work. I'm sure that feels great.

  8. Beautiful donation quilts! I feel your pain, literally, as my neck was complaining loudly after a full day at the machine yesterday. More frequent breaks needed, I guess.

  9. Beautiful quilts, Sharon. You amaze me at how much you get done, and how many are made for charity. You're such a generous quilter and an inspiration to us all!

  10. Wow you got a lot cleared out. I really like the look of the Sweet 16 Jacobs Ladder, I think I need to make one of them.

  11. Can't pick a favorite here, as they are all great! I love the mix it up scrappy looks. applause for clearing out some older pieces on those for new stuff now!

  12. Love the last quilt you showcased. Well done on getting all of those quilted.

  13. Those sweet 16 patches are great examples of what you can do with that block. Great job at whittling away at the fabric collection.

  14. You're really getting a lot cleaned out. Fabric...such a burden.

  15. Wonderful scrap quilts! But no more marathons missy!

  16. Remember - no marathon quilting in the future! It must feel wonderful to get so many projects finished though! Great job. I really like the Sweet 16. I may have to try one of those with my scraps.

  17. I just love those Sweet 16 quilts. You do a fabulous job with all of your scraps.

  18. I love your quilts, great job. I wouldn't have the stamina for such a mammoth quilting session.

  19. Such pretty quilts and great advice... says this quilter who has a large stack of flimsies waiting for their finishing treatment! See you on the flip side with my bottle of Aleve ready.

  20. You sew much faster than I do. I have tendonitis in my wrist, so, when it starts tingling (from too much pinning) I have to stop. I limits how much I can get done. Cute quilts!

  21. You won't get any flack from me on no more quilting marathons but you sure did finish some pretty quilts!! Funny how the scraps never really do go away, huh>??!!

  22. Such pretty quilts, Sharon! I think we all have something we need to be reminded of occasionally - I've asked my daughter (the graphic designer in the family) to make me one that says, "Straight line quilt that quilt? What are you thinking???"

  23. Wow, what a productive week! All the quilts turned out beautifully, my favorite is the last one.

  24. Really love your variations on the Sweet16 quilts! I've done the marathon thing and I always pay for it later, so don't do that again, but you sure did get some beautiful results for your pains! Love your blog!!
