
Sunday, October 5, 2014

It's Fall

The only stitching I have done is to make the last row of Cindy's Quilt Doodle BOM - tree lights.  And boy does it feel more like WInter than Fall as we went from gorgeous weather right into BRRR!  I'm wrapped in a blanket and finally gave in and turned the furnace on - don't want pipes to freeze - we are in the 30's tonight.  Sure our trees will be peeking while I am busy with my Mom and the quilt show, so I took some pitures a few days ago to share.

The mountains across the way from us.  Not a lot of reds - they get more rusts and oranges.  And I love the foamy look to the tops of the corn field right now.

See - brown bottoms and foamy tops - that last bit of green hanging on.  This will be ready to cut in another week.

The row of trees near the house - wind block row.  Usually these have a lot more color to them, but this year they are stay very low key.

The old stone quary is in that mix and I had tried to capture the eagle that usually is in that dead tree - I wasn't fast enough as he spooks easy as hunting season has begun here.

Some flox still hanging on and the Rose of Sharon bush was very late to bloom this year.  Sharing some of our flower beds as they may not be with us after these cold nights.

I probably won't get to sew much thru the week and into the weekend, but I have a couple of wallhangings that have been underwraps for several month that I can now share so I will pop them in sometime during the week.  AND I will be sure to get lots of photos while working at the quilt show over the weekend.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Your tree lights are super cute. I love the background fabric. Thanks for sharing all your beautiful pictures. The daisies just make me smile. My dear friend,s guild has their biannual quilt show coming up too. I love seeing all the quilts. And the vendors are fun too. Do not work to hard!

  2. The photos of the trees are lovely. We are in a temperate climate, so very few of the trees in our turn colour & drop their leaves. Its a treat when you see one some where.

  3. love your tree lights. it is getting colder here too and more leaves on the ground to rake. I have woods behind me so raking leaves is a chore I wish NOT to do! LOL but they are pretty when they turn

  4. Love seeing the photos of your area - the trees are really lovely. Good luck with your preparations gorgeous the quilt show.

  5. Those are lovely photos of your flower beds and I'm sure you will refer back to them over the winter to help you remember the nicer weather to come.

  6. Thanks for sharing your's so beautiful where you live. Enjoy the quilt show this week and good luck to your mom:)

  7. I enjoyed looking at your pictures Sharon. It is so beautiful around your home. Here in California, we don't get much color. This year with our drought, the leaves are dying before they have a chance to turn color.

  8. Got to the 40's here last night, still haven't turned on the heat. Lots of blankets, good sleeping. Your pictures of the great outdoors are wonderful. Thanks.

  9. Beautiful pictures, I can just imagine what those trees will look like when they peak, such a pretty place to live. Good luck with the show and with your mom, I hope all goes well.

  10. Oh enjoy the show!!! It got quite chilly here too very quickly :( I'm in love with your tree lights blocks!!!

  11. Your flowers are looking good. Mine got fried while we were gone. Love your Christmas lights.

  12. Your colors are much better than ours.

    I love your string of lights blocks.

  13. I love the pictures. I think Fall colors are my favorite and working with them in fabric help me forget about the chill in the air and the soon to arrive snow. Have a great week!

  14. Your tree lights look just great and I loved seeing all your fall colours and your gardens that are still very much in bloom . Enjoy the show .

  15. This is so my favorite time of the year, and I really enjoyed your pics!! My favorite is the trees on the hill/mountainside - I love seeing them from a afar and all the range of glorious color! An artist couldn't paint it any better! :)

  16. Wow Sharon - down in the thirties! It's really nice here and no where near that cold. Pleasant days and cool nights though and I'm loving it. I wonder why your colors aren't as vivid this year...does it have something to do with rain amounts? blessings, marlene

  17. You've got a beautiful flower garden. Maybe it won't get so cold that you'll lose those just yet. Beautiful fall photos.

  18. Your yard is so pretty! It will be interesting to see how the leaves change, now that you have early pictures. Remember to take care of yourself, too!!

  19. You live in such a lovely place. There is nothing quite as beautiful as the fall in the northeast.
